def | z3_debug () |
def | enable_trace (msg) |
def | disable_trace (msg) |
def | get_version_string () |
def | get_version () |
def | get_full_version () |
def | open_log (fname) |
def | append_log (s) |
def | to_symbol (s, ctx=None) |
def | z3_error_handler (c, e) |
def | main_ctx () |
def | get_ctx (ctx) |
def | set_param (*args, **kws) |
def | reset_params () |
def | set_option (*args, **kws) |
def | get_param (name) |
def | is_ast (a) |
def | eq (a, b) |
def | is_sort (s) |
def | DeclareSort (name, ctx=None) |
def | DeclareTypeVar (name, ctx=None) |
def | is_func_decl (a) |
def | Function (name, *sig) |
def | FreshFunction (*sig) |
def | RecFunction (name, *sig) |
def | RecAddDefinition (f, args, body) |
def | deserialize (st) |
def | is_expr (a) |
def | is_app (a) |
def | is_const (a) |
def | is_var (a) |
def | get_var_index (a) |
def | is_app_of (a, k) |
def | If (a, b, c, ctx=None) |
def | Distinct (*args) |
def | Const (name, sort) |
def | Consts (names, sort) |
def | FreshConst (sort, prefix="c") |
def | Var (idx, s) |
def | RealVar (idx, ctx=None) |
def | RealVarVector (n, ctx=None) |
def | is_bool (a) |
def | is_true (a) |
def | is_false (a) |
def | is_and (a) |
def | is_or (a) |
def | is_implies (a) |
def | is_not (a) |
def | is_eq (a) |
def | is_distinct (a) |
def | BoolSort (ctx=None) |
def | BoolVal (val, ctx=None) |
def | Bool (name, ctx=None) |
def | Bools (names, ctx=None) |
def | BoolVector (prefix, sz, ctx=None) |
def | FreshBool (prefix="b", ctx=None) |
def | Implies (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | Xor (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | Not (a, ctx=None) |
def | mk_not (a) |
def | And (*args) |
def | Or (*args) |
def | is_pattern (a) |
def | MultiPattern (*args) |
def | is_quantifier (a) |
def | ForAll (vs, body, weight=1, qid="", skid="", patterns=[], no_patterns=[]) |
def | Exists (vs, body, weight=1, qid="", skid="", patterns=[], no_patterns=[]) |
def | Lambda (vs, body) |
def | is_arith_sort (s) |
def | is_arith (a) |
def | is_int (a) |
def | is_real (a) |
def | is_int_value (a) |
def | is_rational_value (a) |
def | is_algebraic_value (a) |
def | is_add (a) |
def | is_mul (a) |
def | is_sub (a) |
def | is_div (a) |
def | is_idiv (a) |
def | is_mod (a) |
def | is_le (a) |
def | is_lt (a) |
def | is_ge (a) |
def | is_gt (a) |
def | is_is_int (a) |
def | is_to_real (a) |
def | is_to_int (a) |
def | IntSort (ctx=None) |
def | RealSort (ctx=None) |
def | IntVal (val, ctx=None) |
def | RealVal (val, ctx=None) |
def | RatVal (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | Q (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | Int (name, ctx=None) |
def | Ints (names, ctx=None) |
def | IntVector (prefix, sz, ctx=None) |
def | FreshInt (prefix="x", ctx=None) |
def | Real (name, ctx=None) |
def | Reals (names, ctx=None) |
def | RealVector (prefix, sz, ctx=None) |
def | FreshReal (prefix="b", ctx=None) |
def | ToReal (a) |
def | ToInt (a) |
def | IsInt (a) |
def | Sqrt (a, ctx=None) |
def | Cbrt (a, ctx=None) |
def | is_bv_sort (s) |
def | is_bv (a) |
def | is_bv_value (a) |
def | BV2Int (a, is_signed=False) |
def | Int2BV (a, num_bits) |
def | BitVecSort (sz, ctx=None) |
def | BitVecVal (val, bv, ctx=None) |
def | BitVec (name, bv, ctx=None) |
def | BitVecs (names, bv, ctx=None) |
def | Concat (*args) |
def | Extract (high, low, a) |
def | ULE (a, b) |
def | ULT (a, b) |
def | UGE (a, b) |
def | UGT (a, b) |
def | UDiv (a, b) |
def | URem (a, b) |
def | SRem (a, b) |
def | LShR (a, b) |
def | RotateLeft (a, b) |
def | RotateRight (a, b) |
def | SignExt (n, a) |
def | ZeroExt (n, a) |
def | RepeatBitVec (n, a) |
def | BVRedAnd (a) |
def | BVRedOr (a) |
def | BVAddNoOverflow (a, b, signed) |
def | BVAddNoUnderflow (a, b) |
def | BVSubNoOverflow (a, b) |
def | BVSubNoUnderflow (a, b, signed) |
def | BVSDivNoOverflow (a, b) |
def | BVSNegNoOverflow (a) |
def | BVMulNoOverflow (a, b, signed) |
def | BVMulNoUnderflow (a, b) |
def | is_array_sort (a) |
def | is_array (a) |
def | is_const_array (a) |
def | is_K (a) |
def | is_map (a) |
def | is_default (a) |
def | get_map_func (a) |
def | ArraySort (*sig) |
def | Array (name, *sorts) |
def | Update (a, *args) |
def | Default (a) |
def | Store (a, *args) |
def | Select (a, *args) |
def | Map (f, *args) |
def | K (dom, v) |
def | Ext (a, b) |
def | SetHasSize (a, k) |
def | is_select (a) |
def | is_store (a) |
def | SetSort (s) |
| Sets. More...
