Data Structures | Functions | Variables
z3py Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  Context
class  Z3PPObject
 ASTs base class. More...
class  AstRef
class  SortRef
class  FuncDeclRef
 Function Declarations. More...
class  ExprRef
 Expressions. More...
class  BoolSortRef
 Booleans. More...
class  BoolRef
class  PatternRef
 Patterns. More...
class  QuantifierRef
 Quantifiers. More...
class  ArithSortRef
 Arithmetic. More...
class  ArithRef
class  IntNumRef
class  RatNumRef
class  AlgebraicNumRef
class  BitVecSortRef
 Bit-Vectors. More...
class  BitVecRef
class  BitVecNumRef
class  ArraySortRef
 Arrays. More...
class  ArrayRef
class  Datatype
class  ScopedConstructor
class  ScopedConstructorList
class  DatatypeSortRef
class  DatatypeRef
class  ParamsRef
 Parameter Sets. More...
class  ParamDescrsRef
class  Goal
class  AstVector
class  AstMap
class  FuncEntry
class  FuncInterp
class  ModelRef
class  Statistics
 Statistics. More...
class  CheckSatResult
class  Solver
class  Fixedpoint
 Fixedpoint. More...
class  FiniteDomainSortRef
class  FiniteDomainRef
class  FiniteDomainNumRef
class  OptimizeObjective
 Optimize. More...
class  Optimize
class  ApplyResult
class  Tactic
class  Probe
class  ParserContext
class  FPSortRef
class  FPRMSortRef
class  FPRef
class  FPRMRef
class  FPNumRef
class  SeqSortRef
 Strings, Sequences and Regular expressions. More...
class  CharSortRef
class  SeqRef
class  CharRef
class  ReSortRef
class  ReRef
class  OnClause
class  PropClosures
class  UserPropagateBase


def z3_debug ()
def enable_trace (msg)
def disable_trace (msg)
def get_version_string ()
def get_version ()
def get_full_version ()
def open_log (fname)
def append_log (s)
def to_symbol (s, ctx=None)
def z3_error_handler (c, e)
def main_ctx ()
def get_ctx (ctx)
def set_param (*args, **kws)
def reset_params ()
def set_option (*args, **kws)
def get_param (name)
def is_ast (a)
def eq (a, b)
def is_sort (s)
def DeclareSort (name, ctx=None)
def is_func_decl (a)
def Function (name, *sig)
def FreshFunction (*sig)
def RecFunction (name, *sig)
def RecAddDefinition (f, args, body)
def deserialize (st)
def is_expr (a)
def is_app (a)
def is_const (a)
def is_var (a)
def get_var_index (a)
def is_app_of (a, k)
def If (a, b, c, ctx=None)
def Distinct (*args)
def Const (name, sort)
def Consts (names, sort)
def FreshConst (sort, prefix="c")
def Var (idx, s)
def RealVar (idx, ctx=None)
def RealVarVector (n, ctx=None)
def is_bool (a)
def is_true (a)
def is_false (a)
def is_and (a)
def is_or (a)
def is_implies (a)
def is_not (a)
def is_eq (a)
def is_distinct (a)
def BoolSort (ctx=None)
def BoolVal (val, ctx=None)
def Bool (name, ctx=None)
def Bools (names, ctx=None)
def BoolVector (prefix, sz, ctx=None)
def FreshBool (prefix="b", ctx=None)
def Implies (a, b, ctx=None)
def Xor (a, b, ctx=None)
def Not (a, ctx=None)
def mk_not (a)
def And (*args)
def Or (*args)
def is_pattern (a)
def MultiPattern (*args)
def is_quantifier (a)
def ForAll (vs, body, weight=1, qid="", skid="", patterns=[], no_patterns=[])
def Exists (vs, body, weight=1, qid="", skid="", patterns=[], no_patterns=[])
def Lambda (vs, body)
def is_arith_sort (s)
def is_arith (a)
def is_int (a)
def is_real (a)
def is_int_value (a)
def is_rational_value (a)
def is_algebraic_value (a)
def is_add (a)
def is_mul (a)
def is_sub (a)
def is_div (a)
def is_idiv (a)
def is_mod (a)
def is_le (a)
def is_lt (a)
def is_ge (a)
def is_gt (a)
def is_is_int (a)
def is_to_real (a)
def is_to_int (a)
def IntSort (ctx=None)
def RealSort (ctx=None)
def IntVal (val, ctx=None)
def RealVal (val, ctx=None)
def RatVal (a, b, ctx=None)
def Q (a, b, ctx=None)
def Int (name, ctx=None)
def Ints (names, ctx=None)
def IntVector (prefix, sz, ctx=None)
def FreshInt (prefix="x", ctx=None)
def Real (name, ctx=None)
def Reals (names, ctx=None)
def RealVector (prefix, sz, ctx=None)
def FreshReal (prefix="b", ctx=None)
def ToReal (a)
def ToInt (a)
def IsInt (a)
def Sqrt (a, ctx=None)
def Cbrt (a, ctx=None)
def is_bv_sort (s)
def is_bv (a)
def is_bv_value (a)
def BV2Int (a, is_signed=False)
def Int2BV (a, num_bits)
def BitVecSort (sz, ctx=None)
def BitVecVal (val, bv, ctx=None)
def BitVec (name, bv, ctx=None)
def BitVecs (names, bv, ctx=None)
def Concat (*args)
def Extract (high, low, a)
def ULE (a, b)
def ULT (a, b)
def UGE (a, b)
def UGT (a, b)
def UDiv (a, b)
def URem (a, b)
def SRem (a, b)
def LShR (a, b)
def RotateLeft (a, b)
def RotateRight (a, b)
def SignExt (n, a)
def ZeroExt (n, a)
def RepeatBitVec (n, a)
def BVRedAnd (a)
def BVRedOr (a)
def BVAddNoOverflow (a, b, signed)
def BVAddNoUnderflow (a, b)
def BVSubNoOverflow (a, b)
def BVSubNoUnderflow (a, b, signed)
def BVSDivNoOverflow (a, b)
def BVSNegNoOverflow (a)
def BVMulNoOverflow (a, b, signed)
def BVMulNoUnderflow (a, b)
def is_array_sort (a)
def is_array (a)
def is_const_array (a)
def is_K (a)
def is_map (a)
def is_default (a)
def get_map_func (a)
def ArraySort (*sig)
def Array (name, *sorts)
def Update (a, *args)
def Default (a)
def Store (a, *args)
def Select (a, *args)
def Map (f, *args)
def K (dom, v)
def Ext (a, b)
def SetHasSize (a, k)
def is_select (a)
def is_store (a)
def SetSort (s)
 Sets. More...
def EmptySet (s)
def FullSet (s)
def SetUnion (*args)
def SetIntersect (*args)
def SetAdd (s, e)
def SetDel (s, e)
def SetComplement (s)
def SetDifference (a, b)
def IsMember (e, s)
def IsSubset (a, b)
def CreateDatatypes (*ds)
def DatatypeSort (name, ctx=None)
def TupleSort (name, sorts, ctx=None)
def DisjointSum (name, sorts, ctx=None)
def EnumSort (name, values, ctx=None)
def args2params (arguments, keywords, ctx=None)
def Model (ctx=None)
def is_as_array (n)
def get_as_array_func (n)
def SolverFor (logic, ctx=None, logFile=None)
def SimpleSolver (ctx=None, logFile=None)
def FiniteDomainSort (name, sz, ctx=None)
def is_finite_domain_sort (s)
def is_finite_domain (a)
def FiniteDomainVal (val, sort, ctx=None)
def is_finite_domain_value (a)
def AndThen (*ts, **ks)
def Then (*ts, **ks)
def OrElse (*ts, **ks)
def ParOr (*ts, **ks)
def ParThen (t1, t2, ctx=None)
def ParAndThen (t1, t2, ctx=None)
def With (t, *args, **keys)
def WithParams (t, p)
def Repeat (t, max=4294967295, ctx=None)
def TryFor (t, ms, ctx=None)
def tactics (ctx=None)
def tactic_description (name, ctx=None)
def describe_tactics ()
def is_probe (p)
def probes (ctx=None)
def probe_description (name, ctx=None)
def describe_probes ()
def FailIf (p, ctx=None)
def When (p, t, ctx=None)
def Cond (p, t1, t2, ctx=None)
def simplify (a, *arguments, **keywords)
 Utils. More...
def help_simplify ()
def simplify_param_descrs ()
def substitute (t, *m)
def substitute_vars (t, *m)
def substitute_funs (t, *m)
def Sum (*args)
def Product (*args)
def Abs (arg)
def AtMost (*args)
def AtLeast (*args)
def PbLe (args, k)
def PbGe (args, k)
def PbEq (args, k, ctx=None)
def solve (*args, **keywords)
def solve_using (s, *args, **keywords)
def prove (claim, show=False, **keywords)
def parse_smt2_string (s, sorts={}, decls={}, ctx=None)
def parse_smt2_file (f, sorts={}, decls={}, ctx=None)
def get_default_rounding_mode (ctx=None)
def set_default_rounding_mode (rm, ctx=None)
def get_default_fp_sort (ctx=None)
def set_default_fp_sort (ebits, sbits, ctx=None)
def Float16 (ctx=None)
def FloatHalf (ctx=None)
def Float32 (ctx=None)
def FloatSingle (ctx=None)
def Float64 (ctx=None)
def FloatDouble (ctx=None)
def Float128 (ctx=None)
def FloatQuadruple (ctx=None)
def is_fp_sort (s)
def is_fprm_sort (s)
def RoundNearestTiesToEven (ctx=None)
def RNE (ctx=None)
def RoundNearestTiesToAway (ctx=None)
def RNA (ctx=None)
def RoundTowardPositive (ctx=None)
def RTP (ctx=None)
def RoundTowardNegative (ctx=None)
def RTN (ctx=None)
def RoundTowardZero (ctx=None)
def RTZ (ctx=None)
def is_fprm (a)
def is_fprm_value (a)
def is_fp (a)
def is_fp_value (a)
def FPSort (ebits, sbits, ctx=None)
def fpNaN (s)
def fpPlusInfinity (s)
def fpMinusInfinity (s)
def fpInfinity (s, negative)
def fpPlusZero (s)
def fpMinusZero (s)
def fpZero (s, negative)
def FPVal (sig, exp=None, fps=None, ctx=None)
def FP (name, fpsort, ctx=None)
def FPs (names, fpsort, ctx=None)
def fpAbs (a, ctx=None)
def fpNeg (a, ctx=None)
def fpAdd (rm, a, b, ctx=None)
def fpSub (rm, a, b, ctx=None)
def fpMul (rm, a, b, ctx=None)
def fpDiv (rm, a, b, ctx=None)
def fpRem (a, b, ctx=None)
def fpMin (a, b, ctx=None)
def fpMax (a, b, ctx=None)
def fpFMA (rm, a, b, c, ctx=None)
def fpSqrt (rm, a, ctx=None)
def fpRoundToIntegral (rm, a, ctx=None)
def fpIsNaN (a, ctx=None)
def fpIsInf (a, ctx=None)
def fpIsZero (a, ctx=None)
def fpIsNormal (a, ctx=None)
def fpIsSubnormal (a, ctx=None)
def fpIsNegative (a, ctx=None)
def fpIsPositive (a, ctx=None)
def fpLT (a, b, ctx=None)
def fpLEQ (a, b, ctx=None)
def fpGT (a, b, ctx=None)
def fpGEQ (a, b, ctx=None)
def fpEQ (a, b, ctx=None)
def fpNEQ (a, b, ctx=None)
def fpFP (sgn, exp, sig, ctx=None)
def fpToFP (a1, a2=None, a3=None, ctx=None)
def fpBVToFP (v, sort, ctx=None)
def fpFPToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
def fpRealToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
def fpSignedToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
def fpUnsignedToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
def fpToFPUnsigned (rm, x, s, ctx=None)
def fpToSBV (rm, x, s, ctx=None)
def fpToUBV (rm, x, s, ctx=None)
def fpToReal (x, ctx=None)
def fpToIEEEBV (x, ctx=None)
def StringSort (ctx=None)
def CharSort (ctx=None)
def SeqSort (s)
def CharVal (ch, ctx=None)
def CharFromBv (ch, ctx=None)
def CharToBv (ch, ctx=None)
def CharToInt (ch, ctx=None)
def CharIsDigit (ch, ctx=None)
def is_seq (a)
def is_string (a)
def is_string_value (a)
def StringVal (s, ctx=None)
def String (name, ctx=None)
def Strings (names, ctx=None)
def SubString (s, offset, length)
def SubSeq (s, offset, length)
def Empty (s)
def Full (s)
def Unit (a)
def PrefixOf (a, b)
def SuffixOf (a, b)
def Contains (a, b)
def Replace (s, src, dst)
def IndexOf (s, substr, offset=None)
def LastIndexOf (s, substr)
def Length (s)
def StrToInt (s)
def IntToStr (s)
def StrToCode (s)
def StrFromCode (c)
def Re (s, ctx=None)
def ReSort (s)
def is_re (s)
def InRe (s, re)
def Union (*args)
def Intersect (*args)
def Plus (re)
def Option (re)
def Complement (re)
def Star (re)
def Loop (re, lo, hi=0)
def Range (lo, hi, ctx=None)
def Diff (a, b, ctx=None)
def AllChar (regex_sort, ctx=None)
def PartialOrder (a, index)
def LinearOrder (a, index)
def TreeOrder (a, index)
def PiecewiseLinearOrder (a, index)
def TransitiveClosure (f)
def to_Ast (ptr)
def to_ContextObj (ptr)
def to_AstVectorObj (ptr)
def on_clause_eh (ctx, p, clause)
def ensure_prop_closures ()
def user_prop_push (ctx, cb)
def user_prop_pop (ctx, cb, num_scopes)
def user_prop_fresh (ctx, _new_ctx)
def user_prop_fixed (ctx, cb, id, value)
def user_prop_created (ctx, cb, id)
def user_prop_final (ctx, cb)
def user_prop_eq (ctx, cb, x, y)
def user_prop_diseq (ctx, cb, x, y)
def user_prop_decide (ctx, cb, t_ref, idx_ref, phase_ref)
def PropagateFunction (name, *sig)


 Z3_DEBUG = __debug__
 sat = CheckSatResult(Z3_L_TRUE)
 unsat = CheckSatResult(Z3_L_FALSE)
 unknown = CheckSatResult(Z3_L_UNDEF)

Function Documentation

◆ Abs()

def z3py.Abs (   arg)
Create the absolute value of an arithmetic expression

Definition at line 8932 of file z3py.py.

8932 def Abs(arg):
8933  """Create the absolute value of an arithmetic expression"""
8934  return If(arg > 0, arg, -arg)
def Abs(arg)
Definition: z3py.py:8932
def If(a, b, c, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1381

◆ AllChar()

def z3py.AllChar (   regex_sort,
  ctx = None 
Create a regular expression that accepts all single character strings

Definition at line 11298 of file z3py.py.

11298 def AllChar(regex_sort, ctx=None):
11299  """Create a regular expression that accepts all single character strings
11300  """
11301  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_allchar(regex_sort.ctx_ref(), regex_sort.ast), regex_sort.ctx)
11303 # Special Relations
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_allchar(Z3_context c, Z3_sort regex_sort)
Create a regular expression that accepts all singleton sequences of the regular expression sort.
def AllChar(regex_sort, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:11298

◆ And()

def z3py.And ( args)
Create a Z3 and-expression or and-probe.

>>> p, q, r = Bools('p q r')
>>> And(p, q, r)
And(p, q, r)
>>> P = BoolVector('p', 5)
>>> And(P)
And(p__0, p__1, p__2, p__3, p__4)

Definition at line 1849 of file z3py.py.

1849 def And(*args):
1850  """Create a Z3 and-expression or and-probe.
1852  >>> p, q, r = Bools('p q r')
1853  >>> And(p, q, r)
1854  And(p, q, r)
1855  >>> P = BoolVector('p', 5)
1856  >>> And(P)
1857  And(p__0, p__1, p__2, p__3, p__4)
1858  """
1859  last_arg = None
1860  if len(args) > 0:
1861  last_arg = args[len(args) - 1]
1862  if isinstance(last_arg, Context):
1863  ctx = args[len(args) - 1]
1864  args = args[:len(args) - 1]
1865  elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], AstVector):
1866  ctx = args[0].ctx
1867  args = [a for a in args[0]]
1868  else:
1869  ctx = None
1870  args = _get_args(args)
1871  ctx = _get_ctx(_ctx_from_ast_arg_list(args, ctx))
1872  if z3_debug():
1873  _z3_assert(ctx is not None, "At least one of the arguments must be a Z3 expression or probe")
1874  if _has_probe(args):
1875  return _probe_and(args, ctx)
1876  else:
1877  args = _coerce_expr_list(args, ctx)
1878  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(args)
1879  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_and(ctx.ref(), sz, _args), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_and(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[])
Create an AST node representing args[0] and ... and args[num_args-1].
def z3_debug()
Definition: z3py.py:62
def And(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:1849

Referenced by Fixedpoint.add_rule(), Goal.as_expr(), Fixedpoint.query(), Fixedpoint.query_from_lvl(), and Fixedpoint.update_rule().

◆ AndThen()

def z3py.AndThen ( ts,
**  ks 
Return a tactic that applies the tactics in `*ts` in sequence.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> t = AndThen(Tactic('simplify'), Tactic('solve-eqs'))
>>> t(And(x == 0, y > x + 1))
[[Not(y <= 1)]]
>>> t(And(x == 0, y > x + 1)).as_expr()
Not(y <= 1)

Definition at line 8297 of file z3py.py.

8297 def AndThen(*ts, **ks):
8298  """Return a tactic that applies the tactics in `*ts` in sequence.
8300  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
8301  >>> t = AndThen(Tactic('simplify'), Tactic('solve-eqs'))
8302  >>> t(And(x == 0, y > x + 1))
8303  [[Not(y <= 1)]]
8304  >>> t(And(x == 0, y > x + 1)).as_expr()
8305  Not(y <= 1)
8306  """
8307  if z3_debug():
8308  _z3_assert(len(ts) >= 2, "At least two arguments expected")
8309  ctx = ks.get("ctx", None)
8310  num = len(ts)
8311  r = ts[0]
8312  for i in range(num - 1):
8313  r = _and_then(r, ts[i + 1], ctx)
8314  return r
expr range(expr const &lo, expr const &hi)
Definition: z3++.h:3970
def AndThen(*ts, **ks)
Definition: z3py.py:8297

Referenced by Then().

◆ append_log()

def z3py.append_log (   s)
Append user-defined string to interaction log. 

Definition at line 119 of file z3py.py.

119 def append_log(s):
120  """Append user-defined string to interaction log. """
121  Z3_append_log(s)
void Z3_API Z3_append_log(Z3_string string)
Append user-defined string to interaction log.
def append_log(s)
Definition: z3py.py:119

◆ args2params()

def z3py.args2params (   arguments,
  ctx = None 
Convert python arguments into a Z3_params object.
A ':' is added to the keywords, and '_' is replaced with '-'

>>> args2params(['model', True, 'relevancy', 2], {'elim_and' : True})
(params model true relevancy 2 elim_and true)

Definition at line 5466 of file z3py.py.

5466 def args2params(arguments, keywords, ctx=None):
5467  """Convert python arguments into a Z3_params object.
5468  A ':' is added to the keywords, and '_' is replaced with '-'
5470  >>> args2params(['model', True, 'relevancy', 2], {'elim_and' : True})
5471  (params model true relevancy 2 elim_and true)
5472  """
5473  if z3_debug():
5474  _z3_assert(len(arguments) % 2 == 0, "Argument list must have an even number of elements.")
5475  prev = None
5476  r = ParamsRef(ctx)
5477  for a in arguments:
5478  if prev is None:
5479  prev = a
5480  else:
5481  r.set(prev, a)
5482  prev = None
5483  for k in keywords:
5484  v = keywords[k]
5485  r.set(k, v)
5486  return r
def args2params(arguments, keywords, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:5466

Referenced by Tactic.apply(), Solver.set(), Fixedpoint.set(), Optimize.set(), simplify(), and With().

◆ Array()

def z3py.Array (   name,
Return an array constant named `name` with the given domain and range sorts.

>>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> a.sort()
Array(Int, Int)
>>> a[0]

Definition at line 4733 of file z3py.py.

4733 def Array(name, *sorts):
4734  """Return an array constant named `name` with the given domain and range sorts.
4736  >>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
4737  >>> a.sort()
4738  Array(Int, Int)
4739  >>> a[0]
4740  a[0]
4741  """
4742  s = ArraySort(sorts)
4743  ctx = s.ctx
4744  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_const(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), s.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_const(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s, Z3_sort ty)
Declare and create a constant.
def ArraySort(*sig)
Definition: z3py.py:4700
def Array(name, *sorts)
Definition: z3py.py:4733
def to_symbol(s, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:124

◆ ArraySort()

def z3py.ArraySort ( sig)
Return the Z3 array sort with the given domain and range sorts.

>>> A = ArraySort(IntSort(), BoolSort())
>>> A
Array(Int, Bool)
>>> A.domain()
>>> A.range()
>>> AA = ArraySort(IntSort(), A)
>>> AA
Array(Int, Array(Int, Bool))

Definition at line 4700 of file z3py.py.

4700 def ArraySort(*sig):
4701  """Return the Z3 array sort with the given domain and range sorts.
4703  >>> A = ArraySort(IntSort(), BoolSort())
4704  >>> A
4705  Array(Int, Bool)
4706  >>> A.domain()
4707  Int
4708  >>> A.range()
4709  Bool
4710  >>> AA = ArraySort(IntSort(), A)
4711  >>> AA
4712  Array(Int, Array(Int, Bool))
4713  """
4714  sig = _get_args(sig)
4715  if z3_debug():
4716  _z3_assert(len(sig) > 1, "At least two arguments expected")
4717  arity = len(sig) - 1
4718  r = sig[arity]
4719  d = sig[0]
4720  if z3_debug():
4721  for s in sig:
4722  _z3_assert(is_sort(s), "Z3 sort expected")
4723  _z3_assert(s.ctx == r.ctx, "Context mismatch")
4724  ctx = d.ctx
4725  if len(sig) == 2:
4726  return ArraySortRef(Z3_mk_array_sort(ctx.ref(), d.ast, r.ast), ctx)
4727  dom = (Sort * arity)()
4728  for i in range(arity):
4729  dom[i] = sig[i].ast
4730  return ArraySortRef(Z3_mk_array_sort_n(ctx.ref(), arity, dom, r.ast), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_array_sort_n(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_sort const *domain, Z3_sort range)
Create an array type with N arguments.
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_array_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort domain, Z3_sort range)
Create an array type.
def is_sort(s)
Definition: z3py.py:647

Referenced by Array(), Context.MkArraySort(), and SetSort().

◆ AtLeast()

def z3py.AtLeast ( args)
Create an at-most Pseudo-Boolean k constraint.

>>> a, b, c = Bools('a b c')
>>> f = AtLeast(a, b, c, 2)

Definition at line 8955 of file z3py.py.

8955 def AtLeast(*args):
8956  """Create an at-most Pseudo-Boolean k constraint.
8958  >>> a, b, c = Bools('a b c')
8959  >>> f = AtLeast(a, b, c, 2)
8960  """
8961  args = _get_args(args)
8962  if z3_debug():
8963  _z3_assert(len(args) > 1, "Non empty list of arguments expected")
8964  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list(args)
8965  if z3_debug():
8966  _z3_assert(ctx is not None, "At least one of the arguments must be a Z3 expression")
8967  args1 = _coerce_expr_list(args[:-1], ctx)
8968  k = args[-1]
8969  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(args1)
8970  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_atleast(ctx.ref(), sz, _args, k), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_atleast(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[], unsigned k)
Pseudo-Boolean relations.
def AtLeast(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:8955

◆ AtMost()

def z3py.AtMost ( args)
Create an at-most Pseudo-Boolean k constraint.

