Module Z3.AST.ASTVector

module ASTVector: sig .. end

Vectors of ASTs

type ast_vector 
val mk_ast_vector : context -> ast_vector

Create an empty AST vector

val get_size : ast_vector -> int

The size of the vector

val get : ast_vector -> int -> AST.ast

Retrieves the i-th object in the vector.

val set : ast_vector -> int -> AST.ast -> unit

Sets the i-th object in the vector.

val resize : ast_vector -> int -> unit

Resize the vector to a new size.

val push : ast_vector -> AST.ast -> unit

Add an ast to the back of the vector. The size is increased by 1.

val translate : ast_vector -> context -> ast_vector

Translates all ASTs in the vector to another context.

val to_list : ast_vector -> AST.ast list

Translates the ASTVector into an (Ast.ast list)

val to_expr_list : ast_vector -> Expr.expr list

Translates the ASTVector into an (Expr.expr list)

val to_string : ast_vector -> string

Retrieves a string representation of the vector.