def | EmptySet (s) |
def | FullSet (s) |
def | SetUnion (*args) |
def | SetIntersect (*args) |
def | SetAdd (s, e) |
def | SetDel (s, e) |
def | SetComplement (s) |
def | SetDifference (a, b) |
def | IsMember (e, s) |
def | IsSubset (a, b) |
def | CreateDatatypes (*ds) |
def | DatatypeSort (name, ctx=None) |
def | TupleSort (name, sorts, ctx=None) |
def | DisjointSum (name, sorts, ctx=None) |
def | EnumSort (name, values, ctx=None) |
def | args2params (arguments, keywords, ctx=None) |
def | Model (ctx=None) |
def | is_as_array (n) |
def | get_as_array_func (n) |
def | SolverFor (logic, ctx=None, logFile=None) |
def | SimpleSolver (ctx=None, logFile=None) |
def | FiniteDomainSort (name, sz, ctx=None) |
def | is_finite_domain_sort (s) |
def | is_finite_domain (a) |
def | FiniteDomainVal (val, sort, ctx=None) |
def | is_finite_domain_value (a) |
def | AndThen (*ts, **ks) |
def | Then (*ts, **ks) |
def | OrElse (*ts, **ks) |
def | ParOr (*ts, **ks) |
def | ParThen (t1, t2, ctx=None) |
def | ParAndThen (t1, t2, ctx=None) |
def | With (t, *args, **keys) |
def | WithParams (t, p) |
def | Repeat (t, max=4294967295, ctx=None) |
def | TryFor (t, ms, ctx=None) |
def | tactics (ctx=None) |
def | tactic_description (name, ctx=None) |
def | describe_tactics () |
def | is_probe (p) |
def | probes (ctx=None) |
def | probe_description (name, ctx=None) |
def | describe_probes () |
def | FailIf (p, ctx=None) |
def | When (p, t, ctx=None) |
def | Cond (p, t1, t2, ctx=None) |
def | simplify (a, *arguments, **keywords) |
| Utils. More...
def | help_simplify () |
def | simplify_param_descrs () |
def | substitute (t, *m) |
def | substitute_vars (t, *m) |
def | substitute_funs (t, *m) |
def | Sum (*args) |
def | Product (*args) |
def | Abs (arg) |
def | AtMost (*args) |
def | AtLeast (*args) |
def | PbLe (args, k) |
def | PbGe (args, k) |
def | PbEq (args, k, ctx=None) |
def | solve (*args, **keywords) |
def | solve_using (s, *args, **keywords) |
def | prove (claim, show=False, **keywords) |
def | parse_smt2_string (s, sorts={}, decls={}, ctx=None) |
def | parse_smt2_file (f, sorts={}, decls={}, ctx=None) |
def | get_default_rounding_mode (ctx=None) |
def | set_default_rounding_mode (rm, ctx=None) |
def | get_default_fp_sort (ctx=None) |
def | set_default_fp_sort (ebits, sbits, ctx=None) |
def | Float16 (ctx=None) |
def | FloatHalf (ctx=None) |
def | Float32 (ctx=None) |
def | FloatSingle (ctx=None) |
def | Float64 (ctx=None) |
def | FloatDouble (ctx=None) |
def | Float128 (ctx=None) |
def | FloatQuadruple (ctx=None) |
def | is_fp_sort (s) |
def | is_fprm_sort (s) |
def | RoundNearestTiesToEven (ctx=None) |
def | RNE (ctx=None) |
def | RoundNearestTiesToAway (ctx=None) |
def | RNA (ctx=None) |
def | RoundTowardPositive (ctx=None) |
def | RTP (ctx=None) |
def | RoundTowardNegative (ctx=None) |
def | RTN (ctx=None) |
def | RoundTowardZero (ctx=None) |
def | RTZ (ctx=None) |
def | is_fprm (a) |
def | is_fprm_value (a) |
def | is_fp (a) |
def | is_fp_value (a) |
def | FPSort (ebits, sbits, ctx=None) |
def | fpNaN (s) |
def | fpPlusInfinity (s) |
def | fpMinusInfinity (s) |
def | fpInfinity (s, negative) |
def | fpPlusZero (s) |
def | fpMinusZero (s) |
def | fpZero (s, negative) |
def | FPVal (sig, exp=None, fps=None, ctx=None) |
def | FP (name, fpsort, ctx=None) |
def | FPs (names, fpsort, ctx=None) |
def | fpAbs (a, ctx=None) |
def | fpNeg (a, ctx=None) |