>>> a, b, c = Bools('a b c')
>>> f = AtMost(a, b, c, 2)

Definition at line 8937 of file z3py.py.

8937 def AtMost(*args):
8938  """Create an at-most Pseudo-Boolean k constraint.
8940  >>> a, b, c = Bools('a b c')
8941  >>> f = AtMost(a, b, c, 2)
8942  """
8943  args = _get_args(args)
8944  if z3_debug():
8945  _z3_assert(len(args) > 1, "Non empty list of arguments expected")
8946  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list(args)
8947  if z3_debug():
8948  _z3_assert(ctx is not None, "At least one of the arguments must be a Z3 expression")
8949  args1 = _coerce_expr_list(args[:-1], ctx)
8950  k = args[-1]
8951  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(args1)
8952  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_atmost(ctx.ref(), sz, _args, k), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_atmost(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[], unsigned k)
Pseudo-Boolean relations.
def AtMost(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:8937

◆ BitVec()

def z3py.BitVec (   name,
  ctx = None 
Return a bit-vector constant named `name`. `bv` may be the number of bits of a bit-vector sort.
If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> x  = BitVec('x', 16)
>>> is_bv(x)
>>> x.size()
>>> x.sort()
>>> word = BitVecSort(16)
>>> x2 = BitVec('x', word)
>>> eq(x, x2)

Definition at line 4037 of file z3py.py.

4037 def BitVec(name, bv, ctx=None):
4038  """Return a bit-vector constant named `name`. `bv` may be the number of bits of a bit-vector sort.
4039  If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
4041  >>> x = BitVec('x', 16)
4042  >>> is_bv(x)
4043  True
4044  >>> x.size()
4045  16
4046  >>> x.sort()
4047  BitVec(16)
4048  >>> word = BitVecSort(16)
4049  >>> x2 = BitVec('x', word)
4050  >>> eq(x, x2)
4051  True
4052  """
4053  if isinstance(bv, BitVecSortRef):
4054  ctx = bv.ctx
4055  else:
4056  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
4057  bv = BitVecSort(bv, ctx)
4058  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_const(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), bv.ast), ctx)
def BitVec(name, bv, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:4037
def BitVecSort(sz, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:4005

Referenced by BitVecs().

◆ BitVecs()

def z3py.BitVecs (   names,
  ctx = None 
Return a tuple of bit-vector constants of size bv.

>>> x, y, z = BitVecs('x y z', 16)
>>> x.size()
>>> x.sort()
>>> Sum(x, y, z)
0 + x + y + z
>>> Product(x, y, z)
>>> simplify(Product(x, y, z))

Definition at line 4061 of file z3py.py.

4061 def BitVecs(names, bv, ctx=None):
4062  """Return a tuple of bit-vector constants of size bv.
4064  >>> x, y, z = BitVecs('x y z', 16)
4065  >>> x.size()
4066  16
4067  >>> x.sort()
4068  BitVec(16)
4069  >>> Sum(x, y, z)
4070  0 + x + y + z
4071  >>> Product(x, y, z)
4072  1*x*y*z
4073  >>> simplify(Product(x, y, z))
4074  x*y*z
4075  """
4076  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
4077  if isinstance(names, str):
4078  names = names.split(" ")
4079  return [BitVec(name, bv, ctx) for name in names]
def BitVecs(names, bv, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:4061

◆ BitVecSort()

def z3py.BitVecSort (   sz,
  ctx = None 
Return a Z3 bit-vector sort of the given size. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> Byte = BitVecSort(8)
>>> Word = BitVecSort(16)
>>> Byte
>>> x = Const('x', Byte)
>>> eq(x, BitVec('x', 8))

Definition at line 4005 of file z3py.py.

4005 def BitVecSort(sz, ctx=None):
4006  """Return a Z3 bit-vector sort of the given size. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
4008  >>> Byte = BitVecSort(8)
4009  >>> Word = BitVecSort(16)
4010  >>> Byte
4011  BitVec(8)
4012  >>> x = Const('x', Byte)
4013  >>> eq(x, BitVec('x', 8))
4014  True
4015  """
4016  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
4017  return BitVecSortRef(Z3_mk_bv_sort(ctx.ref(), sz), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_bv_sort(Z3_context c, unsigned sz)
Create a bit-vector type of the given size.

Referenced by BitVec(), BitVecVal(), Context.mkBitVecSort(), and Context.MkBitVecSort().

◆ BitVecVal()

def z3py.BitVecVal (   val,
  ctx = None 
Return a bit-vector value with the given number of bits. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> v = BitVecVal(10, 32)
>>> v
>>> print("0x%.8x" % v.as_long())

Definition at line 4020 of file z3py.py.

4020 def BitVecVal(val, bv, ctx=None):
4021  """Return a bit-vector value with the given number of bits. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
4023  >>> v = BitVecVal(10, 32)
4024  >>> v
4025  10
4026  >>> print("0x%.8x" % v.as_long())
4027  0x0000000a
4028  """
4029  if is_bv_sort(bv):
4030  ctx = bv.ctx
4031  return BitVecNumRef(Z3_mk_numeral(ctx.ref(), _to_int_str(val), bv.ast), ctx)
4032  else:
4033  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
4034  return BitVecNumRef(Z3_mk_numeral(ctx.ref(), _to_int_str(val), BitVecSort(bv, ctx).ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_numeral(Z3_context c, Z3_string numeral, Z3_sort ty)
Create a numeral of a given sort.
def is_bv_sort(s)
Definition: z3py.py:3476
def BitVecVal(val, bv, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:4020

◆ Bool()

def z3py.Bool (   name,
  ctx = None 
Return a Boolean constant named `name`. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> p = Bool('p')
>>> q = Bool('q')
>>> And(p, q)
And(p, q)

Definition at line 1728 of file z3py.py.

1728 def Bool(name, ctx=None):
1729  """Return a Boolean constant named `name`. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
1731  >>> p = Bool('p')
1732  >>> q = Bool('q')
1733  >>> And(p, q)
1734  And(p, q)
1735  """
1736  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
1737  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_const(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), BoolSort(ctx).ast), ctx)
def BoolSort(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1691
def Bool(name, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1728

Referenced by Solver.assert_and_track(), Optimize.assert_and_track(), Bools(), and BoolVector().

◆ Bools()

def z3py.Bools (   names,
  ctx = None 
Return a tuple of Boolean constants.

`names` is a single string containing all names separated by blank spaces.
If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> p, q, r = Bools('p q r')
>>> And(p, Or(q, r))
And(p, Or(q, r))

Definition at line 1740 of file z3py.py.

1740 def Bools(names, ctx=None):
1741  """Return a tuple of Boolean constants.
1743  `names` is a single string containing all names separated by blank spaces.
1744  If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
1746  >>> p, q, r = Bools('p q r')
1747  >>> And(p, Or(q, r))
1748  And(p, Or(q, r))
1749  """
1750  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
1751  if isinstance(names, str):
1752  names = names.split(" ")
1753  return [Bool(name, ctx) for name in names]
def Bools(names, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1740

◆ BoolSort()

def z3py.BoolSort (   ctx = None)
Return the Boolean Z3 sort. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> BoolSort()
>>> p = Const('p', BoolSort())
>>> is_bool(p)
>>> r = Function('r', IntSort(), IntSort(), BoolSort())
>>> r(0, 1)
r(0, 1)
>>> is_bool(r(0, 1))

Definition at line 1691 of file z3py.py.

1691 def BoolSort(ctx=None):
1692  """Return the Boolean Z3 sort. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
1694  >>> BoolSort()
1695  Bool
1696  >>> p = Const('p', BoolSort())
1697  >>> is_bool(p)
1698  True
1699  >>> r = Function('r', IntSort(), IntSort(), BoolSort())
1700  >>> r(0, 1)
1701  r(0, 1)
1702  >>> is_bool(r(0, 1))
1703  True
1704  """
1705  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
1706  return BoolSortRef(Z3_mk_bool_sort(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_bool_sort(Z3_context c)
Create the Boolean type.

Referenced by Goal.assert_exprs(), Solver.assert_exprs(), Fixedpoint.assert_exprs(), Optimize.assert_exprs(), Bool(), Solver.check(), FreshBool(), Context.getBoolSort(), If(), Implies(), Context.mkBoolSort(), Not(), SetSort(), QuantifierRef.sort(), and Xor().

◆ BoolVal()

def z3py.BoolVal (   val,
  ctx = None 
Return the Boolean value `True` or `False`. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> BoolVal(True)
>>> is_true(BoolVal(True))
>>> is_true(True)
>>> is_false(BoolVal(False))

Definition at line 1709 of file z3py.py.

1709 def BoolVal(val, ctx=None):
1710  """Return the Boolean value `True` or `False`. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
1712  >>> BoolVal(True)
1713  True
1714  >>> is_true(BoolVal(True))
1715  True
1716  >>> is_true(True)
1717  False
1718  >>> is_false(BoolVal(False))
1719  True
1720  """
1721  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
1722  if val:
1723  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_true(ctx.ref()), ctx)
1724  else:
1725  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_false(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_true(Z3_context c)
Create an AST node representing true.
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_false(Z3_context c)
Create an AST node representing false.
def BoolVal(val, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1709

Referenced by Goal.as_expr(), ApplyResult.as_expr(), BoolSortRef.cast(), UserPropagateBase.conflict(), AlgebraicNumRef.index(), is_quantifier(), and Solver.to_smt2().

◆ BoolVector()

def z3py.BoolVector (   prefix,
  ctx = None 
Return a list of Boolean constants of size `sz`.

The constants are named using the given prefix.
If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> P = BoolVector('p', 3)
>>> P
[p__0, p__1, p__2]
>>> And(P)
And(p__0, p__1, p__2)

Definition at line 1756 of file z3py.py.

1756 def BoolVector(prefix, sz, ctx=None):
1757  """Return a list of Boolean constants of size `sz`.
1759  The constants are named using the given prefix.
1760  If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
1762  >>> P = BoolVector('p', 3)
1763  >>> P
1764  [p__0, p__1, p__2]
1765  >>> And(P)
1766  And(p__0, p__1, p__2)
1767  """
1768  return [Bool("%s__%s" % (prefix, i)) for i in range(sz)]
def BoolVector(prefix, sz, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1756

◆ BV2Int()

def z3py.BV2Int (   a,
  is_signed = False 
Return the Z3 expression BV2Int(a).

>>> b = BitVec('b', 3)
>>> BV2Int(b).sort()
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> x > BV2Int(b)
x > BV2Int(b)
>>> x > BV2Int(b, is_signed=False)
x > BV2Int(b)
>>> x > BV2Int(b, is_signed=True)
x > If(b < 0, BV2Int(b) - 8, BV2Int(b))
>>> solve(x > BV2Int(b), b == 1, x < 3)
[x = 2, b = 1]

Definition at line 3973 of file z3py.py.

3973 def BV2Int(a, is_signed=False):
3974  """Return the Z3 expression BV2Int(a).
3976  >>> b = BitVec('b', 3)
3977  >>> BV2Int(b).sort()
3978  Int
3979  >>> x = Int('x')
3980  >>> x > BV2Int(b)
3981  x > BV2Int(b)
3982  >>> x > BV2Int(b, is_signed=False)
3983  x > BV2Int(b)
3984  >>> x > BV2Int(b, is_signed=True)
3985  x > If(b < 0, BV2Int(b) - 8, BV2Int(b))
3986  >>> solve(x > BV2Int(b), b == 1, x < 3)
3987  [x = 2, b = 1]
3988  """
3989  if z3_debug():
3990  _z3_assert(is_bv(a), "First argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
3991  ctx = a.ctx
3992  # investigate problem with bv2int
3993  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_bv2int(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast(), is_signed), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bv2int(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, bool is_signed)
Create an integer from the bit-vector argument t1. If is_signed is false, then the bit-vector t1 is t...
def is_bv(a)
Definition: z3py.py:3944
def BV2Int(a, is_signed=False)
Definition: z3py.py:3973

◆ BVAddNoOverflow()

def z3py.BVAddNoOverflow (   a,
A predicate the determines that bit-vector addition does not overflow

Definition at line 4459 of file z3py.py.

4459 def BVAddNoOverflow(a, b, signed):
4460  """A predicate the determines that bit-vector addition does not overflow"""
4461  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4462  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4463  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvadd_no_overflow(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast(), signed), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvadd_no_overflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2, bool is_signed)
Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise addition of t1 and t2 does not overflow.
def BVAddNoOverflow(a, b, signed)
Definition: z3py.py:4459

◆ BVAddNoUnderflow()

def z3py.BVAddNoUnderflow (   a,
A predicate the determines that signed bit-vector addition does not underflow

Definition at line 4466 of file z3py.py.

4466 def BVAddNoUnderflow(a, b):
4467  """A predicate the determines that signed bit-vector addition does not underflow"""
4468  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4469  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4470  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvadd_no_underflow(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvadd_no_underflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed addition of t1 and t2 does not underflow.
def BVAddNoUnderflow(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4466

◆ BVMulNoOverflow()

def z3py.BVMulNoOverflow (   a,
A predicate the determines that bit-vector multiplication does not overflow

Definition at line 4501 of file z3py.py.

4501 def BVMulNoOverflow(a, b, signed):
4502  """A predicate the determines that bit-vector multiplication does not overflow"""
4503  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4504  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4505  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvmul_no_overflow(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast(), signed), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvmul_no_overflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2, bool is_signed)
Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise multiplication of t1 and t2 does not overflow.
def BVMulNoOverflow(a, b, signed)
Definition: z3py.py:4501

◆ BVMulNoUnderflow()

def z3py.BVMulNoUnderflow (   a,
A predicate the determines that bit-vector signed multiplication does not underflow

Definition at line 4508 of file z3py.py.

4508 def BVMulNoUnderflow(a, b):
4509  """A predicate the determines that bit-vector signed multiplication does not underflow"""
4510  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4511  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4512  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvmul_no_underflow(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvmul_no_underflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed multiplication of t1 and t2 does not underflo...
def BVMulNoUnderflow(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4508

◆ BVRedAnd()

def z3py.BVRedAnd (   a)
Return the reduction-and expression of `a`.

Definition at line 4445 of file z3py.py.

4445 def BVRedAnd(a):
4446  """Return the reduction-and expression of `a`."""
4447  if z3_debug():
4448  _z3_assert(is_bv(a), "First argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
4449  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_bvredand(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvredand(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1)
Take conjunction of bits in vector, return vector of length 1.
def BVRedAnd(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4445

◆ BVRedOr()

def z3py.BVRedOr (   a)
Return the reduction-or expression of `a`.

Definition at line 4452 of file z3py.py.

4452 def BVRedOr(a):
4453  """Return the reduction-or expression of `a`."""
4454  if z3_debug():
4455  _z3_assert(is_bv(a), "First argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
4456  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_bvredor(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvredor(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1)
Take disjunction of bits in vector, return vector of length 1.
def BVRedOr(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4452

◆ BVSDivNoOverflow()

def z3py.BVSDivNoOverflow (   a,
A predicate the determines that bit-vector signed division does not overflow

Definition at line 4487 of file z3py.py.

4487 def BVSDivNoOverflow(a, b):
4488  """A predicate the determines that bit-vector signed division does not overflow"""
4489  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4490  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4491  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvsdiv_no_overflow(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsdiv_no_overflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed division of t1 and t2 does not overflow.
def BVSDivNoOverflow(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4487

◆ BVSNegNoOverflow()

def z3py.BVSNegNoOverflow (   a)
A predicate the determines that bit-vector unary negation does not overflow

Definition at line 4494 of file z3py.py.

4494 def BVSNegNoOverflow(a):
4495  """A predicate the determines that bit-vector unary negation does not overflow"""
4496  if z3_debug():
4497  _z3_assert(is_bv(a), "First argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
4498  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvneg_no_overflow(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvneg_no_overflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1)
Check that bit-wise negation does not overflow when t1 is interpreted as a signed bit-vector.
def BVSNegNoOverflow(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4494

◆ BVSubNoOverflow()

def z3py.BVSubNoOverflow (   a,
A predicate the determines that bit-vector subtraction does not overflow

Definition at line 4473 of file z3py.py.

4473 def BVSubNoOverflow(a, b):
4474  """A predicate the determines that bit-vector subtraction does not overflow"""
4475  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4476  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4477  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvsub_no_overflow(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsub_no_overflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise signed subtraction of t1 and t2 does not overflow.
def BVSubNoOverflow(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4473

◆ BVSubNoUnderflow()

def z3py.BVSubNoUnderflow (   a,
A predicate the determines that bit-vector subtraction does not underflow

Definition at line 4480 of file z3py.py.

4480 def BVSubNoUnderflow(a, b, signed):
4481  """A predicate the determines that bit-vector subtraction does not underflow"""
4482  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4483  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4484  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvsub_no_underflow(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast(), signed), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsub_no_underflow(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2, bool is_signed)
Create a predicate that checks that the bit-wise subtraction of t1 and t2 does not underflow.
def BVSubNoUnderflow(a, b, signed)
Definition: z3py.py:4480

◆ Cbrt()

def z3py.Cbrt (   a,
  ctx = None 
 Return a Z3 expression which represents the cubic root of a.

>>> x = Real('x')
>>> Cbrt(x)

Definition at line 3424 of file z3py.py.

3424 def Cbrt(a, ctx=None):
3425  """ Return a Z3 expression which represents the cubic root of a.
3427  >>> x = Real('x')
3428  >>> Cbrt(x)
3429  x**(1/3)
3430  """
3431  if not is_expr(a):
3432  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3433  a = RealVal(a, ctx)
3434  return a ** "1/3"
def is_expr(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1242
def Cbrt(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3424
def RealVal(val, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3200

◆ CharFromBv()

def z3py.CharFromBv (   ch,
  ctx = None 

Definition at line 10856 of file z3py.py.

10856 def CharFromBv(ch, ctx=None):
10857  if not is_expr(ch):
10858  raise Z3Expression("Bit-vector expression needed")
10859  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_mk_char_from_bv(ch.ctx_ref(), ch.as_ast()), ch.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_char_from_bv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast bv)
Create a character from a bit-vector (code point).
def CharFromBv(ch, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10856

◆ CharIsDigit()

def z3py.CharIsDigit (   ch,
  ctx = None 

Definition at line 10869 of file z3py.py.

10869 def CharIsDigit(ch, ctx=None):
10870  ch = _coerce_char(ch, ctx)
10871  return ch.is_digit()
def CharIsDigit(ch, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10869

◆ CharSort()

def z3py.CharSort (   ctx = None)
Create a character sort
>>> ch = CharSort()
>>> print(ch)

Definition at line 10755 of file z3py.py.

10755 def CharSort(ctx=None):
10756  """Create a character sort
10757  >>> ch = CharSort()
10758  >>> print(ch)
10759  Char
10760  """
10761  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10762  return CharSortRef(Z3_mk_char_sort(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_char_sort(Z3_context c)
Create a sort for unicode characters.
def CharSort(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10755

Referenced by Context.mkCharSort().

◆ CharToBv()

def z3py.CharToBv (   ch,
  ctx = None 

Definition at line 10861 of file z3py.py.

10861 def CharToBv(ch, ctx=None):
10862  ch = _coerce_char(ch, ctx)
10863  return ch.to_bv()
def CharToBv(ch, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10861

◆ CharToInt()

def z3py.CharToInt (   ch,
  ctx = None 

Definition at line 10865 of file z3py.py.

10865 def CharToInt(ch, ctx=None):
10866  ch = _coerce_char(ch, ctx)
10867  return ch.to_int()
def CharToInt(ch, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10865

◆ CharVal()

def z3py.CharVal (   ch,
  ctx = None 

Definition at line 10848 of file z3py.py.

10848 def CharVal(ch, ctx=None):
10849  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10850  if isinstance(ch, str):
10851  ch = ord(ch)
10852  if not isinstance(ch, int):
10853  raise Z3Exception("character value should be an ordinal")
10854  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_mk_char(ctx.ref(), ch), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_char(Z3_context c, unsigned ch)
Create a character literal.
def CharVal(ch, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10848

Referenced by SeqRef.__gt__().

◆ Complement()

def z3py.Complement (   re)
Create the complement regular expression.

Definition at line 11250 of file z3py.py.

11250 def Complement(re):
11251  """Create the complement regular expression."""
11252  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_complement(re.ctx_ref(), re.as_ast()), re.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_complement(Z3_context c, Z3_ast re)
Create the complement of the regular language re.
def Complement(re)
Definition: z3py.py:11250

◆ Concat()

def z3py.Concat ( args)
Create a Z3 bit-vector concatenation expression.

>>> v = BitVecVal(1, 4)
>>> Concat(v, v+1, v)
Concat(Concat(1, 1 + 1), 1)
>>> simplify(Concat(v, v+1, v))
>>> print("%.3x" % simplify(Concat(v, v+1, v)).as_long())

Definition at line 4082 of file z3py.py.

4082 def Concat(*args):
4083  """Create a Z3 bit-vector concatenation expression.
4085  >>> v = BitVecVal(1, 4)
4086  >>> Concat(v, v+1, v)
4087  Concat(Concat(1, 1 + 1), 1)
4088  >>> simplify(Concat(v, v+1, v))
4089  289
4090  >>> print("%.3x" % simplify(Concat(v, v+1, v)).as_long())
4091  121
4092  """
4093  args = _get_args(args)
4094  sz = len(args)
4095  if z3_debug():
4096  _z3_assert(sz >= 2, "At least two arguments expected.")
4098  ctx = None
4099  for a in args:
4100  if is_expr(a):
4101  ctx = a.ctx
4102  break
4103  if is_seq(args[0]) or isinstance(args[0], str):
4104  args = [_coerce_seq(s, ctx) for s in args]
4105  if z3_debug():
4106  _z3_assert(all([is_seq(a) for a in args]), "All arguments must be sequence expressions.")
4107  v = (Ast * sz)()
4108  for i in range(sz):
4109  v[i] = args[i].as_ast()
4110  return SeqRef(Z3_mk_seq_concat(ctx.ref(), sz, v), ctx)
4112  if is_re(args[0]):
4113  if z3_debug():
4114  _z3_assert(all([is_re(a) for a in args]), "All arguments must be regular expressions.")
4115  v = (Ast * sz)()
4116  for i in range(sz):
4117  v[i] = args[i].as_ast()
4118  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_concat(ctx.ref(), sz, v), ctx)
4120  if z3_debug():
4121  _z3_assert(all([is_bv(a) for a in args]), "All arguments must be Z3 bit-vector expressions.")
4122  r = args[0]
4123  for i in range(sz - 1):
4124  r = BitVecRef(Z3_mk_concat(ctx.ref(), r.as_ast(), args[i + 1].as_ast()), ctx)
4125  return r
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_concat(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_ast const args[])
Concatenate sequences.
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_concat(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_ast const args[])
Create the concatenation of the regular languages.
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_concat(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Concatenate the given bit-vectors.
def Concat(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:4082
def is_seq(a)
Definition: z3py.py:10894
def is_re(s)
Definition: z3py.py:11168

Referenced by SeqRef.__add__(), and SeqRef.__radd__().

◆ Cond()

def z3py.Cond (   p,
  ctx = None 
Return a tactic that applies tactic `t1` to a goal if probe `p` evaluates to true, and `t2` otherwise.

>>> t = Cond(Probe('is-qfnra'), Tactic('qfnra'), Tactic('smt'))

Definition at line 8754 of file z3py.py.

