Module Z3.AST.ASTMap

module ASTMap: sig .. end

Map from AST to AST

type ast_map 
val mk_ast_map : context -> ast_map

Create an empty mapping from AST to AST

val contains : ast_map -> AST.ast -> bool

Checks whether the map contains a key.

val find : ast_map -> AST.ast -> AST.ast

Finds the value associated with the key. This function signs an error when the key is not a key in the map.

val insert : ast_map -> AST.ast -> AST.ast -> unit

Stores or replaces a new key/value pair in the map.

val erase : ast_map -> AST.ast -> unit

Erases the key from the map.

val reset : ast_map -> unit

Removes all keys from the map.

val get_size : ast_map -> int

The size of the map

val get_keys : ast_map -> AST.ast list

The keys stored in the map.

val to_string : ast_map -> string

Retrieves a string representation of the map.