def | fpAdd (rm, a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpSub (rm, a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpMul (rm, a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpDiv (rm, a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpRem (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpMin (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpMax (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpFMA (rm, a, b, c, ctx=None) |
def | fpSqrt (rm, a, ctx=None) |
def | fpRoundToIntegral (rm, a, ctx=None) |
def | fpIsNaN (a, ctx=None) |
def | fpIsInf (a, ctx=None) |
def | fpIsZero (a, ctx=None) |
def | fpIsNormal (a, ctx=None) |
def | fpIsSubnormal (a, ctx=None) |
def | fpIsNegative (a, ctx=None) |
def | fpIsPositive (a, ctx=None) |
def | fpLT (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpLEQ (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpGT (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpGEQ (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpEQ (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpNEQ (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | fpFP (sgn, exp, sig, ctx=None) |
def | fpToFP (a1, a2=None, a3=None, ctx=None) |
def | fpBVToFP (v, sort, ctx=None) |
def | fpFPToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None) |
def | fpRealToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None) |
def | fpSignedToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None) |
def | fpUnsignedToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None) |
def | fpToFPUnsigned (rm, x, s, ctx=None) |
def | fpToSBV (rm, x, s, ctx=None) |
def | fpToUBV (rm, x, s, ctx=None) |
def | fpToReal (x, ctx=None) |
def | fpToIEEEBV (x, ctx=None) |
def | StringSort (ctx=None) |
def | CharSort (ctx=None) |
def | SeqSort (s) |
def | CharVal (ch, ctx=None) |
def | CharFromBv (bv) |
def | CharToBv (ch, ctx=None) |
def | CharToInt (ch, ctx=None) |
def | CharIsDigit (ch, ctx=None) |
def | is_seq (a) |
def | is_string (a) |
def | is_string_value (a) |
def | StringVal (s, ctx=None) |
def | String (name, ctx=None) |
def | Strings (names, ctx=None) |
def | SubString (s, offset, length) |
def | SubSeq (s, offset, length) |
def | Empty (s) |
def | Full (s) |
def | Unit (a) |
def | PrefixOf (a, b) |
def | SuffixOf (a, b) |
def | Contains (a, b) |
def | Replace (s, src, dst) |
def | IndexOf (s, substr, offset=None) |
def | LastIndexOf (s, substr) |
def | Length (s) |
def | SeqMap (f, s) |
def | SeqMapI (f, i, s) |
def | SeqFoldLeft (f, a, s) |
def | SeqFoldLeftI (f, i, a, s) |
def | StrToInt (s) |
def | IntToStr (s) |
def | StrToCode (s) |
def | StrFromCode (c) |
def | Re (s, ctx=None) |
def | ReSort (s) |
def | is_re (s) |
def | InRe (s, re) |
def | Union (*args) |
def | Intersect (*args) |
def | Plus (re) |
def | Option (re) |
def | Complement (re) |
def | Star (re) |
def | Loop (re, lo, hi=0) |
def | Range (lo, hi, ctx=None) |
def | Diff (a, b, ctx=None) |
def | AllChar (regex_sort, ctx=None) |
def | PartialOrder (a, index) |
def | LinearOrder (a, index) |
def | TreeOrder (a, index) |
def | PiecewiseLinearOrder (a, index) |
def | TransitiveClosure (f) |
def | to_Ast (ptr) |
def | to_ContextObj (ptr) |
def | to_AstVectorObj (ptr) |
def | on_clause_eh (ctx, p, n, dep, clause) |
def | ensure_prop_closures () |
def | user_prop_push (ctx, cb) |
def | user_prop_pop (ctx, cb, num_scopes) |
def | user_prop_fresh (ctx, _new_ctx) |
def | user_prop_fixed (ctx, cb, id, value) |
def | user_prop_created (ctx, cb, id) |
def | user_prop_final (ctx, cb) |
def | user_prop_eq (ctx, cb, x, y) |
def | user_prop_diseq (ctx, cb, x, y) |
def | user_prop_decide (ctx, cb, t, idx, phase) |
def | PropagateFunction (name, *sig) |