8754 def Cond(p, t1, t2, ctx=None):
8755  """Return a tactic that applies tactic `t1` to a goal if probe `p` evaluates to true, and `t2` otherwise.
8757  >>> t = Cond(Probe('is-qfnra'), Tactic('qfnra'), Tactic('smt'))
8758  """
8759  p = _to_probe(p, ctx)
8760  t1 = _to_tactic(t1, ctx)
8761  t2 = _to_tactic(t2, ctx)
8762  return Tactic(Z3_tactic_cond(t1.ctx.ref(), p.probe, t1.tactic, t2.tactic), t1.ctx)
Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_cond(Z3_context c, Z3_probe p, Z3_tactic t1, Z3_tactic t2)
Return a tactic that applies t1 to a given goal if the probe p evaluates to true, and t2 if p evaluat...
def Cond(p, t1, t2, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8754

Referenced by If().

◆ Const()

def z3py.Const (   name,
Create a constant of the given sort.

>>> Const('x', IntSort())

Definition at line 1437 of file z3py.py.

1437 def Const(name, sort):
1438  """Create a constant of the given sort.
1440  >>> Const('x', IntSort())
1441  x
1442  """
1443  if z3_debug():
1444  _z3_assert(isinstance(sort, SortRef), "Z3 sort expected")
1445  ctx = sort.ctx
1446  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_mk_const(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), sort.ast), ctx)
def Const(name, sort)
Definition: z3py.py:1437

Referenced by Consts().

◆ Consts()

def z3py.Consts (   names,
Create several constants of the given sort.

`names` is a string containing the names of all constants to be created.
Blank spaces separate the names of different constants.

>>> x, y, z = Consts('x y z', IntSort())
>>> x + y + z
x + y + z

Definition at line 1449 of file z3py.py.

1449 def Consts(names, sort):
1450  """Create several constants of the given sort.
1452  `names` is a string containing the names of all constants to be created.
1453  Blank spaces separate the names of different constants.
1455  >>> x, y, z = Consts('x y z', IntSort())
1456  >>> x + y + z
1457  x + y + z
1458  """
1459  if isinstance(names, str):
1460  names = names.split(" ")
1461  return [Const(name, sort) for name in names]
def Consts(names, sort)
Definition: z3py.py:1449

◆ Contains()

def z3py.Contains (   a,
Check if 'a' contains 'b'
>>> s1 = Contains("abc", "ab")
>>> simplify(s1)
>>> s2 = Contains("abc", "bc")
>>> simplify(s2)
>>> x, y, z = Strings('x y z')
>>> s3 = Contains(Concat(x,y,z), y)
>>> simplify(s3)

Definition at line 11025 of file z3py.py.

11025 def Contains(a, b):
11026  """Check if 'a' contains 'b'
11027  >>> s1 = Contains("abc", "ab")
11028  >>> simplify(s1)
11029  True
11030  >>> s2 = Contains("abc", "bc")
11031  >>> simplify(s2)
11032  True
11033  >>> x, y, z = Strings('x y z')
11034  >>> s3 = Contains(Concat(x,y,z), y)
11035  >>> simplify(s3)
11036  True
11037  """
11038  ctx = _get_ctx2(a, b)
11039  a = _coerce_seq(a, ctx)
11040  b = _coerce_seq(b, ctx)
11041  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_seq_contains(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_contains(Z3_context c, Z3_ast container, Z3_ast containee)
Check if container contains containee.
def Contains(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:11025

◆ CreateDatatypes()

def z3py.CreateDatatypes ( ds)
Create mutually recursive Z3 datatypes using 1 or more Datatype helper objects.

In the following example we define a Tree-List using two mutually recursive datatypes.

>>> TreeList = Datatype('TreeList')
>>> Tree     = Datatype('Tree')
>>> # Tree has two constructors: leaf and node
>>> Tree.declare('leaf', ('val', IntSort()))
>>> # a node contains a list of trees
>>> Tree.declare('node', ('children', TreeList))
>>> TreeList.declare('nil')
>>> TreeList.declare('cons', ('car', Tree), ('cdr', TreeList))
>>> Tree, TreeList = CreateDatatypes(Tree, TreeList)
>>> Tree.val(Tree.leaf(10))
>>> simplify(Tree.val(Tree.leaf(10)))
>>> n1 = Tree.node(TreeList.cons(Tree.leaf(10), TreeList.cons(Tree.leaf(20), TreeList.nil)))
>>> n1
node(cons(leaf(10), cons(leaf(20), nil)))
>>> n2 = Tree.node(TreeList.cons(n1, TreeList.nil))
>>> simplify(n2 == n1)
>>> simplify(TreeList.car(Tree.children(n2)) == n1)

Definition at line 5158 of file z3py.py.

5158 def CreateDatatypes(*ds):
5159  """Create mutually recursive Z3 datatypes using 1 or more Datatype helper objects.
5161  In the following example we define a Tree-List using two mutually recursive datatypes.
5163  >>> TreeList = Datatype('TreeList')
5164  >>> Tree = Datatype('Tree')
5165  >>> # Tree has two constructors: leaf and node
5166  >>> Tree.declare('leaf', ('val', IntSort()))
5167  >>> # a node contains a list of trees
5168  >>> Tree.declare('node', ('children', TreeList))
5169  >>> TreeList.declare('nil')
5170  >>> TreeList.declare('cons', ('car', Tree), ('cdr', TreeList))
5171  >>> Tree, TreeList = CreateDatatypes(Tree, TreeList)
5172  >>> Tree.val(Tree.leaf(10))
5173  val(leaf(10))
5174  >>> simplify(Tree.val(Tree.leaf(10)))
5175  10
5176  >>> n1 = Tree.node(TreeList.cons(Tree.leaf(10), TreeList.cons(Tree.leaf(20), TreeList.nil)))
5177  >>> n1
5178  node(cons(leaf(10), cons(leaf(20), nil)))
5179  >>> n2 = Tree.node(TreeList.cons(n1, TreeList.nil))
5180  >>> simplify(n2 == n1)
5181  False
5182  >>> simplify(TreeList.car(Tree.children(n2)) == n1)
5183  True
5184  """
5185  ds = _get_args(ds)
5186  if z3_debug():
5187  _z3_assert(len(ds) > 0, "At least one Datatype must be specified")
5188  _z3_assert(all([isinstance(d, Datatype) for d in ds]), "Arguments must be Datatypes")
5189  _z3_assert(all([d.ctx == ds[0].ctx for d in ds]), "Context mismatch")
5190  _z3_assert(all([d.constructors != [] for d in ds]), "Non-empty Datatypes expected")
5191  ctx = ds[0].ctx
5192  num = len(ds)
5193  names = (Symbol * num)()
5194  out = (Sort * num)()
5195  clists = (ConstructorList * num)()
5196  to_delete = []
5197  for i in range(num):
5198  d = ds[i]
5199  names[i] = to_symbol(d.name, ctx)
5200  num_cs = len(d.constructors)
5201  cs = (Constructor * num_cs)()
5202  for j in range(num_cs):
5203  c = d.constructors[j]
5204  cname = to_symbol(c[0], ctx)
5205  rname = to_symbol(c[1], ctx)
5206  fs = c[2]
5207  num_fs = len(fs)
5208  fnames = (Symbol * num_fs)()
5209  sorts = (Sort * num_fs)()
5210  refs = (ctypes.c_uint * num_fs)()
5211  for k in range(num_fs):
5212  fname = fs[k][0]
5213  ftype = fs[k][1]
5214  fnames[k] = to_symbol(fname, ctx)
5215  if isinstance(ftype, Datatype):
5216  if z3_debug():
5217  _z3_assert(
5218  ds.count(ftype) == 1,
5219  "One and only one occurrence of each datatype is expected",
5220  )
5221  sorts[k] = None
5222  refs[k] = ds.index(ftype)
5223  else:
5224  if z3_debug():
5225  _z3_assert(is_sort(ftype), "Z3 sort expected")
5226  sorts[k] = ftype.ast
5227  refs[k] = 0
5228  cs[j] = Z3_mk_constructor(ctx.ref(), cname, rname, num_fs, fnames, sorts, refs)
5229  to_delete.append(ScopedConstructor(cs[j], ctx))
5230  clists[i] = Z3_mk_constructor_list(ctx.ref(), num_cs, cs)
5231  to_delete.append(ScopedConstructorList(clists[i], ctx))
5232  Z3_mk_datatypes(ctx.ref(), num, names, out, clists)
5233  result = []
5234  # Create a field for every constructor, recognizer and accessor
5235  for i in range(num):
5236  dref = DatatypeSortRef(out[i], ctx)
5237  num_cs = dref.num_constructors()
5238  for j in range(num_cs):
5239  cref = dref.constructor(j)
5240  cref_name = cref.name()
5241  cref_arity = cref.arity()
5242  if cref.arity() == 0:
5243  cref = cref()
5244  setattr(dref, cref_name, cref)
5245  rref = dref.recognizer(j)
5246  setattr(dref, "is_" + cref_name, rref)
5247  for k in range(cref_arity):
5248  aref = dref.accessor(j, k)
5249  setattr(dref, aref.name(), aref)
5250  result.append(dref)
5251  return tuple(result)
Z3_constructor Z3_API Z3_mk_constructor(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol name, Z3_symbol recognizer, unsigned num_fields, Z3_symbol const field_names[], Z3_sort_opt const sorts[], unsigned sort_refs[])
Create a constructor.
void Z3_API Z3_mk_datatypes(Z3_context c, unsigned num_sorts, Z3_symbol const sort_names[], Z3_sort sorts[], Z3_constructor_list constructor_lists[])
Create mutually recursive datatypes.
Z3_constructor_list Z3_API Z3_mk_constructor_list(Z3_context c, unsigned num_constructors, Z3_constructor const constructors[])
Create list of constructors.
def CreateDatatypes(*ds)
Definition: z3py.py:5158

Referenced by Datatype.create().

◆ DatatypeSort()

def z3py.DatatypeSort (   name,
  ctx = None 
Create a reference to a sort that was declared, or will be declared, as a recursive datatype

Definition at line 5358 of file z3py.py.

5358 def DatatypeSort(name, ctx = None):
5359  """Create a reference to a sort that was declared, or will be declared, as a recursive datatype"""
5360  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
5361  return DatatypeSortRef(Z3_mk_datatype_sort(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx)), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_datatype_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol name)
create a forward reference to a recursive datatype being declared. The forward reference can be used ...
def DatatypeSort(name, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:5358

Referenced by Context.MkDatatypeSort(), and Context.MkDatatypeSorts().

◆ DeclareSort()

def z3py.DeclareSort (   name,
  ctx = None 
Create a new uninterpreted sort named `name`.

If `ctx=None`, then the new sort is declared in the global Z3Py context.

>>> A = DeclareSort('A')
>>> a = Const('a', A)
>>> b = Const('b', A)
>>> a.sort() == A
>>> b.sort() == A
>>> a == b
a == b

Definition at line 693 of file z3py.py.

693 def DeclareSort(name, ctx=None):
694  """Create a new uninterpreted sort named `name`.
696  If `ctx=None`, then the new sort is declared in the global Z3Py context.
698  >>> A = DeclareSort('A')
699  >>> a = Const('a', A)
700  >>> b = Const('b', A)
701  >>> a.sort() == A
702  True
703  >>> b.sort() == A
704  True
705  >>> a == b
706  a == b
707  """
708  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
709  return SortRef(Z3_mk_uninterpreted_sort(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx)), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_uninterpreted_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s)
Create a free (uninterpreted) type using the given name (symbol).
def DeclareSort(name, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:693

◆ Default()

def z3py.Default (   a)
 Return a default value for array expression.
>>> b = K(IntSort(), 1)
>>> prove(Default(b) == 1)

Definition at line 4779 of file z3py.py.

4779 def Default(a):
4780  """ Return a default value for array expression.
4781  >>> b = K(IntSort(), 1)
4782  >>> prove(Default(b) == 1)
4783  proved
4784  """
4785  if z3_debug():
4786  _z3_assert(is_array_sort(a), "First argument must be a Z3 array expression")
4787  return a.default()
def is_array_sort(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4607
def Default(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4779

◆ describe_probes()

def z3py.describe_probes ( )
Display a (tabular) description of all available probes in Z3.

Definition at line 8675 of file z3py.py.

8675 def describe_probes():
8676  """Display a (tabular) description of all available probes in Z3."""
8677  if in_html_mode():
8678  even = True
8679  print('<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">')
8680  for p in probes():
8681  if even:
8682  print('<tr style="background-color:#CFCFCF">')
8683  even = False
8684  else:
8685  print("<tr>")
8686  even = True
8687  print("<td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (p, insert_line_breaks(probe_description(p), 40)))
8688  print("</table>")
8689  else:
8690  for p in probes():
8691  print("%s : %s" % (p, probe_description(p)))
def probe_description(name, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8666
def describe_probes()
Definition: z3py.py:8675
def probes(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8655

◆ describe_tactics()

def z3py.describe_tactics ( )
Display a (tabular) description of all available tactics in Z3.

Definition at line 8469 of file z3py.py.

8469 def describe_tactics():
8470  """Display a (tabular) description of all available tactics in Z3."""
8471  if in_html_mode():
8472  even = True
8473  print('<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">')
8474  for t in tactics():
8475  if even:
8476  print('<tr style="background-color:#CFCFCF">')
8477  even = False
8478  else:
8479  print("<tr>")
8480  even = True
8481  print("<td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (t, insert_line_breaks(tactic_description(t), 40)))
8482  print("</table>")
8483  else:
8484  for t in tactics():
8485  print("%s : %s" % (t, tactic_description(t)))
def tactics(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8449
def tactic_description(name, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8460
def describe_tactics()
Definition: z3py.py:8469

◆ deserialize()

def z3py.deserialize (   st)
inverse function to the serialize method on ExprRef.
It is made available to make it easier for users to serialize expressions back and forth between
strings. Solvers can be serialized using the 'sexpr()' method.

Definition at line 1119 of file z3py.py.

1119 def deserialize(st):
1120  """inverse function to the serialize method on ExprRef.
1121  It is made available to make it easier for users to serialize expressions back and forth between
1122  strings. Solvers can be serialized using the 'sexpr()' method.
1123  """
1124  s = Solver()
1125  s.from_string(st)
1126  if len(s.assertions()) != 1:
1127  raise Z3Exception("single assertion expected")
1128  fml = s.assertions()[0]
1129  if fml.num_args() != 1:
1130  raise Z3Exception("dummy function 'F' expected")
1131  return fml.arg(0)
def deserialize(st)
Definition: z3py.py:1119

◆ Diff()

def z3py.Diff (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create the difference regular epression

Definition at line 11293 of file z3py.py.

11293 def Diff(a, b, ctx=None):
11294  """Create the difference regular epression
11295  """
11296  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_diff(a.ctx_ref(), a.ast, b.ast), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_diff(Z3_context c, Z3_ast re1, Z3_ast re2)
Create the difference of regular expressions.
def Diff(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:11293

◆ disable_trace()

def z3py.disable_trace (   msg)

Definition at line 79 of file z3py.py.

79 def disable_trace(msg):
80  Z3_disable_trace(msg)
void Z3_API Z3_disable_trace(Z3_string tag)
Disable tracing messages tagged as tag when Z3 is compiled in debug mode. It is a NOOP otherwise.
def disable_trace(msg)
Definition: z3py.py:79

◆ DisjointSum()

def z3py.DisjointSum (   name,
  ctx = None 
Create a named tagged union sort base on a set of underlying sorts
    >>> sum, ((inject0, extract0), (inject1, extract1)) = DisjointSum("+", [IntSort(), StringSort()])

Definition at line 5375 of file z3py.py.

5375 def DisjointSum(name, sorts, ctx=None):
5376  """Create a named tagged union sort base on a set of underlying sorts
5377  Example:
5378  >>> sum, ((inject0, extract0), (inject1, extract1)) = DisjointSum("+", [IntSort(), StringSort()])
5379  """
5380  sum = Datatype(name, ctx)
5381  for i in range(len(sorts)):
5382  sum.declare("inject%d" % i, ("project%d" % i, sorts[i]))
5383  sum = sum.create()
5384  return sum, [(sum.constructor(i), sum.accessor(i, 0)) for i in range(len(sorts))]
def DisjointSum(name, sorts, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:5375

◆ Distinct()

def z3py.Distinct ( args)
Create a Z3 distinct expression.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> y = Int('y')
>>> Distinct(x, y)
x != y
>>> z = Int('z')
>>> Distinct(x, y, z)
Distinct(x, y, z)
>>> simplify(Distinct(x, y, z))
Distinct(x, y, z)
>>> simplify(Distinct(x, y, z), blast_distinct=True)
And(Not(x == y), Not(x == z), Not(y == z))

Definition at line 1404 of file z3py.py.

1404 def Distinct(*args):
1405  """Create a Z3 distinct expression.
1407  >>> x = Int('x')
1408  >>> y = Int('y')
1409  >>> Distinct(x, y)
1410  x != y
1411  >>> z = Int('z')
1412  >>> Distinct(x, y, z)
1413  Distinct(x, y, z)
1414  >>> simplify(Distinct(x, y, z))
1415  Distinct(x, y, z)
1416  >>> simplify(Distinct(x, y, z), blast_distinct=True)
1417  And(Not(x == y), Not(x == z), Not(y == z))
1418  """
1419  args = _get_args(args)
1420  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list(args)
1421  if z3_debug():
1422  _z3_assert(ctx is not None, "At least one of the arguments must be a Z3 expression")
1423  args = _coerce_expr_list(args, ctx)
1424  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(args)
1425  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_distinct(ctx.ref(), sz, _args), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_distinct(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[])
Create an AST node representing distinct(args[0], ..., args[num_args-1]).
def Distinct(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:1404

◆ Empty()

def z3py.Empty (   s)
Create the empty sequence of the given sort
>>> e = Empty(StringSort())
>>> e2 = StringVal("")
>>> print(e.eq(e2))
>>> e3 = Empty(SeqSort(IntSort()))
>>> print(e3)
>>> e4 = Empty(ReSort(SeqSort(IntSort())))
>>> print(e4)

Definition at line 10955 of file z3py.py.

10955 def Empty(s):
10956  """Create the empty sequence of the given sort
10957  >>> e = Empty(StringSort())
10958  >>> e2 = StringVal("")
10959  >>> print(e.eq(e2))
10960  True
10961  >>> e3 = Empty(SeqSort(IntSort()))
10962  >>> print(e3)
10963  Empty(Seq(Int))
10964  >>> e4 = Empty(ReSort(SeqSort(IntSort())))
10965  >>> print(e4)
10966  Empty(ReSort(Seq(Int)))
10967  """
10968  if isinstance(s, SeqSortRef):
10969  return SeqRef(Z3_mk_seq_empty(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast), s.ctx)
10970  if isinstance(s, ReSortRef):
10971  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_empty(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast), s.ctx)
10972  raise Z3Exception("Non-sequence, non-regular expression sort passed to Empty")
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_empty(Z3_context c, Z3_sort seq)
Create an empty sequence of the sequence sort seq.
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_empty(Z3_context c, Z3_sort re)
Create an empty regular expression of sort re.
def Empty(s)
Definition: z3py.py:10955

◆ EmptySet()

def z3py.EmptySet (   s)
Create the empty set
>>> EmptySet(IntSort())
K(Int, False)

Definition at line 4922 of file z3py.py.

4922 def EmptySet(s):
4923  """Create the empty set
4924  >>> EmptySet(IntSort())
4925  K(Int, False)
4926  """
4927  ctx = s.ctx
4928  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_empty_set(ctx.ref(), s.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_empty_set(Z3_context c, Z3_sort domain)
Create the empty set.
def EmptySet(s)
Definition: z3py.py:4922

◆ enable_trace()

def z3py.enable_trace (   msg)

Definition at line 75 of file z3py.py.

75 def enable_trace(msg):
76  Z3_enable_trace(msg)
void Z3_API Z3_enable_trace(Z3_string tag)
Enable tracing messages tagged as tag when Z3 is compiled in debug mode. It is a NOOP otherwise.
def enable_trace(msg)
Definition: z3py.py:75

◆ ensure_prop_closures()

def z3py.ensure_prop_closures ( )

Definition at line 11408 of file z3py.py.

11408 def ensure_prop_closures():
11409  global _prop_closures
11410  if _prop_closures is None:
11411  _prop_closures = PropClosures()
def ensure_prop_closures()
Definition: z3py.py:11408

Referenced by UserPropagateBase.__init__().

◆ EnumSort()

def z3py.EnumSort (   name,
  ctx = None 
Return a new enumeration sort named `name` containing the given values.

The result is a pair (sort, list of constants).
    >>> Color, (red, green, blue) = EnumSort('Color', ['red', 'green', 'blue'])

Definition at line 5387 of file z3py.py.

5387 def EnumSort(name, values, ctx=None):
5388  """Return a new enumeration sort named `name` containing the given values.
5390  The result is a pair (sort, list of constants).
5391  Example:
5392  >>> Color, (red, green, blue) = EnumSort('Color', ['red', 'green', 'blue'])
5393  """
5394  if z3_debug():
5395  _z3_assert(isinstance(name, str), "Name must be a string")
5396  _z3_assert(all([isinstance(v, str) for v in values]), "Eumeration sort values must be strings")
5397  _z3_assert(len(values) > 0, "At least one value expected")
5398  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
5399  num = len(values)
5400  _val_names = (Symbol * num)()
5401  for i in range(num):
5402  _val_names[i] = to_symbol(values[i])
5403  _values = (FuncDecl * num)()
5404  _testers = (FuncDecl * num)()
5405  name = to_symbol(name)
5406  S = DatatypeSortRef(Z3_mk_enumeration_sort(ctx.ref(), name, num, _val_names, _values, _testers), ctx)
5407  V = []
5408  for i in range(num):
5409  V.append(FuncDeclRef(_values[i], ctx))
5410  V = [a() for a in V]
5411  return S, V
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_enumeration_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol name, unsigned n, Z3_symbol const enum_names[], Z3_func_decl enum_consts[], Z3_func_decl enum_testers[])
Create a enumeration sort.
def EnumSort(name, values, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:5387

Referenced by Context.MkEnumSort().

◆ eq()

def z3py.eq (   a,
Return `True` if `a` and `b` are structurally identical AST nodes.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> y = Int('y')
>>> eq(x, y)
>>> eq(x + 1, x + 1)
>>> eq(x + 1, 1 + x)
>>> eq(simplify(x + 1), simplify(1 + x))

Definition at line 472 of file z3py.py.

472 def eq(a, b):
473  """Return `True` if `a` and `b` are structurally identical AST nodes.
475  >>> x = Int('x')
476  >>> y = Int('y')
477  >>> eq(x, y)
478  False
479  >>> eq(x + 1, x + 1)
480  True
481  >>> eq(x + 1, 1 + x)
482  False
483  >>> eq(simplify(x + 1), simplify(1 + x))
484  True
485  """
486  if z3_debug():
487  _z3_assert(is_ast(a) and is_ast(b), "Z3 ASTs expected")
488  return a.eq(b)
def is_ast(a)
Definition: z3py.py:451
def eq(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:472

Referenced by substitute().

◆ Exists()

def z3py.Exists (   vs,
  weight = 1,
  qid = "",
  skid = "",
  patterns = [],
  no_patterns = [] 
Create a Z3 exists formula.

The parameters `weight`, `qif`, `skid`, `patterns` and `no_patterns` are optional annotations.

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> y = Int('y')
>>> q = Exists([x, y], f(x, y) >= x, skid="foo")
>>> q
Exists([x, y], f(x, y) >= x)
>>> is_quantifier(q)
>>> r = Tactic('nnf')(q).as_expr()
>>> is_quantifier(r)

Definition at line 2240 of file z3py.py.

2240 def Exists(vs, body, weight=1, qid="", skid="", patterns=[], no_patterns=[]):
2241  """Create a Z3 exists formula.
2243  The parameters `weight`, `qif`, `skid`, `patterns` and `no_patterns` are optional annotations.
2246  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
2247  >>> x = Int('x')
2248  >>> y = Int('y')
2249  >>> q = Exists([x, y], f(x, y) >= x, skid="foo")
2250  >>> q
2251  Exists([x, y], f(x, y) >= x)
2252  >>> is_quantifier(q)
2253  True
2254  >>> r = Tactic('nnf')(q).as_expr()
2255  >>> is_quantifier(r)
2256  False
2257  """
2258  return _mk_quantifier(False, vs, body, weight, qid, skid, patterns, no_patterns)
def Exists(vs, body, weight=1, qid="", skid="", patterns=[], no_patterns=[])
Definition: z3py.py:2240

Referenced by Fixedpoint.abstract().

◆ Ext()

def z3py.Ext (   a,
Return extensionality index for one-dimensional arrays.
>> a, b = Consts('a b', SetSort(IntSort()))
>> Ext(a, b)
Ext(a, b)

Definition at line 4868 of file z3py.py.

4868 def Ext(a, b):
4869  """Return extensionality index for one-dimensional arrays.
4870  >> a, b = Consts('a b', SetSort(IntSort()))
4871  >> Ext(a, b)
4872  Ext(a, b)
4873  """
4874  ctx = a.ctx
4875  if z3_debug():
4876  _z3_assert(is_array_sort(a) and (is_array(b) or b.is_lambda()), "arguments must be arrays")
4877  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_mk_array_ext(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_array_ext(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg1, Z3_ast arg2)
Create array extensionality index given two arrays with the same sort. The meaning is given by the ax...
def is_array(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4611
def Ext(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4868

◆ Extract()

def z3py.Extract (   high,
Create a Z3 bit-vector extraction expression.
Extract is overloaded to also work on sequence extraction.
The functions SubString and SubSeq are redirected to Extract.
For this case, the arguments are reinterpreted as:
    high - is a sequence (string)
    low  - is an offset
    a    - is the length to be extracted

>>> x = BitVec('x', 8)
>>> Extract(6, 2, x)
Extract(6, 2, x)
>>> Extract(6, 2, x).sort()
>>> simplify(Extract(StringVal("abcd"),2,1))

Definition at line 4128 of file z3py.py.

4128 def Extract(high, low, a):
4129  """Create a Z3 bit-vector extraction expression.
4130  Extract is overloaded to also work on sequence extraction.
4131  The functions SubString and SubSeq are redirected to Extract.
4132  For this case, the arguments are reinterpreted as:
4133  high - is a sequence (string)
4134  low - is an offset
4135  a - is the length to be extracted
4137  >>> x = BitVec('x', 8)
4138  >>> Extract(6, 2, x)
4139  Extract(6, 2, x)
4140  >>> Extract(6, 2, x).sort()
4141  BitVec(5)
4142  >>> simplify(Extract(StringVal("abcd"),2,1))
4143  "c"
4144  """
4145  if isinstance(high, str):
4146  high = StringVal(high)
4147  if is_seq(high):
4148  s = high
4149  offset, length = _coerce_exprs(low, a, s.ctx)
4150  return SeqRef(Z3_mk_seq_extract(s.ctx_ref(), s.as_ast(), offset.as_ast(), length.as_ast()), s.ctx)
4151  if z3_debug():
4152  _z3_assert(low <= high, "First argument must be greater than or equal to second argument")
4153  _z3_assert(_is_int(high) and high >= 0 and _is_int(low) and low >= 0,
4154  "First and second arguments must be non negative integers")
4155  _z3_assert(is_bv(a), "Third argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
4156  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_extract(a.ctx_ref(), high, low, a.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_extract(Z3_context c, unsigned high, unsigned low, Z3_ast t1)
Extract the bits high down to low from a bit-vector of size m to yield a new bit-vector of size n,...
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_extract(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s, Z3_ast offset, Z3_ast length)
Extract subsequence starting at offset of length.
def Extract(high, low, a)
Definition: z3py.py:4128
def StringVal(s, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10921

Referenced by SubSeq(), and SubString().

◆ FailIf()

def z3py.FailIf (   p,
  ctx = None 
Return a tactic that fails if the probe `p` evaluates to true.
Otherwise, it returns the input goal unmodified.

In the following example, the tactic applies 'simplify' if and only if there are
more than 2 constraints in the goal.

>>> t = OrElse(FailIf(Probe('size') > 2), Tactic('simplify'))
>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> g = Goal()
>>> g.add(x > 0)
>>> g.add(y > 0)
>>> t(g)
[[x > 0, y > 0]]
>>> g.add(x == y + 1)
>>> t(g)
[[Not(x <= 0), Not(y <= 0), x == 1 + y]]

Definition at line 8712 of file z3py.py.

8712 def FailIf(p, ctx=None):
8713  """Return a tactic that fails if the probe `p` evaluates to true.
8714  Otherwise, it returns the input goal unmodified.
8716  In the following example, the tactic applies 'simplify' if and only if there are
8717  more than 2 constraints in the goal.
8719  >>> t = OrElse(FailIf(Probe('size') > 2), Tactic('simplify'))
8720  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
8721  >>> g = Goal()
8722  >>> g.add(x > 0)
8723  >>> g.add(y > 0)
8724  >>> t(g)
8725  [[x > 0, y > 0]]
8726  >>> g.add(x == y + 1)
8727  >>> t(g)
8728  [[Not(x <= 0), Not(y <= 0), x == 1 + y]]
8729  """
8730  p = _to_probe(p, ctx)
8731  return Tactic(Z3_tactic_fail_if(p.ctx.ref(), p.probe), p.ctx)
Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_fail_if(Z3_context c, Z3_probe p)
Return a tactic that fails if the probe p evaluates to false.
def FailIf(p, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8712

◆ FiniteDomainSort()

def z3py.FiniteDomainSort (   name,
  ctx = None 
Create a named finite domain sort of a given size sz

Definition at line 7716 of file z3py.py.

7716 def FiniteDomainSort(name, sz, ctx=None):
7717  """Create a named finite domain sort of a given size sz"""
7718  if not isinstance(name, Symbol):
7719  name = to_symbol(name)
7720  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
7721  return FiniteDomainSortRef(Z3_mk_finite_domain_sort(ctx.ref(), name, sz), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_finite_domain_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol name, uint64_t size)
Create a named finite domain sort.
def FiniteDomainSort(name, sz, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:7716

Referenced by Context.MkFiniteDomainSort().

◆ FiniteDomainVal()

def z3py.FiniteDomainVal (   val,
  ctx = None 
Return a Z3 finite-domain value. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> s = FiniteDomainSort('S', 256)
>>> FiniteDomainVal(255, s)
>>> FiniteDomainVal('100', s)

Definition at line 7786 of file z3py.py.

7786 def FiniteDomainVal(val, sort, ctx=None):
7787  """Return a Z3 finite-domain value. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
7789  >>> s = FiniteDomainSort('S', 256)
7790  >>> FiniteDomainVal(255, s)
7791  255
7792  >>> FiniteDomainVal('100', s)
7793  100
7794  """
7795  if z3_debug():
7796  _z3_assert(is_finite_domain_sort(sort), "Expected finite-domain sort")
7797  ctx = sort.ctx
7798  return FiniteDomainNumRef(Z3_mk_numeral(ctx.ref(), _to_int_str(val), sort.ast), ctx)
def FiniteDomainVal(val, sort, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:7786
def is_finite_domain_sort(s)
Definition: z3py.py:7724

◆ Float128()

def z3py.Float128 (   ctx = None)
Floating-point 128-bit (quadruple) sort.

Definition at line 9440 of file z3py.py.

9440 def Float128(ctx=None):
9441  """Floating-point 128-bit (quadruple) sort."""
9442  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9443  return FPSortRef(Z3_mk_fpa_sort_128(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_128(Z3_context c)
Create the quadruple-precision (128-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
def Float128(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9440

◆ Float16()

def z3py.Float16 (   ctx = None)
Floating-point 16-bit (half) sort.

Definition at line 9404 of file z3py.py.

9404 def Float16(ctx=None):
9405  """Floating-point 16-bit (half) sort."""
9406  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9407  return FPSortRef(Z3_mk_fpa_sort_16(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_16(Z3_context c)
Create the half-precision (16-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
def Float16(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9404

◆ Float32()

def z3py.Float32 (   ctx = None)
Floating-point 32-bit (single) sort.

Definition at line 9416 of file z3py.py.

9416 def Float32(ctx=None):
9417  """Floating-point 32-bit (single) sort."""
9418  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9419  return FPSortRef(Z3_mk_fpa_sort_32(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_32(Z3_context c)
Create the single-precision (32-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
def Float32(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9416

◆ Float64()

def z3py.Float64 (   ctx = None)
Floating-point 64-bit (double) sort.

Definition at line 9428 of file z3py.py.

9428 def Float64(ctx=None):
9429  """Floating-point 64-bit (double) sort."""
9430  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9431  return FPSortRef(Z3_mk_fpa_sort_64(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_64(Z3_context c)
Create the double-precision (64-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
def Float64(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9428

◆ FloatDouble()

def z3py.FloatDouble (   ctx = None)
Floating-point 64-bit (double) sort.

Definition at line 9434 of file z3py.py.

9434 def FloatDouble(ctx=None):
9435  """Floating-point 64-bit (double) sort."""
9436  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9437  return FPSortRef(Z3_mk_fpa_sort_double(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_double(Z3_context c)
Create the double-precision (64-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
def FloatDouble(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9434

◆ FloatHalf()

def z3py.FloatHalf (   ctx = None)
Floating-point 16-bit (half) sort.

Definition at line 9410 of file z3py.py.

9410 def FloatHalf(ctx=None):
9411  """Floating-point 16-bit (half) sort."""
9412  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9413  return FPSortRef(Z3_mk_fpa_sort_half(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_half(Z3_context c)
Create the half-precision (16-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
def FloatHalf(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9410

◆ FloatQuadruple()

def z3py.FloatQuadruple (   ctx = None)
Floating-point 128-bit (quadruple) sort.

Definition at line 9446 of file z3py.py.

9446 def FloatQuadruple(ctx=None):
9447  """Floating-point 128-bit (quadruple) sort."""
9448  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9449  return FPSortRef(Z3_mk_fpa_sort_quadruple(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_quadruple(Z3_context c)
Create the quadruple-precision (128-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
def FloatQuadruple(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9446

◆ FloatSingle()

def z3py.FloatSingle (   ctx = None)
Floating-point 32-bit (single) sort.

Definition at line 9422 of file z3py.py.

9422 def FloatSingle(ctx=None):
9423  """Floating-point 32-bit (single) sort."""
9424  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9425  return FPSortRef(Z3_mk_fpa_sort_single(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort_single(Z3_context c)
Create the single-precision (32-bit) FloatingPoint sort.
def FloatSingle(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9422

◆ ForAll()

def z3py.ForAll (   vs,
  weight = 1,
  qid = "",
  skid = "",
  patterns = [],
  no_patterns = [] 
Create a Z3 forall formula.

The parameters `weight`, `qid`, `skid`, `patterns` and `no_patterns` are optional annotations.

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> y = Int('y')
>>> ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x)
ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x)
>>> ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x, patterns=[ f(x, y) ])
ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x)
>>> ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x, weight=10)
ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x)

Definition at line 2222 of file z3py.py.

2222 def ForAll(vs, body, weight=1, qid="", skid="", patterns=[], no_patterns=[]):
2223  """Create a Z3 forall formula.
2225  The parameters `weight`, `qid`, `skid`, `patterns` and `no_patterns` are optional annotations.
2227  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
2228  >>> x = Int('x')
2229  >>> y = Int('y')
2230  >>> ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x)
2231  ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x)
2232  >>> ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x, patterns=[ f(x, y) ])
2233  ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x)
2234  >>> ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x, weight=10)
2235  ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) >= x)
2236  """
2237  return _mk_quantifier(True, vs, body, weight, qid, skid, patterns, no_patterns)
def ForAll(vs, body, weight=1, qid="", skid="", patterns=[], no_patterns=[])
Definition: z3py.py:2222

Referenced by Fixedpoint.abstract().

◆ FP()

def z3py.FP (   name,
  ctx = None 
Return a floating-point constant named `name`.
`fpsort` is the floating-point sort.
If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> x  = FP('x', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> is_fp(x)
>>> x.ebits()
>>> x.sort()
FPSort(8, 24)
>>> word = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> x2 = FP('x', word)
>>> eq(x, x2)

Definition at line 10072 of file z3py.py.

10072 def FP(name, fpsort, ctx=None):
10073  """Return a floating-point constant named `name`.
10074  `fpsort` is the floating-point sort.
10075  If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
10077  >>> x = FP('x', FPSort(8, 24))
10078  >>> is_fp(x)
10079  True
10080  >>> x.ebits()
10081  8
10082  >>> x.sort()
10083  FPSort(8, 24)
10084  >>> word = FPSort(8, 24)
10085  >>> x2 = FP('x', word)
10086  >>> eq(x, x2)
10087  True
10088  """
10089  if isinstance(fpsort, FPSortRef) and ctx is None:
10090  ctx = fpsort.ctx
10091  else:
10092  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10093  return FPRef(Z3_mk_const(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), fpsort.ast), ctx)
def FP(name, fpsort, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10072

Referenced by FPs().

◆ fpAbs()

def z3py.fpAbs (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point absolute value expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> rm = RNE()
>>> x = FPVal(1.0, s)
>>> fpAbs(x)
>>> y = FPVal(-20.0, s)
>>> y
>>> fpAbs(y)
>>> fpAbs(-1.25*(2**4))
>>> fpAbs(x).sort()
FPSort(8, 24)

Definition at line 10115 of file z3py.py.

10115 def fpAbs(a, ctx=None):
10116  """Create a Z3 floating-point absolute value expression.
10118  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10119  >>> rm = RNE()
10120  >>> x = FPVal(1.0, s)
10121  >>> fpAbs(x)
10122  fpAbs(1)
10123  >>> y = FPVal(-20.0, s)
10124  >>> y
10125  -1.25*(2**4)
10126  >>> fpAbs(y)
10127  fpAbs(-1.25*(2**4))
10128  >>> fpAbs(-1.25*(2**4))
10129  fpAbs(-1.25*(2**4))
10130  >>> fpAbs(x).sort()
10131  FPSort(8, 24)
10132  """
10133  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10134  [a] = _coerce_fp_expr_list([a], ctx)
10135  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_abs(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_abs(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t)
Floating-point absolute value.
def fpAbs(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10115

◆ fpAdd()

def z3py.fpAdd (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point addition expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> rm = RNE()
>>> x = FP('x', s)
>>> y = FP('y', s)
>>> fpAdd(rm, x, y)
x + y
>>> fpAdd(RTZ(), x, y) # default rounding mode is RTZ
fpAdd(RTZ(), x, y)
>>> fpAdd(rm, x, y).sort()
FPSort(8, 24)

Definition at line 10206 of file z3py.py.

10206 def fpAdd(rm, a, b, ctx=None):
10207  """Create a Z3 floating-point addition expression.
10209  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10210  >>> rm = RNE()
10211  >>> x = FP('x', s)
10212  >>> y = FP('y', s)
10213  >>> fpAdd(rm, x, y)
10214  x + y
10215  >>> fpAdd(RTZ(), x, y) # default rounding mode is RTZ
10216  fpAdd(RTZ(), x, y)
10217  >>> fpAdd(rm, x, y).sort()
10218  FPSort(8, 24)
10219  """
10220  return _mk_fp_bin(Z3_mk_fpa_add, rm, a, b, ctx)
def fpAdd(rm, a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10206

Referenced by FPRef.__add__(), and FPRef.__radd__().

◆ fpBVToFP()

def z3py.fpBVToFP (   v,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression that represents the
conversion from a bit-vector term to a floating-point term.

>>> x_bv = BitVecVal(0x3F800000, 32)
>>> x_fp = fpBVToFP(x_bv, Float32())
>>> x_fp
>>> simplify(x_fp)

Definition at line 10528 of file z3py.py.

10528 def fpBVToFP(v, sort, ctx=None):
10529  """Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression that represents the
10530  conversion from a bit-vector term to a floating-point term.
10532  >>> x_bv = BitVecVal(0x3F800000, 32)
10533  >>> x_fp = fpBVToFP(x_bv, Float32())
10534  >>> x_fp
10535  fpToFP(1065353216)
10536  >>> simplify(x_fp)
10537  1
10538  """
10539  _z3_assert(is_bv(v), "First argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
10540  _z3_assert(is_fp_sort(sort), "Second argument must be a Z3 floating-point sort.")
10541  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10542  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_bv(ctx.ref(), v.ast, sort.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_bv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast bv, Z3_sort s)
Conversion of a single IEEE 754-2008 bit-vector into a floating-point number.
def is_fp_sort(s)
Definition: z3py.py:9456
def fpBVToFP(v, sort, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10528

◆ fpDiv()

def z3py.fpDiv (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point division expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> rm = RNE()
>>> x = FP('x', s)
>>> y = FP('y', s)
>>> fpDiv(rm, x, y)
x / y
>>> fpDiv(rm, x, y).sort()
FPSort(8, 24)

Definition at line 10253 of file z3py.py.

10253 def fpDiv(rm, a, b, ctx=None):
10254  """Create a Z3 floating-point division expression.
10256  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10257  >>> rm = RNE()
10258  >>> x = FP('x', s)
10259  >>> y = FP('y', s)
10260  >>> fpDiv(rm, x, y)
10261  x / y
10262  >>> fpDiv(rm, x, y).sort()
10263  FPSort(8, 24)
10264  """
10265  return _mk_fp_bin(Z3_mk_fpa_div, rm, a, b, ctx)
def fpDiv(rm, a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10253

Referenced by FPRef.__div__(), and FPRef.__rdiv__().

◆ fpEQ()

def z3py.fpEQ (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create the Z3 floating-point expression `fpEQ(other, self)`.

>>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> fpEQ(x, y)
fpEQ(x, y)
>>> fpEQ(x, y).sexpr()
'(fp.eq x y)'

Definition at line 10436 of file z3py.py.

10436 def fpEQ(a, b, ctx=None):
10437  """Create the Z3 floating-point expression `fpEQ(other, self)`.
10439  >>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
10440  >>> fpEQ(x, y)
10441  fpEQ(x, y)
10442  >>> fpEQ(x, y).sexpr()
10443  '(fp.eq x y)'
10444  """
10445  return _mk_fp_bin_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_eq, a, b, ctx)
def fpEQ(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10436

Referenced by fpNEQ().

◆ fpFMA()

def z3py.fpFMA (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point fused multiply-add expression.

Definition at line 10312 of file z3py.py.

10312 def fpFMA(rm, a, b, c, ctx=None):
10313  """Create a Z3 floating-point fused multiply-add expression.
10314  """
10315  return _mk_fp_tern(Z3_mk_fpa_fma, rm, a, b, c, ctx)
def fpFMA(rm, a, b, c, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10312

◆ fpFP()

def z3py.fpFP (   sgn,
  ctx = None 
Create the Z3 floating-point value `fpFP(sgn, sig, exp)` from the three bit-vectors sgn, sig, and exp.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> x = fpFP(BitVecVal(1, 1), BitVecVal(2**7-1, 8), BitVecVal(2**22, 23))
>>> print(x)
fpFP(1, 127, 4194304)
>>> xv = FPVal(-1.5, s)
>>> print(xv)
>>> slvr = Solver()
>>> slvr.add(fpEQ(x, xv))
>>> slvr.check()
>>> xv = FPVal(+1.5, s)
>>> print(xv)
>>> slvr = Solver()
>>> slvr.add(fpEQ(x, xv))
>>> slvr.check()

Definition at line 10460 of file z3py.py.

10460 def fpFP(sgn, exp, sig, ctx=None):
10461  """Create the Z3 floating-point value `fpFP(sgn, sig, exp)` from the three bit-vectors sgn, sig, and exp.
10463  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10464  >>> x = fpFP(BitVecVal(1, 1), BitVecVal(2**7-1, 8), BitVecVal(2**22, 23))
10465  >>> print(x)
10466  fpFP(1, 127, 4194304)
10467  >>> xv = FPVal(-1.5, s)
10468  >>> print(xv)
10469  -1.5
10470  >>> slvr = Solver()
10471  >>> slvr.add(fpEQ(x, xv))
10472  >>> slvr.check()
10473  sat
10474  >>> xv = FPVal(+1.5, s)
10475  >>> print(xv)
10476  1.5
10477  >>> slvr = Solver()
10478  >>> slvr.add(fpEQ(x, xv))
10479  >>> slvr.check()
10480  unsat
10481  """
10482  _z3_assert(is_bv(sgn) and is_bv(exp) and is_bv(sig), "sort mismatch")
10483  _z3_assert(sgn.sort().size() == 1, "sort mismatch")
10484  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10485  _z3_assert(ctx == sgn.ctx == exp.ctx == sig.ctx, "context mismatch")
10486  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_fp(ctx.ref(), sgn.ast, exp.ast, sig.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_fp(Z3_context c, Z3_ast sgn, Z3_ast exp, Z3_ast sig)
Create an expression of FloatingPoint sort from three bit-vector expressions.
def fpFP(sgn, exp, sig, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10460

◆ fpFPToFP()

def z3py.fpFPToFP (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression that represents the
conversion from a floating-point term to a floating-point term of different precision.

>>> x_sgl = FPVal(1.0, Float32())
>>> x_dbl = fpFPToFP(RNE(), x_sgl, Float64())
>>> x_dbl
fpToFP(RNE(), 1)
>>> simplify(x_dbl)
>>> x_dbl.sort()
FPSort(11, 53)

Definition at line 10545 of file z3py.py.

10545 def fpFPToFP(rm, v, sort, ctx=None):
10546  """Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression that represents the
10547  conversion from a floating-point term to a floating-point term of different precision.
10549  >>> x_sgl = FPVal(1.0, Float32())
10550  >>> x_dbl = fpFPToFP(RNE(), x_sgl, Float64())
10551  >>> x_dbl
10552  fpToFP(RNE(), 1)
10553  >>> simplify(x_dbl)
10554  1
10555  >>> x_dbl.sort()
10556  FPSort(11, 53)
10557  """
10558  _z3_assert(is_fprm(rm), "First argument must be a Z3 floating-point rounding mode expression.")
10559  _z3_assert(is_fp(v), "Second argument must be a Z3 floating-point expression.")
10560  _z3_assert(is_fp_sort(sort), "Third argument must be a Z3 floating-point sort.")
10561  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10562  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_float(ctx.ref(), rm.ast, v.ast, sort.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_float(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, Z3_sort s)
Conversion of a FloatingPoint term into another term of different FloatingPoint sort.
def fpFPToFP(rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10545
def is_fprm(a)
Definition: z3py.py:9716
def is_fp(a)
Definition: z3py.py:9872

◆ fpGEQ()

def z3py.fpGEQ (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create the Z3 floating-point expression `other >= self`.

>>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> fpGEQ(x, y)
x >= y
>>> (x >= y).sexpr()
'(fp.geq x y)'

Definition at line 10424 of file z3py.py.

10424 def fpGEQ(a, b, ctx=None):
10425  """Create the Z3 floating-point expression `other >= self`.
10427  >>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
10428  >>> fpGEQ(x, y)
10429  x >= y
10430  >>> (x >= y).sexpr()
10431  '(fp.geq x y)'
10432  """
10433  return _mk_fp_bin_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_geq, a, b, ctx)
def fpGEQ(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10424

Referenced by FPRef.__ge__().

◆ fpGT()

def z3py.fpGT (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create the Z3 floating-point expression `other > self`.

>>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> fpGT(x, y)
x > y
>>> (x > y).sexpr()
'(fp.gt x y)'

Definition at line 10412 of file z3py.py.

10412 def fpGT(a, b, ctx=None):
10413  """Create the Z3 floating-point expression `other > self`.
10415  >>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
10416  >>> fpGT(x, y)
10417  x > y
10418  >>> (x > y).sexpr()
10419  '(fp.gt x y)'
10420  """
10421  return _mk_fp_bin_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_gt, a, b, ctx)
def fpGT(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10412

Referenced by FPRef.__gt__().

◆ fpInfinity()

def z3py.fpInfinity (   s,
Create a Z3 floating-point +oo or -oo term.

Definition at line 10000 of file z3py.py.

10000 def fpInfinity(s, negative):
10001  """Create a Z3 floating-point +oo or -oo term."""
10002  _z3_assert(isinstance(s, FPSortRef), "sort mismatch")
10003  _z3_assert(isinstance(negative, bool), "expected Boolean flag")
10004  return FPNumRef(Z3_mk_fpa_inf(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast, negative), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_inf(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s, bool negative)
Create a floating-point infinity of sort s.
def fpInfinity(s, negative)
Definition: z3py.py:10000

◆ fpIsInf()

def z3py.fpIsInf (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point isInfinite expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> x = FP('x', s)
>>> fpIsInf(x)

Definition at line 10342 of file z3py.py.

10342 def fpIsInf(a, ctx=None):
10343  """Create a Z3 floating-point isInfinite expression.
10345  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10346  >>> x = FP('x', s)
10347  >>> fpIsInf(x)
10348  fpIsInf(x)
10349  """
10350  return _mk_fp_unary_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_is_infinite, a, ctx)
def fpIsInf(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10342

◆ fpIsNaN()

def z3py.fpIsNaN (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point isNaN expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> x = FP('x', s)
>>> y = FP('y', s)
>>> fpIsNaN(x)

Definition at line 10330 of file z3py.py.

10330 def fpIsNaN(a, ctx=None):
10331  """Create a Z3 floating-point isNaN expression.
10333  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10334  >>> x = FP('x', s)
10335  >>> y = FP('y', s)
10336  >>> fpIsNaN(x)
10337  fpIsNaN(x)
10338  """
10339  return _mk_fp_unary_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_is_nan, a, ctx)
def fpIsNaN(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10330

◆ fpIsNegative()

def z3py.fpIsNegative (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point isNegative expression.

Definition at line 10371 of file z3py.py.

10371 def fpIsNegative(a, ctx=None):
10372  """Create a Z3 floating-point isNegative expression.
10373  """
10374  return _mk_fp_unary_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_is_negative, a, ctx)
def fpIsNegative(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10371

◆ fpIsNormal()

def z3py.fpIsNormal (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point isNormal expression.

Definition at line 10359 of file z3py.py.

10359 def fpIsNormal(a, ctx=None):
10360  """Create a Z3 floating-point isNormal expression.
10361  """
10362  return _mk_fp_unary_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_is_normal, a, ctx)
def fpIsNormal(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10359

◆ fpIsPositive()

def z3py.fpIsPositive (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point isPositive expression.

Definition at line 10377 of file z3py.py.

10377 def fpIsPositive(a, ctx=None):
10378  """Create a Z3 floating-point isPositive expression.
10379  """
10380  return _mk_fp_unary_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_is_positive, a, ctx)
def fpIsPositive(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10377

◆ fpIsSubnormal()

def z3py.fpIsSubnormal (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point isSubnormal expression.

Definition at line 10365 of file z3py.py.

10365 def fpIsSubnormal(a, ctx=None):
10366  """Create a Z3 floating-point isSubnormal expression.
10367  """
10368  return _mk_fp_unary_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_is_subnormal, a, ctx)
def fpIsSubnormal(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10365

◆ fpIsZero()

def z3py.fpIsZero (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point isZero expression.

Definition at line 10353 of file z3py.py.

10353 def fpIsZero(a, ctx=None):
10354  """Create a Z3 floating-point isZero expression.
10355  """
10356  return _mk_fp_unary_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_is_zero, a, ctx)
def fpIsZero(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10353

◆ fpLEQ()

def z3py.fpLEQ (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create the Z3 floating-point expression `other <= self`.

>>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> fpLEQ(x, y)
x <= y
>>> (x <= y).sexpr()
'(fp.leq x y)'

Definition at line 10400 of file z3py.py.

10400 def fpLEQ(a, b, ctx=None):
10401  """Create the Z3 floating-point expression `other <= self`.
10403  >>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
10404  >>> fpLEQ(x, y)
10405  x <= y
10406  >>> (x <= y).sexpr()
10407  '(fp.leq x y)'
10408  """
10409  return _mk_fp_bin_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_leq, a, b, ctx)
def fpLEQ(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10400

Referenced by FPRef.__le__().

◆ fpLT()

def z3py.fpLT (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create the Z3 floating-point expression `other < self`.

>>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> fpLT(x, y)
x < y
>>> (x < y).sexpr()
'(fp.lt x y)'

Definition at line 10388 of file z3py.py.

10388 def fpLT(a, b, ctx=None):
10389  """Create the Z3 floating-point expression `other < self`.
10391  >>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
10392  >>> fpLT(x, y)
10393  x < y
10394  >>> (x < y).sexpr()
10395  '(fp.lt x y)'
10396  """
10397  return _mk_fp_bin_pred(Z3_mk_fpa_lt, a, b, ctx)
def fpLT(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10388

Referenced by FPRef.__lt__().

◆ fpMax()

def z3py.fpMax (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point maximum expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> rm = RNE()
>>> x = FP('x', s)
>>> y = FP('y', s)
>>> fpMax(x, y)
fpMax(x, y)
>>> fpMax(x, y).sort()
FPSort(8, 24)

Definition at line 10297 of file z3py.py.

10297 def fpMax(a, b, ctx=None):
10298  """Create a Z3 floating-point maximum expression.
10300  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10301  >>> rm = RNE()
10302  >>> x = FP('x', s)
10303  >>> y = FP('y', s)
10304  >>> fpMax(x, y)
10305  fpMax(x, y)
10306  >>> fpMax(x, y).sort()
10307  FPSort(8, 24)
10308  """
10309  return _mk_fp_bin_norm(Z3_mk_fpa_max, a, b, ctx)
def fpMax(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10297

◆ fpMin()

def z3py.fpMin (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point minimum expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> rm = RNE()
>>> x = FP('x', s)
>>> y = FP('y', s)
>>> fpMin(x, y)
fpMin(x, y)
>>> fpMin(x, y).sort()
FPSort(8, 24)

Definition at line 10282 of file z3py.py.

10282 def fpMin(a, b, ctx=None):
10283  """Create a Z3 floating-point minimum expression.
10285  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10286  >>> rm = RNE()
10287  >>> x = FP('x', s)
10288  >>> y = FP('y', s)
10289  >>> fpMin(x, y)
10290  fpMin(x, y)
10291  >>> fpMin(x, y).sort()
10292  FPSort(8, 24)
10293  """
10294  return _mk_fp_bin_norm(Z3_mk_fpa_min, a, b, ctx)
def fpMin(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10282

◆ fpMinusInfinity()

def z3py.fpMinusInfinity (   s)
Create a Z3 floating-point -oo term.

Definition at line 9994 of file z3py.py.

9994 def fpMinusInfinity(s):
9995  """Create a Z3 floating-point -oo term."""
9996  _z3_assert(isinstance(s, FPSortRef), "sort mismatch")
9997  return FPNumRef(Z3_mk_fpa_inf(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast, True), s.ctx)
def fpMinusInfinity(s)
Definition: z3py.py:9994

Referenced by FPVal().

◆ fpMinusZero()

def z3py.fpMinusZero (   s)
Create a Z3 floating-point -0.0 term.

Definition at line 10013 of file z3py.py.

10013 def fpMinusZero(s):
10014  """Create a Z3 floating-point -0.0 term."""
10015  _z3_assert(isinstance(s, FPSortRef), "sort mismatch")
10016  return FPNumRef(Z3_mk_fpa_zero(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast, True), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_zero(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s, bool negative)
Create a floating-point zero of sort s.
def fpMinusZero(s)
Definition: z3py.py:10013

Referenced by FPVal().

◆ fpMul()

def z3py.fpMul (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point multiplication expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> rm = RNE()
>>> x = FP('x', s)
>>> y = FP('y', s)
>>> fpMul(rm, x, y)
x * y
>>> fpMul(rm, x, y).sort()
FPSort(8, 24)

Definition at line 10238 of file z3py.py.

10238 def fpMul(rm, a, b, ctx=None):
10239  """Create a Z3 floating-point multiplication expression.
10241  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10242  >>> rm = RNE()
10243  >>> x = FP('x', s)
10244  >>> y = FP('y', s)
10245  >>> fpMul(rm, x, y)
10246  x * y
10247  >>> fpMul(rm, x, y).sort()
10248  FPSort(8, 24)
10249  """
10250  return _mk_fp_bin(Z3_mk_fpa_mul, rm, a, b, ctx)
def fpMul(rm, a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10238

Referenced by FPRef.__mul__(), and FPRef.__rmul__().

◆ fpNaN()

def z3py.fpNaN (   s)
Create a Z3 floating-point NaN term.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> set_fpa_pretty(True)
>>> fpNaN(s)
>>> pb = get_fpa_pretty()
>>> set_fpa_pretty(False)
>>> fpNaN(s)
fpNaN(FPSort(8, 24))
>>> set_fpa_pretty(pb)

Definition at line 9960 of file z3py.py.

9960 def fpNaN(s):
9961  """Create a Z3 floating-point NaN term.
9963  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
9964  >>> set_fpa_pretty(True)
9965  >>> fpNaN(s)
9966  NaN
9967  >>> pb = get_fpa_pretty()
9968  >>> set_fpa_pretty(False)
9969  >>> fpNaN(s)
9970  fpNaN(FPSort(8, 24))
9971  >>> set_fpa_pretty(pb)
9972  """
9973  _z3_assert(isinstance(s, FPSortRef), "sort mismatch")
9974  return FPNumRef(Z3_mk_fpa_nan(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_nan(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s)
Create a floating-point NaN of sort s.
def fpNaN(s)
Definition: z3py.py:9960

Referenced by FPVal().

◆ fpNeg()

def z3py.fpNeg (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point addition expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> rm = RNE()
>>> x = FP('x', s)
>>> fpNeg(x)
>>> fpNeg(x).sort()
FPSort(8, 24)

Definition at line 10138 of file z3py.py.

10138 def fpNeg(a, ctx=None):
10139  """Create a Z3 floating-point addition expression.
10141  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10142  >>> rm = RNE()
10143  >>> x = FP('x', s)
10144  >>> fpNeg(x)
10145  -x
10146  >>> fpNeg(x).sort()
10147  FPSort(8, 24)
10148  """
10149  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10150  [a] = _coerce_fp_expr_list([a], ctx)
10151  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_neg(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_neg(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t)
Floating-point negation.
def fpNeg(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10138

Referenced by FPRef.__neg__().

◆ fpNEQ()

def z3py.fpNEQ (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create the Z3 floating-point expression `Not(fpEQ(other, self))`.

>>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> fpNEQ(x, y)
Not(fpEQ(x, y))
>>> (x != y).sexpr()
'(distinct x y)'

Definition at line 10448 of file z3py.py.

10448 def fpNEQ(a, b, ctx=None):
10449  """Create the Z3 floating-point expression `Not(fpEQ(other, self))`.
10451  >>> x, y = FPs('x y', FPSort(8, 24))
10452  >>> fpNEQ(x, y)
10453  Not(fpEQ(x, y))
10454  >>> (x != y).sexpr()
10455  '(distinct x y)'
10456  """
10457  return Not(fpEQ(a, b, ctx))
def Not(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1815
def fpNEQ(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10448

◆ fpPlusInfinity()

def z3py.fpPlusInfinity (   s)
Create a Z3 floating-point +oo term.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> pb = get_fpa_pretty()
>>> set_fpa_pretty(True)
>>> fpPlusInfinity(s)
>>> set_fpa_pretty(False)
>>> fpPlusInfinity(s)
fpPlusInfinity(FPSort(8, 24))
>>> set_fpa_pretty(pb)

Definition at line 9977 of file z3py.py.

9977 def fpPlusInfinity(s):
9978  """Create a Z3 floating-point +oo term.
9980  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
9981  >>> pb = get_fpa_pretty()
9982  >>> set_fpa_pretty(True)
9983  >>> fpPlusInfinity(s)
9984  +oo
9985  >>> set_fpa_pretty(False)
9986  >>> fpPlusInfinity(s)
9987  fpPlusInfinity(FPSort(8, 24))
9988  >>> set_fpa_pretty(pb)
9989  """
9990  _z3_assert(isinstance(s, FPSortRef), "sort mismatch")
9991  return FPNumRef(Z3_mk_fpa_inf(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast, False), s.ctx)
def fpPlusInfinity(s)
Definition: z3py.py:9977

Referenced by FPVal().

◆ fpPlusZero()

def z3py.fpPlusZero (   s)
Create a Z3 floating-point +0.0 term.

Definition at line 10007 of file z3py.py.

10007 def fpPlusZero(s):
10008  """Create a Z3 floating-point +0.0 term."""
10009  _z3_assert(isinstance(s, FPSortRef), "sort mismatch")
10010  return FPNumRef(Z3_mk_fpa_zero(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast, False), s.ctx)
def fpPlusZero(s)
Definition: z3py.py:10007

Referenced by FPVal().

◆ fpRealToFP()

def z3py.fpRealToFP (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression that represents the
conversion from a real term to a floating-point term.

>>> x_r = RealVal(1.5)
>>> x_fp = fpRealToFP(RNE(), x_r, Float32())
>>> x_fp
fpToFP(RNE(), 3/2)
>>> simplify(x_fp)

Definition at line 10565 of file z3py.py.

10565 def fpRealToFP(rm, v, sort, ctx=None):
10566  """Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression that represents the
10567  conversion from a real term to a floating-point term.
10569  >>> x_r = RealVal(1.5)
10570  >>> x_fp = fpRealToFP(RNE(), x_r, Float32())
10571  >>> x_fp
10572  fpToFP(RNE(), 3/2)
10573  >>> simplify(x_fp)
10574  1.5
10575  """
10576  _z3_assert(is_fprm(rm), "First argument must be a Z3 floating-point rounding mode expression.")
10577  _z3_assert(is_real(v), "Second argument must be a Z3 expression or real sort.")
10578  _z3_assert(is_fp_sort(sort), "Third argument must be a Z3 floating-point sort.")
10579  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10580  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_real(ctx.ref(), rm.ast, v.ast, sort.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_real(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, Z3_sort s)
Conversion of a term of real sort into a term of FloatingPoint sort.
def fpRealToFP(rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10565
def is_real(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2705

◆ fpRem()

def z3py.fpRem (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point remainder expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> x = FP('x', s)
>>> y = FP('y', s)
>>> fpRem(x, y)
fpRem(x, y)
>>> fpRem(x, y).sort()
FPSort(8, 24)

Definition at line 10268 of file z3py.py.

10268 def fpRem(a, b, ctx=None):
10269  """Create a Z3 floating-point remainder expression.
10271  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10272  >>> x = FP('x', s)
10273  >>> y = FP('y', s)
10274  >>> fpRem(x, y)
10275  fpRem(x, y)
10276  >>> fpRem(x, y).sort()
10277  FPSort(8, 24)
10278  """
10279  return _mk_fp_bin_norm(Z3_mk_fpa_rem, a, b, ctx)
def fpRem(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10268

Referenced by FPRef.__mod__(), and FPRef.__rmod__().

◆ fpRoundToIntegral()

def z3py.fpRoundToIntegral (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point roundToIntegral expression.

Definition at line 10324 of file z3py.py.

10324 def fpRoundToIntegral(rm, a, ctx=None):
10325  """Create a Z3 floating-point roundToIntegral expression.
10326  """
10327  return _mk_fp_unary(Z3_mk_fpa_round_to_integral, rm, a, ctx)
def fpRoundToIntegral(rm, a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10324

◆ FPs()

def z3py.FPs (   names,
  ctx = None 
Return an array of floating-point constants.

>>> x, y, z = FPs('x y z', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> x.sort()
FPSort(8, 24)
>>> x.sbits()
>>> x.ebits()
>>> fpMul(RNE(), fpAdd(RNE(), x, y), z)
x + y * z

Definition at line 10096 of file z3py.py.

10096 def FPs(names, fpsort, ctx=None):
10097  """Return an array of floating-point constants.
10099  >>> x, y, z = FPs('x y z', FPSort(8, 24))
10100  >>> x.sort()
10101  FPSort(8, 24)
10102  >>> x.sbits()
10103  24
10104  >>> x.ebits()
10105  8
10106  >>> fpMul(RNE(), fpAdd(RNE(), x, y), z)
10107  x + y * z
10108  """
10109  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10110  if isinstance(names, str):
10111  names = names.split(" ")
10112  return [FP(name, fpsort, ctx) for name in names]
def FPs(names, fpsort, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10096

◆ fpSignedToFP()

def z3py.fpSignedToFP (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression that represents the
conversion from a signed bit-vector term (encoding an integer) to a floating-point term.

>>> x_signed = BitVecVal(-5, BitVecSort(32))
>>> x_fp = fpSignedToFP(RNE(), x_signed, Float32())
>>> x_fp
fpToFP(RNE(), 4294967291)
>>> simplify(x_fp)

Definition at line 10583 of file z3py.py.

10583 def fpSignedToFP(rm, v, sort, ctx=None):
10584  """Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression that represents the
10585  conversion from a signed bit-vector term (encoding an integer) to a floating-point term.
10587  >>> x_signed = BitVecVal(-5, BitVecSort(32))
10588  >>> x_fp = fpSignedToFP(RNE(), x_signed, Float32())
10589  >>> x_fp
10590  fpToFP(RNE(), 4294967291)
10591  >>> simplify(x_fp)
10592  -1.25*(2**2)
10593  """
10594  _z3_assert(is_fprm(rm), "First argument must be a Z3 floating-point rounding mode expression.")
10595  _z3_assert(is_bv(v), "Second argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
10596  _z3_assert(is_fp_sort(sort), "Third argument must be a Z3 floating-point sort.")
10597  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10598  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_signed(ctx.ref(), rm.ast, v.ast, sort.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_signed(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, Z3_sort s)
Conversion of a 2's complement signed bit-vector term into a term of FloatingPoint sort.
def fpSignedToFP(rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10583

◆ FPSort()

def z3py.FPSort (   ebits,
  ctx = None 
Return a Z3 floating-point sort of the given sizes. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> Single = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> Double = FPSort(11, 53)
>>> Single
FPSort(8, 24)
>>> x = Const('x', Single)
>>> eq(x, FP('x', FPSort(8, 24)))

Definition at line 9901 of file z3py.py.

9901 def FPSort(ebits, sbits, ctx=None):
9902  """Return a Z3 floating-point sort of the given sizes. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
9904  >>> Single = FPSort(8, 24)
9905  >>> Double = FPSort(11, 53)
9906  >>> Single
9907  FPSort(8, 24)
9908  >>> x = Const('x', Single)
9909  >>> eq(x, FP('x', FPSort(8, 24)))
9910  True
9911  """
9912  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9913  return FPSortRef(Z3_mk_fpa_sort(ctx.ref(), ebits, sbits), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_sort(Z3_context c, unsigned ebits, unsigned sbits)
Create a FloatingPoint sort.
def FPSort(ebits, sbits, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9901

Referenced by get_default_fp_sort(), Context.mkFPSort(), Context.MkFPSort(), Context.MkFPSort128(), Context.mkFPSort128(), Context.MkFPSort16(), Context.mkFPSort16(), Context.MkFPSort32(), Context.mkFPSort32(), Context.MkFPSort64(), Context.mkFPSort64(), Context.MkFPSortDouble(), Context.mkFPSortDouble(), Context.MkFPSortHalf(), Context.mkFPSortHalf(), Context.MkFPSortQuadruple(), Context.mkFPSortQuadruple(), Context.MkFPSortSingle(), and Context.mkFPSortSingle().

◆ fpSqrt()

def z3py.fpSqrt (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point square root expression.

Definition at line 10318 of file z3py.py.

10318 def fpSqrt(rm, a, ctx=None):
10319  """Create a Z3 floating-point square root expression.
10320  """
10321  return _mk_fp_unary(Z3_mk_fpa_sqrt, rm, a, ctx)
def fpSqrt(rm, a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10318

◆ fpSub()

def z3py.fpSub (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point subtraction expression.

>>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
>>> rm = RNE()
>>> x = FP('x', s)
>>> y = FP('y', s)
>>> fpSub(rm, x, y)
x - y
>>> fpSub(rm, x, y).sort()
FPSort(8, 24)

Definition at line 10223 of file z3py.py.

10223 def fpSub(rm, a, b, ctx=None):
10224  """Create a Z3 floating-point subtraction expression.
10226  >>> s = FPSort(8, 24)
10227  >>> rm = RNE()
10228  >>> x = FP('x', s)
10229  >>> y = FP('y', s)
10230  >>> fpSub(rm, x, y)
10231  x - y
10232  >>> fpSub(rm, x, y).sort()
10233  FPSort(8, 24)
10234  """
10235  return _mk_fp_bin(Z3_mk_fpa_sub, rm, a, b, ctx)
def fpSub(rm, a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10223

Referenced by FPRef.__rsub__(), and FPRef.__sub__().

◆ fpToFP()

def z3py.fpToFP (   a1,
  a2 = None,
  a3 = None,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression from other term sorts
to floating-point.

From a bit-vector term in IEEE 754-2008 format:
>>> x = FPVal(1.0, Float32())
>>> x_bv = fpToIEEEBV(x)
>>> simplify(fpToFP(x_bv, Float32()))

From a floating-point term with different precision:
>>> x = FPVal(1.0, Float32())
>>> x_db = fpToFP(RNE(), x, Float64())
>>> x_db.sort()
FPSort(11, 53)

From a real term:
>>> x_r = RealVal(1.5)
>>> simplify(fpToFP(RNE(), x_r, Float32()))

From a signed bit-vector term:
>>> x_signed = BitVecVal(-5, BitVecSort(32))
>>> simplify(fpToFP(RNE(), x_signed, Float32()))

Definition at line 10489 of file z3py.py.

10489 def fpToFP(a1, a2=None, a3=None, ctx=None):
10490  """Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression from other term sorts
10491  to floating-point.
10493  From a bit-vector term in IEEE 754-2008 format:
10494  >>> x = FPVal(1.0, Float32())
10495  >>> x_bv = fpToIEEEBV(x)
10496  >>> simplify(fpToFP(x_bv, Float32()))
10497  1
10499  From a floating-point term with different precision:
10500  >>> x = FPVal(1.0, Float32())
10501  >>> x_db = fpToFP(RNE(), x, Float64())
10502  >>> x_db.sort()
10503  FPSort(11, 53)
10505  From a real term:
10506  >>> x_r = RealVal(1.5)
10507  >>> simplify(fpToFP(RNE(), x_r, Float32()))
10508  1.5
10510  From a signed bit-vector term:
10511  >>> x_signed = BitVecVal(-5, BitVecSort(32))
10512  >>> simplify(fpToFP(RNE(), x_signed, Float32()))
10513  -1.25*(2**2)
10514  """
10515  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10516  if is_bv(a1) and is_fp_sort(a2):
10517  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_bv(ctx.ref(), a1.ast, a2.ast), ctx)
10518  elif is_fprm(a1) and is_fp(a2) and is_fp_sort(a3):
10519  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_float(ctx.ref(), a1.ast, a2.ast, a3.ast), ctx)
10520  elif is_fprm(a1) and is_real(a2) and is_fp_sort(a3):
10521  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_real(ctx.ref(), a1.ast, a2.ast, a3.ast), ctx)
10522  elif is_fprm(a1) and is_bv(a2) and is_fp_sort(a3):
10523  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_signed(ctx.ref(), a1.ast, a2.ast, a3.ast), ctx)
10524  else:
10525  raise Z3Exception("Unsupported combination of arguments for conversion to floating-point term.")
def fpToFP(a1, a2=None, a3=None, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10489

◆ fpToFPUnsigned()

def z3py.fpToFPUnsigned (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression, from unsigned bit-vector to floating-point expression.

Definition at line 10619 of file z3py.py.

10619 def fpToFPUnsigned(rm, x, s, ctx=None):
10620  """Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression, from unsigned bit-vector to floating-point expression."""
10621  if z3_debug():
10622  _z3_assert(is_fprm(rm), "First argument must be a Z3 floating-point rounding mode expression")
10623  _z3_assert(is_bv(x), "Second argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
10624  _z3_assert(is_fp_sort(s), "Third argument must be Z3 floating-point sort")
10625  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10626  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_unsigned(ctx.ref(), rm.ast, x.ast, s.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_unsigned(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, Z3_sort s)
Conversion of a 2's complement unsigned bit-vector term into a term of FloatingPoint sort.
def fpToFPUnsigned(rm, x, s, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10619

◆ fpToIEEEBV()

def z3py.fpToIEEEBV (   x,
  ctx = None 
\brief Conversion of a floating-point term into a bit-vector term in IEEE 754-2008 format.

The size of the resulting bit-vector is automatically determined.

Note that IEEE 754-2008 allows multiple different representations of NaN. This conversion
knows only one NaN and it will always produce the same bit-vector representation of
that NaN.

>>> x = FP('x', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> y = fpToIEEEBV(x)
>>> print(is_fp(x))
>>> print(is_bv(y))
>>> print(is_fp(y))
>>> print(is_bv(x))

Definition at line 10693 of file z3py.py.

10693 def fpToIEEEBV(x, ctx=None):
10694  """\brief Conversion of a floating-point term into a bit-vector term in IEEE 754-2008 format.
10696  The size of the resulting bit-vector is automatically determined.
10698  Note that IEEE 754-2008 allows multiple different representations of NaN. This conversion
10699  knows only one NaN and it will always produce the same bit-vector representation of
10700  that NaN.
10702  >>> x = FP('x', FPSort(8, 24))
10703  >>> y = fpToIEEEBV(x)
10704  >>> print(is_fp(x))
10705  True
10706  >>> print(is_bv(y))
10707  True
10708  >>> print(is_fp(y))
10709  False
10710  >>> print(is_bv(x))
10711  False
10712  """
10713  if z3_debug():
10714  _z3_assert(is_fp(x), "First argument must be a Z3 floating-point expression")
10715  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10716  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_ieee_bv(ctx.ref(), x.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_ieee_bv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t)
Conversion of a floating-point term into a bit-vector term in IEEE 754-2008 format.
def fpToIEEEBV(x, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10693

◆ fpToReal()

def z3py.fpToReal (   x,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression, from floating-point expression to real.

>>> x = FP('x', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> y = fpToReal(x)
>>> print(is_fp(x))
>>> print(is_real(y))
>>> print(is_fp(y))
>>> print(is_real(x))

Definition at line 10673 of file z3py.py.

10673 def fpToReal(x, ctx=None):
10674  """Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression, from floating-point expression to real.
10676  >>> x = FP('x', FPSort(8, 24))
10677  >>> y = fpToReal(x)
10678  >>> print(is_fp(x))
10679  True
10680  >>> print(is_real(y))
10681  True
10682  >>> print(is_fp(y))
10683  False
10684  >>> print(is_real(x))
10685  False
10686  """
10687  if z3_debug():
10688  _z3_assert(is_fp(x), "First argument must be a Z3 floating-point expression")
10689  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10690  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_real(ctx.ref(), x.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_real(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t)
Conversion of a floating-point term into a real-numbered term.
def fpToReal(x, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10673

◆ fpToSBV()

def z3py.fpToSBV (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression, from floating-point expression to signed bit-vector.

>>> x = FP('x', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> y = fpToSBV(RTZ(), x, BitVecSort(32))
>>> print(is_fp(x))
>>> print(is_bv(y))
>>> print(is_fp(y))
>>> print(is_bv(x))

Definition at line 10629 of file z3py.py.

10629 def fpToSBV(rm, x, s, ctx=None):
10630  """Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression, from floating-point expression to signed bit-vector.
10632  >>> x = FP('x', FPSort(8, 24))
10633  >>> y = fpToSBV(RTZ(), x, BitVecSort(32))
10634  >>> print(is_fp(x))
10635  True
10636  >>> print(is_bv(y))
10637  True
10638  >>> print(is_fp(y))
10639  False
10640  >>> print(is_bv(x))
10641  False
10642  """
10643  if z3_debug():
10644  _z3_assert(is_fprm(rm), "First argument must be a Z3 floating-point rounding mode expression")
10645  _z3_assert(is_fp(x), "Second argument must be a Z3 floating-point expression")
10646  _z3_assert(is_bv_sort(s), "Third argument must be Z3 bit-vector sort")
10647  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10648  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_sbv(ctx.ref(), rm.ast, x.ast, s.size()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_sbv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, unsigned sz)
Conversion of a floating-point term into a signed bit-vector.
def fpToSBV(rm, x, s, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10629

◆ fpToUBV()

def z3py.fpToUBV (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression, from floating-point expression to unsigned bit-vector.

>>> x = FP('x', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> y = fpToUBV(RTZ(), x, BitVecSort(32))
>>> print(is_fp(x))
>>> print(is_bv(y))
>>> print(is_fp(y))
>>> print(is_bv(x))

Definition at line 10651 of file z3py.py.

10651 def fpToUBV(rm, x, s, ctx=None):
10652  """Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression, from floating-point expression to unsigned bit-vector.
10654  >>> x = FP('x', FPSort(8, 24))
10655  >>> y = fpToUBV(RTZ(), x, BitVecSort(32))
10656  >>> print(is_fp(x))
10657  True
10658  >>> print(is_bv(y))
10659  True
10660  >>> print(is_fp(y))
10661  False
10662  >>> print(is_bv(x))
10663  False
10664  """
10665  if z3_debug():
10666  _z3_assert(is_fprm(rm), "First argument must be a Z3 floating-point rounding mode expression")
10667  _z3_assert(is_fp(x), "Second argument must be a Z3 floating-point expression")
10668  _z3_assert(is_bv_sort(s), "Third argument must be Z3 bit-vector sort")
10669  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10670  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_ubv(ctx.ref(), rm.ast, x.ast, s.size()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_to_ubv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast rm, Z3_ast t, unsigned sz)
Conversion of a floating-point term into an unsigned bit-vector.
def fpToUBV(rm, x, s, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10651

◆ fpUnsignedToFP()

def z3py.fpUnsignedToFP (   rm,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression that represents the
conversion from an unsigned bit-vector term (encoding an integer) to a floating-point term.

>>> x_signed = BitVecVal(-5, BitVecSort(32))
>>> x_fp = fpUnsignedToFP(RNE(), x_signed, Float32())
>>> x_fp
fpToFPUnsigned(RNE(), 4294967291)
>>> simplify(x_fp)

Definition at line 10601 of file z3py.py.

10601 def fpUnsignedToFP(rm, v, sort, ctx=None):
10602  """Create a Z3 floating-point conversion expression that represents the
10603  conversion from an unsigned bit-vector term (encoding an integer) to a floating-point term.
10605  >>> x_signed = BitVecVal(-5, BitVecSort(32))
10606  >>> x_fp = fpUnsignedToFP(RNE(), x_signed, Float32())
10607  >>> x_fp
10608  fpToFPUnsigned(RNE(), 4294967291)
10609  >>> simplify(x_fp)
10610  1*(2**32)
10611  """
10612  _z3_assert(is_fprm(rm), "First argument must be a Z3 floating-point rounding mode expression.")
10613  _z3_assert(is_bv(v), "Second argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
10614  _z3_assert(is_fp_sort(sort), "Third argument must be a Z3 floating-point sort.")
10615  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10616  return FPRef(Z3_mk_fpa_to_fp_unsigned(ctx.ref(), rm.ast, v.ast, sort.ast), ctx)
def fpUnsignedToFP(rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10601

◆ FPVal()

def z3py.FPVal (   sig,
  exp = None,
  fps = None,
  ctx = None 
Return a floating-point value of value `val` and sort `fps`.
If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> v = FPVal(20.0, FPSort(8, 24))
>>> v
>>> print("0x%.8x" % v.exponent_as_long(False))
>>> v = FPVal(2.25, FPSort(8, 24))
>>> v
>>> v = FPVal(-2.25, FPSort(8, 24))
>>> v
>>> FPVal(-0.0, FPSort(8, 24))
>>> FPVal(0.0, FPSort(8, 24))
>>> FPVal(+0.0, FPSort(8, 24))

Definition at line 10026 of file z3py.py.

10026 def FPVal(sig, exp=None, fps=None, ctx=None):
10027  """Return a floating-point value of value `val` and sort `fps`.
10028  If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
10030  >>> v = FPVal(20.0, FPSort(8, 24))
10031  >>> v
10032  1.25*(2**4)
10033  >>> print("0x%.8x" % v.exponent_as_long(False))
10034  0x00000004
10035  >>> v = FPVal(2.25, FPSort(8, 24))
10036  >>> v
10037  1.125*(2**1)
10038  >>> v = FPVal(-2.25, FPSort(8, 24))
10039  >>> v
10040  -1.125*(2**1)
10041  >>> FPVal(-0.0, FPSort(8, 24))
10042  -0.0
10043  >>> FPVal(0.0, FPSort(8, 24))
10044  +0.0
10045  >>> FPVal(+0.0, FPSort(8, 24))
10046  +0.0
10047  """
10048  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10049  if is_fp_sort(exp):
10050  fps = exp
10051  exp = None
10052  elif fps is None:
10053  fps = _dflt_fps(ctx)
10054  _z3_assert(is_fp_sort(fps), "sort mismatch")
10055  if exp is None:
10056  exp = 0
10057  val = _to_float_str(sig)
10058  if val == "NaN" or val == "nan":
10059  return fpNaN(fps)
10060  elif val == "-0.0":
10061  return fpMinusZero(fps)
10062  elif val == "0.0" or val == "+0.0":
10063  return fpPlusZero(fps)
10064  elif val == "+oo" or val == "+inf" or val == "+Inf":
10065  return fpPlusInfinity(fps)
10066  elif val == "-oo" or val == "-inf" or val == "-Inf":
10067  return fpMinusInfinity(fps)
10068  else:
10069  return FPNumRef(Z3_mk_numeral(ctx.ref(), val, fps.ast), ctx)
def FPVal(sig, exp=None, fps=None, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10026

Referenced by set_default_fp_sort().

◆ fpZero()

def z3py.fpZero (   s,
Create a Z3 floating-point +0.0 or -0.0 term.

Definition at line 10019 of file z3py.py.

10019 def fpZero(s, negative):
10020  """Create a Z3 floating-point +0.0 or -0.0 term."""
10021  _z3_assert(isinstance(s, FPSortRef), "sort mismatch")
10022  _z3_assert(isinstance(negative, bool), "expected Boolean flag")
10023  return FPNumRef(Z3_mk_fpa_zero(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast, negative), s.ctx)
def fpZero(s, negative)
Definition: z3py.py:10019

◆ FreshBool()

def z3py.FreshBool (   prefix = "b",
  ctx = None 
Return a fresh Boolean constant in the given context using the given prefix.

If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> b1 = FreshBool()
>>> b2 = FreshBool()
>>> eq(b1, b2)

Definition at line 1771 of file z3py.py.

1771 def FreshBool(prefix="b", ctx=None):
1772  """Return a fresh Boolean constant in the given context using the given prefix.
1774  If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
1776  >>> b1 = FreshBool()
1777  >>> b2 = FreshBool()
1778  >>> eq(b1, b2)
1779  False
1780  """
1781  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
1782  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_fresh_const(ctx.ref(), prefix, BoolSort(ctx).ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fresh_const(Z3_context c, Z3_string prefix, Z3_sort ty)
Declare and create a fresh constant.
def FreshBool(prefix="b", ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1771

◆ FreshConst()

def z3py.FreshConst (   sort,
  prefix = "c" 
Create a fresh constant of a specified sort

Definition at line 1464 of file z3py.py.

1464 def FreshConst(sort, prefix="c"):
1465  """Create a fresh constant of a specified sort"""
1466  ctx = _get_ctx(sort.ctx)
1467  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_mk_fresh_const(ctx.ref(), prefix, sort.ast), ctx)
def FreshConst(sort, prefix="c")
Definition: z3py.py:1464

◆ FreshFunction()

def z3py.FreshFunction ( sig)
Create a new fresh Z3 uninterpreted function with the given sorts.

Definition at line 886 of file z3py.py.

886 def FreshFunction(*sig):
887  """Create a new fresh Z3 uninterpreted function with the given sorts.
888  """
889  sig = _get_args(sig)
890  if z3_debug():
891  _z3_assert(len(sig) > 0, "At least two arguments expected")
892  arity = len(sig) - 1
893  rng = sig[arity]
894  if z3_debug():
895  _z3_assert(is_sort(rng), "Z3 sort expected")
896  dom = (z3.Sort * arity)()
897  for i in range(arity):
898  if z3_debug():
899  _z3_assert(is_sort(sig[i]), "Z3 sort expected")
900  dom[i] = sig[i].ast
901  ctx = rng.ctx
902  return FuncDeclRef(Z3_mk_fresh_func_decl(ctx.ref(), "f", arity, dom, rng.ast), ctx)
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_fresh_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_string prefix, unsigned domain_size, Z3_sort const domain[], Z3_sort range)
Declare a fresh constant or function.
def FreshFunction(*sig)
Definition: z3py.py:886

◆ FreshInt()

def z3py.FreshInt (   prefix = "x",
  ctx = None 
Return a fresh integer constant in the given context using the given prefix.

>>> x = FreshInt()
>>> y = FreshInt()
>>> eq(x, y)
>>> x.sort()

Definition at line 3287 of file z3py.py.

3287 def FreshInt(prefix="x", ctx=None):
3288  """Return a fresh integer constant in the given context using the given prefix.
3290  >>> x = FreshInt()
3291  >>> y = FreshInt()
3292  >>> eq(x, y)
3293  False
3294  >>> x.sort()
3295  Int
3296  """
3297  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3298  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_fresh_const(ctx.ref(), prefix, IntSort(ctx).ast), ctx)
def IntSort(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3138
def FreshInt(prefix="x", ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3287

◆ FreshReal()

def z3py.FreshReal (   prefix = "b",
  ctx = None 
Return a fresh real constant in the given context using the given prefix.

>>> x = FreshReal()
>>> y = FreshReal()
>>> eq(x, y)
>>> x.sort()

Definition at line 3344 of file z3py.py.

3344 def FreshReal(prefix="b", ctx=None):
3345  """Return a fresh real constant in the given context using the given prefix.
3347  >>> x = FreshReal()
3348  >>> y = FreshReal()
3349  >>> eq(x, y)
3350  False
3351  >>> x.sort()
3352  Real
3353  """
3354  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3355  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_fresh_const(ctx.ref(), prefix, RealSort(ctx).ast), ctx)
def RealSort(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3155
def FreshReal(prefix="b", ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3344

◆ Full()

def z3py.Full (   s)
Create the regular expression that accepts the universal language
>>> e = Full(ReSort(SeqSort(IntSort())))
>>> print(e)
>>> e1 = Full(ReSort(StringSort()))
>>> print(e1)

Definition at line 10975 of file z3py.py.

10975 def Full(s):
10976  """Create the regular expression that accepts the universal language
10977  >>> e = Full(ReSort(SeqSort(IntSort())))
10978  >>> print(e)
10979  Full(ReSort(Seq(Int)))
10980  >>> e1 = Full(ReSort(StringSort()))
10981  >>> print(e1)
10982  Full(ReSort(String))
10983  """
10984  if isinstance(s, ReSortRef):
10985  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_full(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast), s.ctx)
10986  raise Z3Exception("Non-sequence, non-regular expression sort passed to Full")
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_full(Z3_context c, Z3_sort re)
Create an universal regular expression of sort re.
def Full(s)
Definition: z3py.py:10975

◆ FullSet()

def z3py.FullSet (   s)
Create the full set
>>> FullSet(IntSort())
K(Int, True)

Definition at line 4931 of file z3py.py.

4931 def FullSet(s):
4932  """Create the full set
4933  >>> FullSet(IntSort())
4934  K(Int, True)
4935  """
4936  ctx = s.ctx
4937  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_full_set(ctx.ref(), s.ast), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_full_set(Z3_context c, Z3_sort domain)
Create the full set.
def FullSet(s)
Definition: z3py.py:4931

◆ Function()

def z3py.Function (   name,
Create a new Z3 uninterpreted function with the given sorts.

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> f(f(0))

Definition at line 863 of file z3py.py.

863 def Function(name, *sig):
864  """Create a new Z3 uninterpreted function with the given sorts.
866  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
867  >>> f(f(0))
868  f(f(0))
869  """
870  sig = _get_args(sig)
871  if z3_debug():
872  _z3_assert(len(sig) > 0, "At least two arguments expected")
873  arity = len(sig) - 1
874  rng = sig[arity]
875  if z3_debug():
876  _z3_assert(is_sort(rng), "Z3 sort expected")
877  dom = (Sort * arity)()
878  for i in range(arity):
879  if z3_debug():
880  _z3_assert(is_sort(sig[i]), "Z3 sort expected")
881  dom[i] = sig[i].ast
882  ctx = rng.ctx
883  return FuncDeclRef(Z3_mk_func_decl(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), arity, dom, rng.ast), ctx)
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s, unsigned domain_size, Z3_sort const domain[], Z3_sort range)
Declare a constant or function.
def Function(name, *sig)
Definition: z3py.py:863

◆ get_as_array_func()

def z3py.get_as_array_func (   n)
Return the function declaration f associated with a Z3 expression of the form (_ as-array f).

Definition at line 6699 of file z3py.py.

6699 def get_as_array_func(n):
6700  """Return the function declaration f associated with a Z3 expression of the form (_ as-array f)."""
6701  if z3_debug():
6702  _z3_assert(is_as_array(n), "as-array Z3 expression expected.")
6703  return FuncDeclRef(Z3_get_as_array_func_decl(n.ctx.ref(), n.as_ast()), n.ctx)
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_get_as_array_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a)
Return the function declaration f associated with a (_ as_array f) node.
def is_as_array(n)
Definition: z3py.py:6694
def get_as_array_func(n)
Definition: z3py.py:6699

Referenced by ModelRef.get_interp().

◆ get_ctx()

def z3py.get_ctx (   ctx)

Definition at line 267 of file z3py.py.

267 def get_ctx(ctx):
268  return _get_ctx(ctx)
def get_ctx(ctx)
Definition: z3py.py:267

◆ get_default_fp_sort()

def z3py.get_default_fp_sort (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9323 of file z3py.py.

9323 def get_default_fp_sort(ctx=None):
9324  return FPSort(_dflt_fpsort_ebits, _dflt_fpsort_sbits, ctx)
def get_default_fp_sort(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9323

Referenced by set_default_fp_sort().

◆ get_default_rounding_mode()

def z3py.get_default_rounding_mode (   ctx = None)
Retrieves the global default rounding mode.

Definition at line 9290 of file z3py.py.

9290 def get_default_rounding_mode(ctx=None):
9291  """Retrieves the global default rounding mode."""
9292  global _dflt_rounding_mode
9293  if _dflt_rounding_mode == Z3_OP_FPA_RM_TOWARD_ZERO:
9294  return RTZ(ctx)
9295  elif _dflt_rounding_mode == Z3_OP_FPA_RM_TOWARD_NEGATIVE:
9296  return RTN(ctx)
9297  elif _dflt_rounding_mode == Z3_OP_FPA_RM_TOWARD_POSITIVE:
9298  return RTP(ctx)
9299  elif _dflt_rounding_mode == Z3_OP_FPA_RM_NEAREST_TIES_TO_EVEN:
9300  return RNE(ctx)
9301  elif _dflt_rounding_mode == Z3_OP_FPA_RM_NEAREST_TIES_TO_AWAY:
9302  return RNA(ctx)
def RNE(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9671
def get_default_rounding_mode(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9290
def RTZ(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9711
def RTN(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9701
def RTP(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9691
def RNA(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9681

Referenced by set_default_fp_sort().

◆ get_full_version()

def z3py.get_full_version ( )

Definition at line 101 of file z3py.py.

101 def get_full_version():
102  return Z3_get_full_version()
Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_full_version(void)
Return a string that fully describes the version of Z3 in use.
def get_full_version()
Definition: z3py.py:101

◆ get_map_func()

def z3py.get_map_func (   a)
Return the function declaration associated with a Z3 map array expression.

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> b = Array('b', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> a  = Map(f, b)
>>> eq(f, get_map_func(a))
>>> get_map_func(a)
>>> get_map_func(a)(0)

Definition at line 4676 of file z3py.py.

4676 def get_map_func(a):
4677  """Return the function declaration associated with a Z3 map array expression.
4679  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
4680  >>> b = Array('b', IntSort(), IntSort())
4681  >>> a = Map(f, b)
4682  >>> eq(f, get_map_func(a))
4683  True
4684  >>> get_map_func(a)
4685  f
4686  >>> get_map_func(a)(0)
4687  f(0)
4688  """
4689  if z3_debug():
4690  _z3_assert(is_map(a), "Z3 array map expression expected.")
4691  return FuncDeclRef(
4693  a.ctx_ref(),
4694  Z3_get_decl_ast_parameter(a.ctx_ref(), a.decl().ast, 0),
4695  ),
4696  ctx=a.ctx,
4697  )
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_to_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a)
Convert an AST into a FUNC_DECL_AST. This is just type casting.
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_get_decl_ast_parameter(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl d, unsigned idx)
Return the expression value associated with an expression parameter.
def is_map(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4651
def get_map_func(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4676

◆ get_param()

def z3py.get_param (   name)
Return the value of a Z3 global (or module) parameter

>>> get_param('nlsat.reorder')

Definition at line 307 of file z3py.py.

307 def get_param(name):
308  """Return the value of a Z3 global (or module) parameter
310  >>> get_param('nlsat.reorder')
311  'true'
312  """
313  ptr = (ctypes.c_char_p * 1)()
314  if Z3_global_param_get(str(name), ptr):
315  r = z3core._to_pystr(ptr[0])
316  return r
317  raise Z3Exception("failed to retrieve value for '%s'" % name)
bool Z3_API Z3_global_param_get(Z3_string param_id, Z3_string_ptr param_value)
Get a global (or module) parameter.
def get_param(name)
Definition: z3py.py:307

◆ get_var_index()

def z3py.get_var_index (   a)
Return the de-Bruijn index of the Z3 bounded variable `a`.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> y = Int('y')
>>> is_var(x)
>>> is_const(x)
>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> # Z3 replaces x and y with bound variables when ForAll is executed.
>>> q = ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) == x + y)
>>> q.body()
f(Var(1), Var(0)) == Var(1) + Var(0)
>>> b = q.body()
>>> b.arg(0)
f(Var(1), Var(0))
>>> v1 = b.arg(0).arg(0)
>>> v2 = b.arg(0).arg(1)
>>> v1
>>> v2
>>> get_var_index(v1)
>>> get_var_index(v2)

Definition at line 1335 of file z3py.py.

1335 def get_var_index(a):
1336  """Return the de-Bruijn index of the Z3 bounded variable `a`.
1338  >>> x = Int('x')
1339  >>> y = Int('y')
1340  >>> is_var(x)
1341  False
1342  >>> is_const(x)
1343  True
1344  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
1345  >>> # Z3 replaces x and y with bound variables when ForAll is executed.
1346  >>> q = ForAll([x, y], f(x, y) == x + y)
1347  >>> q.body()
1348  f(Var(1), Var(0)) == Var(1) + Var(0)
1349  >>> b = q.body()
1350  >>> b.arg(0)
1351  f(Var(1), Var(0))
1352  >>> v1 = b.arg(0).arg(0)
1353  >>> v2 = b.arg(0).arg(1)
1354  >>> v1
1355  Var(1)
1356  >>> v2
1357  Var(0)
1358  >>> get_var_index(v1)
1359  1
1360  >>> get_var_index(v2)
1361  0
1362  """
1363  if z3_debug():
1364  _z3_assert(is_var(a), "Z3 bound variable expected")
1365  return int(Z3_get_index_value(a.ctx.ref(), a.as_ast()))
unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_index_value(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a)
Return index of de-Bruijn bound variable.
def is_var(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1310
def get_var_index(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1335

◆ get_version()

def z3py.get_version ( )

Definition at line 92 of file z3py.py.

92 def get_version():
93  major = ctypes.c_uint(0)
94  minor = ctypes.c_uint(0)
95  build = ctypes.c_uint(0)
96  rev = ctypes.c_uint(0)
97  Z3_get_version(major, minor, build, rev)
98  return (major.value, minor.value, build.value, rev.value)
void Z3_API Z3_get_version(unsigned *major, unsigned *minor, unsigned *build_number, unsigned *revision_number)
Return Z3 version number information.
def get_version()
Definition: z3py.py:92

◆ get_version_string()

def z3py.get_version_string ( )

Definition at line 83 of file z3py.py.

83 def get_version_string():
84  major = ctypes.c_uint(0)
85  minor = ctypes.c_uint(0)
86  build = ctypes.c_uint(0)
87  rev = ctypes.c_uint(0)
88  Z3_get_version(major, minor, build, rev)
89  return "%s.%s.%s" % (major.value, minor.value, build.value)
def get_version_string()
Definition: z3py.py:83

◆ help_simplify()

def z3py.help_simplify ( )
Return a string describing all options available for Z3 `simplify` procedure.

Definition at line 8796 of file z3py.py.

8796 def help_simplify():
8797  """Return a string describing all options available for Z3 `simplify` procedure."""
8798  print(Z3_simplify_get_help(main_ctx().ref()))
Z3_string Z3_API Z3_simplify_get_help(Z3_context c)
Return a string describing all available parameters.
def help_simplify()
Definition: z3py.py:8796
def main_ctx()
Definition: z3py.py:239

◆ If()

def z3py.If (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 if-then-else expression.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> y = Int('y')
>>> max = If(x > y, x, y)
>>> max
If(x > y, x, y)
>>> simplify(max)
If(x <= y, y, x)

Definition at line 1381 of file z3py.py.

1381 def If(a, b, c, ctx=None):
1382  """Create a Z3 if-then-else expression.
1384  >>> x = Int('x')
1385  >>> y = Int('y')
1386  >>> max = If(x > y, x, y)
1387  >>> max
1388  If(x > y, x, y)
1389  >>> simplify(max)
1390  If(x <= y, y, x)
1391  """
1392  if isinstance(a, Probe) or isinstance(b, Tactic) or isinstance(c, Tactic):
1393  return Cond(a, b, c, ctx)
1394  else:
1395  ctx = _get_ctx(_ctx_from_ast_arg_list([a, b, c], ctx))
1396  s = BoolSort(ctx)
1397  a = s.cast(a)
1398  b, c = _coerce_exprs(b, c, ctx)
1399  if z3_debug():
1400  _z3_assert(a.ctx == b.ctx, "Context mismatch")
1401  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_mk_ite(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast(), c.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_ite(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2, Z3_ast t3)
Create an AST node representing an if-then-else: ite(t1, t2, t3).

Referenced by BoolRef.__mul__(), ArithRef.__mul__(), and Abs().

◆ Implies()

def z3py.Implies (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 implies expression.

>>> p, q = Bools('p q')
>>> Implies(p, q)
Implies(p, q)

Definition at line 1785 of file z3py.py.

1785 def Implies(a, b, ctx=None):
1786  """Create a Z3 implies expression.
1788  >>> p, q = Bools('p q')
1789  >>> Implies(p, q)
1790  Implies(p, q)
1791  """
1792  ctx = _get_ctx(_ctx_from_ast_arg_list([a, b], ctx))
1793  s = BoolSort(ctx)
1794  a = s.cast(a)
1795  b = s.cast(b)
1796  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_implies(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_implies(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Create an AST node representing t1 implies t2.
def Implies(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1785

Referenced by Fixedpoint.add_rule(), and Fixedpoint.update_rule().

◆ IndexOf()

def z3py.IndexOf (   s,
  offset = None 
Retrieve the index of substring within a string starting at a specified offset.
>>> simplify(IndexOf("abcabc", "bc", 0))
>>> simplify(IndexOf("abcabc", "bc", 2))

Definition at line 11059 of file z3py.py.

11059 def IndexOf(s, substr, offset=None):
11060  """Retrieve the index of substring within a string starting at a specified offset.
11061  >>> simplify(IndexOf("abcabc", "bc", 0))
11062  1
11063  >>> simplify(IndexOf("abcabc", "bc", 2))
11064  4
11065  """
11066  if offset is None:
11067  offset = IntVal(0)
11068  ctx = None
11069  if is_expr(offset):
11070  ctx = offset.ctx
11071  ctx = _get_ctx2(s, substr, ctx)
11072  s = _coerce_seq(s, ctx)
11073  substr = _coerce_seq(substr, ctx)
11074  if _is_int(offset):
11075  offset = IntVal(offset, ctx)
11076  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_seq_index(s.ctx_ref(), s.as_ast(), substr.as_ast(), offset.as_ast()), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_index(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s, Z3_ast substr, Z3_ast offset)
Return index of the first occurrence of substr in s starting from offset offset. If s does not contai...
def IndexOf(s, substr, offset=None)
Definition: z3py.py:11059
def IntVal(val, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3188

◆ InRe()

def z3py.InRe (   s,
Create regular expression membership test
>>> re = Union(Re("a"),Re("b"))
>>> print (simplify(InRe("a", re)))
>>> print (simplify(InRe("b", re)))
>>> print (simplify(InRe("c", re)))

Definition at line 11172 of file z3py.py.

11172 def InRe(s, re):
11173  """Create regular expression membership test
11174  >>> re = Union(Re("a"),Re("b"))
11175  >>> print (simplify(InRe("a", re)))
11176  True
11177  >>> print (simplify(InRe("b", re)))
11178  True
11179  >>> print (simplify(InRe("c", re)))
11180  False
11181  """
11182  s = _coerce_seq(s, re.ctx)
11183  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_seq_in_re(s.ctx_ref(), s.as_ast(), re.as_ast()), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_in_re(Z3_context c, Z3_ast seq, Z3_ast re)
Check if seq is in the language generated by the regular expression re.
def InRe(s, re)
Definition: z3py.py:11172

◆ Int()

def z3py.Int (   name,
  ctx = None 
Return an integer constant named `name`. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> is_int(x)
>>> is_int(x + 1)

Definition at line 3248 of file z3py.py.

3248 def Int(name, ctx=None):
3249  """Return an integer constant named `name`. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
3251  >>> x = Int('x')
3252  >>> is_int(x)
3253  True
3254  >>> is_int(x + 1)
3255  True
3256  """
3257  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3258  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_const(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), IntSort(ctx).ast), ctx)
def Int(name, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3248

Referenced by Ints(), and IntVector().

◆ Int2BV()

def z3py.Int2BV (   a,
Return the z3 expression Int2BV(a, num_bits).
It is a bit-vector of width num_bits and represents the
modulo of a by 2^num_bits

Definition at line 3996 of file z3py.py.

3996 def Int2BV(a, num_bits):
3997  """Return the z3 expression Int2BV(a, num_bits).
3998  It is a bit-vector of width num_bits and represents the
3999  modulo of a by 2^num_bits
4000  """
4001  ctx = a.ctx
4002  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_int2bv(ctx.ref(), num_bits, a.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_int2bv(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_ast t1)
Create an n bit bit-vector from the integer argument t1.
def Int2BV(a, num_bits)
Definition: z3py.py:3996

◆ Intersect()

def z3py.Intersect ( args)
Create intersection of regular expressions.
>>> re = Intersect(Re("a"), Re("b"), Re("c"))

Definition at line 11206 of file z3py.py.

11206 def Intersect(*args):
11207  """Create intersection of regular expressions.
11208  >>> re = Intersect(Re("a"), Re("b"), Re("c"))
11209  """
11210  args = _get_args(args)
11211  sz = len(args)
11212  if z3_debug():
11213  _z3_assert(sz > 0, "At least one argument expected.")
11214  _z3_assert(all([is_re(a) for a in args]), "All arguments must be regular expressions.")
11215  if sz == 1:
11216  return args[0]
11217  ctx = args[0].ctx
11218  v = (Ast * sz)()
11219  for i in range(sz):
11220  v[i] = args[i].as_ast()
11221  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_intersect(ctx.ref(), sz, v), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_intersect(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_ast const args[])
Create the intersection of the regular languages.
def Intersect(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:11206

◆ Ints()

def z3py.Ints (   names,
  ctx = None 
Return a tuple of Integer constants.

>>> x, y, z = Ints('x y z')
>>> Sum(x, y, z)
x + y + z

Definition at line 3261 of file z3py.py.

3261 def Ints(names, ctx=None):
3262  """Return a tuple of Integer constants.
3264  >>> x, y, z = Ints('x y z')
3265  >>> Sum(x, y, z)
3266  x + y + z
3267  """
3268  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3269  if isinstance(names, str):
3270  names = names.split(" ")
3271  return [Int(name, ctx) for name in names]
def Ints(names, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3261

◆ IntSort()

def z3py.IntSort (   ctx = None)
Return the integer sort in the given context. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> IntSort()
>>> x = Const('x', IntSort())
>>> is_int(x)
>>> x.sort() == IntSort()
>>> x.sort() == BoolSort()

Definition at line 3138 of file z3py.py.

3138 def IntSort(ctx=None):
3139  """Return the integer sort in the given context. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
3141  >>> IntSort()
3142  Int
3143  >>> x = Const('x', IntSort())
3144  >>> is_int(x)
3145  True
3146  >>> x.sort() == IntSort()
3147  True
3148  >>> x.sort() == BoolSort()
3149  False
3150  """
3151  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3152  return ArithSortRef(Z3_mk_int_sort(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_int_sort(Z3_context c)
Create the integer type.

Referenced by FreshInt(), Context.getIntSort(), Int(), IntVal(), and Context.mkIntSort().

◆ IntToStr()

def z3py.IntToStr (   s)
Convert integer expression to string

Definition at line 11114 of file z3py.py.

11114 def IntToStr(s):
11115  """Convert integer expression to string"""
11116  if not is_expr(s):
11117  s = _py2expr(s)
11118  return SeqRef(Z3_mk_int_to_str(s.ctx_ref(), s.as_ast()), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_int_to_str(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s)
Integer to string conversion.
def IntToStr(s)
Definition: z3py.py:11114

◆ IntVal()

def z3py.IntVal (   val,
  ctx = None 
Return a Z3 integer value. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> IntVal(1)
>>> IntVal("100")

Definition at line 3188 of file z3py.py.

3188 def IntVal(val, ctx=None):
3189  """Return a Z3 integer value. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
3191  >>> IntVal(1)
3192  1
3193  >>> IntVal("100")
3194  100
3195  """
3196  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3197  return IntNumRef(Z3_mk_numeral(ctx.ref(), _to_int_str(val), IntSort(ctx).ast), ctx)

Referenced by SeqRef.__getitem__(), BoolRef.__mul__(), SeqRef.at(), AlgebraicNumRef.index(), and IndexOf().

◆ IntVector()

def z3py.IntVector (   prefix,
  ctx = None 
Return a list of integer constants of size `sz`.

>>> X = IntVector('x', 3)
>>> X
[x__0, x__1, x__2]
>>> Sum(X)
x__0 + x__1 + x__2

Definition at line 3274 of file z3py.py.

3274 def IntVector(prefix, sz, ctx=None):
3275  """Return a list of integer constants of size `sz`.
3277  >>> X = IntVector('x', 3)
3278  >>> X
3279  [x__0, x__1, x__2]
3280  >>> Sum(X)
3281  x__0 + x__1 + x__2
3282  """
3283  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3284  return [Int("%s__%s" % (prefix, i), ctx) for i in range(sz)]
def IntVector(prefix, sz, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3274

◆ is_add()

def z3py.is_add (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b + c.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_add(x + y)
>>> is_add(x - y)

Definition at line 2792 of file z3py.py.

2792 def is_add(a):
2793  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b + c.
2795  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
2796  >>> is_add(x + y)
2797  True
2798  >>> is_add(x - y)
2799  False
2800  """
2801  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_ADD)
def is_add(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2792
def is_app_of(a, k)
Definition: z3py.py:1368

◆ is_algebraic_value()

def z3py.is_algebraic_value (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an algebraic value of sort Real.

>>> is_algebraic_value(RealVal("3/5"))
>>> n = simplify(Sqrt(2))
>>> n
>>> is_algebraic_value(n)

Definition at line 2778 of file z3py.py.

2778 def is_algebraic_value(a):
2779  """Return `True` if `a` is an algebraic value of sort Real.
2781  >>> is_algebraic_value(RealVal("3/5"))
2782  False
2783  >>> n = simplify(Sqrt(2))
2784  >>> n
2785  1.4142135623?
2786  >>> is_algebraic_value(n)
2787  True
2788  """
2789  return is_arith(a) and a.is_real() and _is_algebraic(a.ctx, a.as_ast())
def is_algebraic_value(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2778
def is_arith(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2665

◆ is_and()

def z3py.is_and (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 and expression.

>>> p, q = Bools('p q')
>>> is_and(And(p, q))
>>> is_and(Or(p, q))

Definition at line 1621 of file z3py.py.

1621 def is_and(a):
1622  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 and expression.
1624  >>> p, q = Bools('p q')
1625  >>> is_and(And(p, q))
1626  True
1627  >>> is_and(Or(p, q))
1628  False
1629  """
1630  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_AND)
def is_and(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1621

◆ is_app()

def z3py.is_app (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 function application.

Note that, constants are function applications with 0 arguments.

>>> a = Int('a')
>>> is_app(a)
>>> is_app(a + 1)
>>> is_app(IntSort())
>>> is_app(1)
>>> is_app(IntVal(1))
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> is_app(ForAll(x, x >= 0))

Definition at line 1265 of file z3py.py.

1265 def is_app(a):
1266  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 function application.
1268  Note that, constants are function applications with 0 arguments.
1270  >>> a = Int('a')
1271  >>> is_app(a)
1272  True
1273  >>> is_app(a + 1)
1274  True
1275  >>> is_app(IntSort())
1276  False
1277  >>> is_app(1)
1278  False
1279  >>> is_app(IntVal(1))
1280  True
1281  >>> x = Int('x')
1282  >>> is_app(ForAll(x, x >= 0))
1283  False
1284  """
1285  if not isinstance(a, ExprRef):
1286  return False
1287  k = _ast_kind(a.ctx, a)
1288  return k == Z3_NUMERAL_AST or k == Z3_APP_AST
def is_app(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1265

Referenced by ExprRef.arg(), ExprRef.children(), ExprRef.decl(), is_app_of(), is_const(), is_quantifier(), Lambda(), ExprRef.num_args(), and RecAddDefinition().

◆ is_app_of()

def z3py.is_app_of (   a,
Return `True` if `a` is an application of the given kind `k`.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> n = x + 1
>>> is_app_of(n, Z3_OP_ADD)
>>> is_app_of(n, Z3_OP_MUL)

Definition at line 1368 of file z3py.py.

1368 def is_app_of(a, k):
1369  """Return `True` if `a` is an application of the given kind `k`.
1371  >>> x = Int('x')
1372  >>> n = x + 1
1373  >>> is_app_of(n, Z3_OP_ADD)
1374  True
1375  >>> is_app_of(n, Z3_OP_MUL)
1376  False
1377  """
1378  return is_app(a) and a.decl().kind() == k

Referenced by is_add(), is_and(), is_const_array(), is_default(), is_distinct(), is_div(), is_eq(), is_false(), is_ge(), is_gt(), is_idiv(), is_implies(), is_is_int(), is_K(), is_le(), is_lt(), is_map(), is_mod(), is_mul(), is_not(), is_or(), is_select(), is_store(), is_sub(), is_to_int(), is_to_real(), and is_true().

◆ is_arith()

def z3py.is_arith (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an arithmetical expression.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> is_arith(x)
>>> is_arith(x + 1)
>>> is_arith(1)
>>> is_arith(IntVal(1))
>>> y = Real('y')
>>> is_arith(y)
>>> is_arith(y + 1)

Definition at line 2665 of file z3py.py.

2665 def is_arith(a):
2666  """Return `True` if `a` is an arithmetical expression.
2668  >>> x = Int('x')
2669  >>> is_arith(x)
2670  True
2671  >>> is_arith(x + 1)
2672  True
2673  >>> is_arith(1)
2674  False
2675  >>> is_arith(IntVal(1))
2676  True
2677  >>> y = Real('y')
2678  >>> is_arith(y)
2679  True
2680  >>> is_arith(y + 1)
2681  True
2682  """
2683  return isinstance(a, ArithRef)

Referenced by is_algebraic_value(), is_int(), is_int_value(), is_rational_value(), and is_real().

◆ is_arith_sort()

def z3py.is_arith_sort (   s)
Return `True` if s is an arithmetical sort (type).

>>> is_arith_sort(IntSort())
>>> is_arith_sort(RealSort())
>>> is_arith_sort(BoolSort())
>>> n = Int('x') + 1
>>> is_arith_sort(n.sort())

Definition at line 2364 of file z3py.py.

2364 def is_arith_sort(s):
2365  """Return `True` if s is an arithmetical sort (type).
2367  >>> is_arith_sort(IntSort())
2368  True
2369  >>> is_arith_sort(RealSort())
2370  True
2371  >>> is_arith_sort(BoolSort())
2372  False
2373  >>> n = Int('x') + 1
2374  >>> is_arith_sort(n.sort())
2375  True
2376  """
2377  return isinstance(s, ArithSortRef)
def is_arith_sort(s)
Definition: z3py.py:2364

Referenced by ArithSortRef.subsort().

◆ is_array()

def z3py.is_array (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 array expression.

>>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> is_array(a)
>>> is_array(Store(a, 0, 1))
>>> is_array(a[0])

Definition at line 4611 of file z3py.py.

4611 def is_array(a):
4612  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 array expression.
4614  >>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
4615  >>> is_array(a)
4616  True
4617  >>> is_array(Store(a, 0, 1))
4618  True
4619  >>> is_array(a[0])
4620  False
4621  """
4622  return isinstance(a, ArrayRef)

Referenced by Ext(), and Map().

◆ is_array_sort()

def z3py.is_array_sort (   a)

Definition at line 4607 of file z3py.py.

4607 def is_array_sort(a):
4608  return Z3_get_sort_kind(a.ctx.ref(), Z3_get_sort(a.ctx.ref(), a.ast)) == Z3_ARRAY_SORT
Z3_sort_kind Z3_API Z3_get_sort_kind(Z3_context c, Z3_sort t)
Return the sort kind (e.g., array, tuple, int, bool, etc).
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_get_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a)
Return the sort of an AST node.

Referenced by Default(), Ext(), Select(), and Update().

◆ is_as_array()

def z3py.is_as_array (   n)
Return true if n is a Z3 expression of the form (_ as-array f).

Definition at line 6694 of file z3py.py.

6694 def is_as_array(n):
6695  """Return true if n is a Z3 expression of the form (_ as-array f)."""
6696  return isinstance(n, ExprRef) and Z3_is_as_array(n.ctx.ref(), n.as_ast())
bool Z3_API Z3_is_as_array(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a)
The (_ as-array f) AST node is a construct for assigning interpretations for arrays in Z3....

Referenced by get_as_array_func(), and ModelRef.get_interp().

◆ is_ast()

def z3py.is_ast (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an AST node.

>>> is_ast(10)
>>> is_ast(IntVal(10))
>>> is_ast(Int('x'))
>>> is_ast(BoolSort())
>>> is_ast(Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort()))
>>> is_ast("x")
>>> is_ast(Solver())

Definition at line 451 of file z3py.py.

451 def is_ast(a):
452  """Return `True` if `a` is an AST node.
454  >>> is_ast(10)
455  False
456  >>> is_ast(IntVal(10))
457  True
458  >>> is_ast(Int('x'))
459  True
460  >>> is_ast(BoolSort())
461  True
462  >>> is_ast(Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort()))
463  True
464  >>> is_ast("x")
465  False
466  >>> is_ast(Solver())
467  False
468  """
469  return isinstance(a, AstRef)

Referenced by eq(), AstRef.eq(), and ReSort().

◆ is_bool()

def z3py.is_bool (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 Boolean expression.

>>> p = Bool('p')
>>> is_bool(p)
>>> q = Bool('q')
>>> is_bool(And(p, q))
>>> x = Real('x')
>>> is_bool(x)
>>> is_bool(x == 0)

Definition at line 1571 of file z3py.py.

1571 def is_bool(a):
1572  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 Boolean expression.
1574  >>> p = Bool('p')
1575  >>> is_bool(p)
1576  True
1577  >>> q = Bool('q')
1578  >>> is_bool(And(p, q))
1579  True
1580  >>> x = Real('x')
1581  >>> is_bool(x)
1582  False
1583  >>> is_bool(x == 0)
1584  True
1585  """
1586  return isinstance(a, BoolRef)
def is_bool(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1571

Referenced by is_quantifier(), and prove().

◆ is_bv()

def z3py.is_bv (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 bit-vector expression.

>>> b = BitVec('b', 32)
>>> is_bv(b)
>>> is_bv(b + 10)
>>> is_bv(Int('x'))

Definition at line 3944 of file z3py.py.

3944 def is_bv(a):
3945  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 bit-vector expression.
3947  >>> b = BitVec('b', 32)
3948  >>> is_bv(b)
3949  True
3950  >>> is_bv(b + 10)
3951  True
3952  >>> is_bv(Int('x'))
3953  False
3954  """
3955  return isinstance(a, BitVecRef)

Referenced by BV2Int(), BVRedAnd(), BVRedOr(), BVSNegNoOverflow(), Concat(), Extract(), fpBVToFP(), fpFP(), fpSignedToFP(), fpToFP(), fpToFPUnsigned(), fpUnsignedToFP(), is_bv_value(), Product(), RepeatBitVec(), SignExt(), Sum(), and ZeroExt().

◆ is_bv_sort()

def z3py.is_bv_sort (   s)
Return True if `s` is a Z3 bit-vector sort.

>>> is_bv_sort(BitVecSort(32))
>>> is_bv_sort(IntSort())

Definition at line 3476 of file z3py.py.

3476 def is_bv_sort(s):
3477  """Return True if `s` is a Z3 bit-vector sort.
3479  >>> is_bv_sort(BitVecSort(32))
3480  True
3481  >>> is_bv_sort(IntSort())
3482  False
3483  """
3484  return isinstance(s, BitVecSortRef)

Referenced by BitVecVal(), fpToSBV(), fpToUBV(), and BitVecSortRef.subsort().

◆ is_bv_value()

def z3py.is_bv_value (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 bit-vector numeral value.

>>> b = BitVec('b', 32)
>>> is_bv_value(b)
>>> b = BitVecVal(10, 32)
>>> b
>>> is_bv_value(b)

Definition at line 3958 of file z3py.py.

3958 def is_bv_value(a):
3959  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 bit-vector numeral value.
3961  >>> b = BitVec('b', 32)
3962  >>> is_bv_value(b)
3963  False
3964  >>> b = BitVecVal(10, 32)
3965  >>> b
3966  10
3967  >>> is_bv_value(b)
3968  True
3969  """
3970  return is_bv(a) and _is_numeral(a.ctx, a.as_ast())
def is_bv_value(a)
Definition: z3py.py:3958

◆ is_const()

def z3py.is_const (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is Z3 constant/variable expression.

>>> a = Int('a')
>>> is_const(a)
>>> is_const(a + 1)
>>> is_const(1)
>>> is_const(IntVal(1))
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> is_const(ForAll(x, x >= 0))

Definition at line 1291 of file z3py.py.

1291 def is_const(a):
1292  """Return `True` if `a` is Z3 constant/variable expression.
1294  >>> a = Int('a')
1295  >>> is_const(a)
1296  True
1297  >>> is_const(a + 1)
1298  False
1299  >>> is_const(1)
1300  False
1301  >>> is_const(IntVal(1))
1302  True
1303  >>> x = Int('x')
1304  >>> is_const(ForAll(x, x >= 0))
1305  False
1306  """
1307  return is_app(a) and a.num_args() == 0
def is_const(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1291

Referenced by ModelRef.__getitem__(), Solver.assert_and_track(), Optimize.assert_and_track(), ModelRef.get_interp(), is_quantifier(), and prove().

◆ is_const_array()

def z3py.is_const_array (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 constant array.

>>> a = K(IntSort(), 10)
>>> is_const_array(a)
>>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> is_const_array(a)

Definition at line 4625 of file z3py.py.

4625 def is_const_array(a):
4626  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 constant array.
4628  >>> a = K(IntSort(), 10)
4629  >>> is_const_array(a)
4630  True
4631  >>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
4632  >>> is_const_array(a)
4633  False
4634  """
4635  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_CONST_ARRAY)
def is_const_array(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4625

◆ is_default()

def z3py.is_default (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 default array expression.
>>> d = Default(K(IntSort(), 10))
>>> is_default(d)

Definition at line 4667 of file z3py.py.

4667 def is_default(a):
4668  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 default array expression.
4669  >>> d = Default(K(IntSort(), 10))
4670  >>> is_default(d)
4671  True
4672  """
4673  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_ARRAY_DEFAULT)
def is_default(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4667

◆ is_distinct()

def z3py.is_distinct (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 distinct expression.

>>> x, y, z = Ints('x y z')
>>> is_distinct(x == y)
>>> is_distinct(Distinct(x, y, z))

Definition at line 1679 of file z3py.py.

1679 def is_distinct(a):
1680  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 distinct expression.
1682  >>> x, y, z = Ints('x y z')
1683  >>> is_distinct(x == y)
1684  False
1685  >>> is_distinct(Distinct(x, y, z))
1686  True
1687  """
1688  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_DISTINCT)
def is_distinct(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1679

◆ is_div()

def z3py.is_div (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b / c.

>>> x, y = Reals('x y')
>>> is_div(x / y)
>>> is_div(x + y)
>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_div(x / y)
>>> is_idiv(x / y)

Definition at line 2828 of file z3py.py.

2828 def is_div(a):
2829  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b / c.
2831  >>> x, y = Reals('x y')
2832  >>> is_div(x / y)
2833  True
2834  >>> is_div(x + y)
2835  False
2836  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
2837  >>> is_div(x / y)
2838  False
2839  >>> is_idiv(x / y)
2840  True
2841  """
2842  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_DIV)
def is_div(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2828

◆ is_eq()

def z3py.is_eq (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 equality expression.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_eq(x == y)

Definition at line 1669 of file z3py.py.

1669 def is_eq(a):
1670  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 equality expression.
1672  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
1673  >>> is_eq(x == y)
1674  True
1675  """
1676  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_EQ)
def is_eq(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1669

Referenced by AstRef.__bool__().

◆ is_expr()

def z3py.is_expr (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 expression.

>>> a = Int('a')
>>> is_expr(a)
>>> is_expr(a + 1)
>>> is_expr(IntSort())
>>> is_expr(1)
>>> is_expr(IntVal(1))
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> is_expr(ForAll(x, x >= 0))
>>> is_expr(FPVal(1.0))

Definition at line 1242 of file z3py.py.

1242 def is_expr(a):
1243  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 expression.
1245  >>> a = Int('a')
1246  >>> is_expr(a)
1247  True
1248  >>> is_expr(a + 1)
1249  True
1250  >>> is_expr(IntSort())
1251  False
1252  >>> is_expr(1)
1253  False
1254  >>> is_expr(IntVal(1))
1255  True
1256  >>> x = Int('x')
1257  >>> is_expr(ForAll(x, x >= 0))
1258  True
1259  >>> is_expr(FPVal(1.0))
1260  True
1261  """
1262  return isinstance(a, ExprRef)

Referenced by SeqRef.__gt__(), SortRef.cast(), BoolSortRef.cast(), ArithSortRef.cast(), BitVecSortRef.cast(), FPSortRef.cast(), Cbrt(), CharFromBv(), CharIsDigit(), Concat(), deserialize(), AlgebraicNumRef.index(), IndexOf(), IntToStr(), is_quantifier(), is_var(), K(), MultiPattern(), Replace(), simplify(), Sqrt(), StrFromCode(), StrToCode(), substitute(), substitute_funs(), substitute_vars(), and ModelRef.update_value().

◆ is_false()

def z3py.is_false (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is the Z3 false expression.

>>> p = Bool('p')
>>> is_false(p)
>>> is_false(False)
>>> is_false(BoolVal(False))

Definition at line 1607 of file z3py.py.

1607 def is_false(a):
1608  """Return `True` if `a` is the Z3 false expression.
1610  >>> p = Bool('p')
1611  >>> is_false(p)
1612  False
1613  >>> is_false(False)
1614  False
1615  >>> is_false(BoolVal(False))
1616  True
1617  """
1618  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_FALSE)
def is_false(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1607

Referenced by AstRef.__bool__().

◆ is_finite_domain()

def z3py.is_finite_domain (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 finite-domain expression.

>>> s = FiniteDomainSort('S', 100)
>>> b = Const('b', s)
>>> is_finite_domain(b)
>>> is_finite_domain(Int('x'))

Definition at line 7747 of file z3py.py.

7747 def is_finite_domain(a):
7748  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 finite-domain expression.
7750  >>> s = FiniteDomainSort('S', 100)
7751  >>> b = Const('b', s)
7752  >>> is_finite_domain(b)
7753  True
7754  >>> is_finite_domain(Int('x'))
7755  False
7756  """
7757  return isinstance(a, FiniteDomainRef)
def is_finite_domain(a)
Definition: z3py.py:7747

Referenced by is_finite_domain_value().

◆ is_finite_domain_sort()

def z3py.is_finite_domain_sort (   s)
Return True if `s` is a Z3 finite-domain sort.

>>> is_finite_domain_sort(FiniteDomainSort('S', 100))
>>> is_finite_domain_sort(IntSort())

Definition at line 7724 of file z3py.py.

7724 def is_finite_domain_sort(s):
7725  """Return True if `s` is a Z3 finite-domain sort.
7727  >>> is_finite_domain_sort(FiniteDomainSort('S', 100))
7728  True
7729  >>> is_finite_domain_sort(IntSort())
7730  False
7731  """
7732  return isinstance(s, FiniteDomainSortRef)

Referenced by FiniteDomainVal().

◆ is_finite_domain_value()

def z3py.is_finite_domain_value (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 finite-domain value.

>>> s = FiniteDomainSort('S', 100)
>>> b = Const('b', s)
>>> is_finite_domain_value(b)
>>> b = FiniteDomainVal(10, s)
>>> b
>>> is_finite_domain_value(b)

Definition at line 7801 of file z3py.py.

7801 def is_finite_domain_value(a):
7802  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 finite-domain value.
7804  >>> s = FiniteDomainSort('S', 100)
7805  >>> b = Const('b', s)
7806  >>> is_finite_domain_value(b)
7807  False
7808  >>> b = FiniteDomainVal(10, s)
7809  >>> b
7810  10
7811  >>> is_finite_domain_value(b)
7812  True
7813  """
7814  return is_finite_domain(a) and _is_numeral(a.ctx, a.as_ast())
def is_finite_domain_value(a)
Definition: z3py.py:7801

◆ is_fp()

def z3py.is_fp (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 floating-point expression.

>>> b = FP('b', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> is_fp(b)
>>> is_fp(b + 1.0)
>>> is_fp(Int('x'))

Definition at line 9872 of file z3py.py.

9872 def is_fp(a):
9873  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 floating-point expression.
9875  >>> b = FP('b', FPSort(8, 24))
9876  >>> is_fp(b)
9877  True
9878  >>> is_fp(b + 1.0)
9879  True
9880  >>> is_fp(Int('x'))
9881  False
9882  """
9883  return isinstance(a, FPRef)

Referenced by fpFPToFP(), fpIsPositive(), fpNeg(), fpToFP(), fpToIEEEBV(), fpToReal(), fpToSBV(), fpToUBV(), is_fp_value(), and set_default_fp_sort().

◆ is_fp_sort()

def z3py.is_fp_sort (   s)
Return True if `s` is a Z3 floating-point sort.

>>> is_fp_sort(FPSort(8, 24))
>>> is_fp_sort(IntSort())

Definition at line 9456 of file z3py.py.

9456 def is_fp_sort(s):
9457  """Return True if `s` is a Z3 floating-point sort.
9459  >>> is_fp_sort(FPSort(8, 24))
9460  True
9461  >>> is_fp_sort(IntSort())
9462  False
9463  """
9464  return isinstance(s, FPSortRef)

Referenced by fpBVToFP(), fpFPToFP(), fpRealToFP(), fpSignedToFP(), fpToFP(), fpToFPUnsigned(), fpUnsignedToFP(), and FPVal().

◆ is_fp_value()

def z3py.is_fp_value (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 floating-point numeral value.

>>> b = FP('b', FPSort(8, 24))
>>> is_fp_value(b)
>>> b = FPVal(1.0, FPSort(8, 24))
>>> b
>>> is_fp_value(b)

Definition at line 9886 of file z3py.py.

9886 def is_fp_value(a):
9887  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 floating-point numeral value.
9889  >>> b = FP('b', FPSort(8, 24))
9890  >>> is_fp_value(b)
9891  False
9892  >>> b = FPVal(1.0, FPSort(8, 24))
9893  >>> b
9894  1
9895  >>> is_fp_value(b)
9896  True
9897  """
9898  return is_fp(a) and _is_numeral(a.ctx, a.ast)
def is_fp_value(a)
Definition: z3py.py:9886

◆ is_fprm()

def z3py.is_fprm (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 floating-point rounding mode expression.

>>> rm = RNE()
>>> is_fprm(rm)
>>> rm = 1.0
>>> is_fprm(rm)

Definition at line 9716 of file z3py.py.

9716 def is_fprm(a):
9717  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 floating-point rounding mode expression.
9719  >>> rm = RNE()
9720  >>> is_fprm(rm)
9721  True
9722  >>> rm = 1.0
9723  >>> is_fprm(rm)
9724  False
9725  """
9726  return isinstance(a, FPRMRef)

Referenced by fpFPToFP(), fpNeg(), fpRealToFP(), fpSignedToFP(), fpToFP(), fpToFPUnsigned(), fpToSBV(), fpToUBV(), fpUnsignedToFP(), and is_fprm_value().

◆ is_fprm_sort()

def z3py.is_fprm_sort (   s)
Return True if `s` is a Z3 floating-point rounding mode sort.

>>> is_fprm_sort(FPSort(8, 24))
>>> is_fprm_sort(RNE().sort())

Definition at line 9467 of file z3py.py.

9467 def is_fprm_sort(s):
9468  """Return True if `s` is a Z3 floating-point rounding mode sort.
9470  >>> is_fprm_sort(FPSort(8, 24))
9471  False
9472  >>> is_fprm_sort(RNE().sort())
9473  True
9474  """
9475  return isinstance(s, FPRMSortRef)
9477 # FP Expressions
def is_fprm_sort(s)
Definition: z3py.py:9467

◆ is_fprm_value()

def z3py.is_fprm_value (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 floating-point rounding mode numeral value.

Definition at line 9729 of file z3py.py.

9729 def is_fprm_value(a):
9730  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 floating-point rounding mode numeral value."""
9731  return is_fprm(a) and _is_numeral(a.ctx, a.ast)
9733 # FP Numerals
def is_fprm_value(a)
Definition: z3py.py:9729

Referenced by set_default_rounding_mode().

◆ is_func_decl()

def z3py.is_func_decl (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 function declaration.

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> is_func_decl(f)
>>> x = Real('x')
>>> is_func_decl(x)

Definition at line 850 of file z3py.py.

850 def is_func_decl(a):
851  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 function declaration.
853  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
854  >>> is_func_decl(f)
855  True
856  >>> x = Real('x')
857  >>> is_func_decl(x)
858  False
859  """
860  return isinstance(a, FuncDeclRef)
def is_func_decl(a)
Definition: z3py.py:850

Referenced by Map(), prove(), substitute_funs(), and ModelRef.update_value().

◆ is_ge()

def z3py.is_ge (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b >= c.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_ge(x >= y)
>>> is_ge(x == y)

Definition at line 2893 of file z3py.py.

2893 def is_ge(a):
2894  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b >= c.
2896  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
2897  >>> is_ge(x >= y)
2898  True
2899  >>> is_ge(x == y)
2900  False
2901  """
2902  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_GE)
def is_ge(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2893

◆ is_gt()

def z3py.is_gt (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b > c.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_gt(x > y)
>>> is_gt(x == y)

Definition at line 2905 of file z3py.py.

2905 def is_gt(a):
2906  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b > c.
2908  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
2909  >>> is_gt(x > y)
2910  True
2911  >>> is_gt(x == y)
2912  False
2913  """
2914  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_GT)
def is_gt(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2905

◆ is_idiv()

def z3py.is_idiv (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b div c.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_idiv(x / y)
>>> is_idiv(x + y)

Definition at line 2845 of file z3py.py.

2845 def is_idiv(a):
2846  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b div c.
2848  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
2849  >>> is_idiv(x / y)
2850  True
2851  >>> is_idiv(x + y)
2852  False
2853  """
2854  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_IDIV)
def is_idiv(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2845

◆ is_implies()

def z3py.is_implies (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 implication expression.

>>> p, q = Bools('p q')
>>> is_implies(Implies(p, q))
>>> is_implies(And(p, q))

Definition at line 1645 of file z3py.py.

1645 def is_implies(a):
1646  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 implication expression.
1648  >>> p, q = Bools('p q')
1649  >>> is_implies(Implies(p, q))
1650  True
1651  >>> is_implies(And(p, q))
1652  False
1653  """
1654  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_IMPLIES)
def is_implies(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1645

◆ is_int()

def z3py.is_int (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an integer expression.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> is_int(x + 1)
>>> is_int(1)
>>> is_int(IntVal(1))
>>> y = Real('y')
>>> is_int(y)
>>> is_int(y + 1)

Definition at line 2686 of file z3py.py.

2686 def is_int(a):
2687  """Return `True` if `a` is an integer expression.
2689  >>> x = Int('x')
2690  >>> is_int(x + 1)
2691  True
2692  >>> is_int(1)
2693  False
2694  >>> is_int(IntVal(1))
2695  True
2696  >>> y = Real('y')
2697  >>> is_int(y)
2698  False
2699  >>> is_int(y + 1)
2700  False
2701  """
2702  return is_arith(a) and a.is_int()
def is_int(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2686

◆ is_int_value()

def z3py.is_int_value (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an integer value of sort Int.

>>> is_int_value(IntVal(1))
>>> is_int_value(1)
>>> is_int_value(Int('x'))
>>> n = Int('x') + 1
>>> n
x + 1
>>> n.arg(1)
>>> is_int_value(n.arg(1))
>>> is_int_value(RealVal("1/3"))
>>> is_int_value(RealVal(1))

Definition at line 2732 of file z3py.py.

2732 def is_int_value(a):
2733  """Return `True` if `a` is an integer value of sort Int.
2735  >>> is_int_value(IntVal(1))
2736  True
2737  >>> is_int_value(1)
2738  False
2739  >>> is_int_value(Int('x'))
2740  False
2741  >>> n = Int('x') + 1
2742  >>> n
2743  x + 1
2744  >>> n.arg(1)
2745  1
2746  >>> is_int_value(n.arg(1))
2747  True
2748  >>> is_int_value(RealVal("1/3"))
2749  False
2750  >>> is_int_value(RealVal(1))
2751  False
2752  """
2753  return is_arith(a) and a.is_int() and _is_numeral(a.ctx, a.as_ast())
def is_int_value(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2732

◆ is_is_int()

def z3py.is_is_int (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form IsInt(b).

>>> x = Real('x')
>>> is_is_int(IsInt(x))
>>> is_is_int(x)

Definition at line 2917 of file z3py.py.

2917 def is_is_int(a):
2918  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form IsInt(b).
2920  >>> x = Real('x')
2921  >>> is_is_int(IsInt(x))
2922  True
2923  >>> is_is_int(x)
2924  False
2925  """
2926  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_IS_INT)
def is_is_int(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2917

◆ is_K()

def z3py.is_K (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 constant array.

>>> a = K(IntSort(), 10)
>>> is_K(a)
>>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> is_K(a)

Definition at line 4638 of file z3py.py.

4638 def is_K(a):
4639  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 constant array.
4641  >>> a = K(IntSort(), 10)
4642  >>> is_K(a)
4643  True
4644  >>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
4645  >>> is_K(a)
4646  False
4647  """
4648  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_CONST_ARRAY)
def is_K(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4638

◆ is_le()

def z3py.is_le (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b <= c.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_le(x <= y)
>>> is_le(x < y)

Definition at line 2869 of file z3py.py.

2869 def is_le(a):
2870  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b <= c.
2872  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
2873  >>> is_le(x <= y)
2874  True
2875  >>> is_le(x < y)
2876  False
2877  """
2878  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_LE)
def is_le(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2869

◆ is_lt()

def z3py.is_lt (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b < c.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_lt(x < y)
>>> is_lt(x == y)

Definition at line 2881 of file z3py.py.

2881 def is_lt(a):
2882  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b < c.
2884  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
2885  >>> is_lt(x < y)
2886  True
2887  >>> is_lt(x == y)
2888  False
2889  """
2890  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_LT)
def is_lt(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2881

◆ is_map()

def z3py.is_map (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 map array expression.

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> b = Array('b', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> a  = Map(f, b)
>>> a
Map(f, b)
>>> is_map(a)
>>> is_map(b)

Definition at line 4651 of file z3py.py.

4651 def is_map(a):
4652  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 map array expression.
4654  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
4655  >>> b = Array('b', IntSort(), IntSort())
4656  >>> a = Map(f, b)
4657  >>> a
4658  Map(f, b)
4659  >>> is_map(a)
4660  True
4661  >>> is_map(b)
4662  False
4663  """
4664  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_ARRAY_MAP)

Referenced by get_map_func().

◆ is_mod()

def z3py.is_mod (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b % c.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_mod(x % y)
>>> is_mod(x + y)

Definition at line 2857 of file z3py.py.

2857 def is_mod(a):
2858  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b % c.
2860  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
2861  >>> is_mod(x % y)
2862  True
2863  >>> is_mod(x + y)
2864  False
2865  """
2866  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_MOD)
def is_mod(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2857

◆ is_mul()

def z3py.is_mul (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b * c.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_mul(x * y)
>>> is_mul(x - y)

Definition at line 2804 of file z3py.py.

2804 def is_mul(a):
2805  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b * c.
2807  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
2808  >>> is_mul(x * y)
2809  True
2810  >>> is_mul(x - y)
2811  False
2812  """
2813  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_MUL)
def is_mul(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2804

◆ is_not()

def z3py.is_not (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 not expression.

>>> p = Bool('p')
>>> is_not(p)
>>> is_not(Not(p))

Definition at line 1657 of file z3py.py.

1657 def is_not(a):
1658  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 not expression.
1660  >>> p = Bool('p')
1661  >>> is_not(p)
1662  False
1663  >>> is_not(Not(p))
1664  True
1665  """
1666  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_NOT)
def is_not(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1657

Referenced by mk_not().

◆ is_or()

def z3py.is_or (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 or expression.

>>> p, q = Bools('p q')
>>> is_or(Or(p, q))
>>> is_or(And(p, q))

Definition at line 1633 of file z3py.py.

1633 def is_or(a):
1634  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 or expression.
1636  >>> p, q = Bools('p q')
1637  >>> is_or(Or(p, q))
1638  True
1639  >>> is_or(And(p, q))
1640  False
1641  """
1642  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_OR)
def is_or(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1633

◆ is_pattern()

def z3py.is_pattern (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 pattern (hint for quantifier instantiation.

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> q = ForAll(x, f(x) == 0, patterns = [ f(x) ])
>>> q
ForAll(x, f(x) == 0)
>>> q.num_patterns()
>>> is_pattern(q.pattern(0))
>>> q.pattern(0)

Definition at line 1933 of file z3py.py.

1933 def is_pattern(a):
1934  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 pattern (hint for quantifier instantiation.
1936  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
1937  >>> x = Int('x')
1938  >>> q = ForAll(x, f(x) == 0, patterns = [ f(x) ])
1939  >>> q
1940  ForAll(x, f(x) == 0)
1941  >>> q.num_patterns()
1942  1
1943  >>> is_pattern(q.pattern(0))
1944  True
1945  >>> q.pattern(0)
1946  f(Var(0))
1947  """
1948  return isinstance(a, PatternRef)
def is_pattern(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1933

Referenced by is_quantifier(), and MultiPattern().

◆ is_probe()

def z3py.is_probe (   p)
Return `True` if `p` is a Z3 probe.

>>> is_probe(Int('x'))
>>> is_probe(Probe('memory'))

Definition at line 8637 of file z3py.py.

8637 def is_probe(p):
8638  """Return `True` if `p` is a Z3 probe.
8640  >>> is_probe(Int('x'))
8641  False
8642  >>> is_probe(Probe('memory'))
8643  True
8644  """
8645  return isinstance(p, Probe)
def is_probe(p)
Definition: z3py.py:8637

Referenced by eq(), mk_not(), and Not().

◆ is_quantifier()

def z3py.is_quantifier (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 quantifier.

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> q = ForAll(x, f(x) == 0)
>>> is_quantifier(q)
>>> is_quantifier(f(x))

Definition at line 2173 of file z3py.py.

2173 def is_quantifier(a):
2174  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 quantifier.
2176  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
2177  >>> x = Int('x')
2178  >>> q = ForAll(x, f(x) == 0)
2179  >>> is_quantifier(q)
2180  True
2181  >>> is_quantifier(f(x))
2182  False
2183  """
2184  return isinstance(a, QuantifierRef)
def is_quantifier(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2173

◆ is_rational_value()

def z3py.is_rational_value (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is rational value of sort Real.

>>> is_rational_value(RealVal(1))
>>> is_rational_value(RealVal("3/5"))
>>> is_rational_value(IntVal(1))
>>> is_rational_value(1)
>>> n = Real('x') + 1
>>> n.arg(1)
>>> is_rational_value(n.arg(1))
>>> is_rational_value(Real('x'))

Definition at line 2756 of file z3py.py.

2756 def is_rational_value(a):
2757  """Return `True` if `a` is rational value of sort Real.
2759  >>> is_rational_value(RealVal(1))
2760  True
2761  >>> is_rational_value(RealVal("3/5"))
2762  True
2763  >>> is_rational_value(IntVal(1))
2764  False
2765  >>> is_rational_value(1)
2766  False
2767  >>> n = Real('x') + 1
2768  >>> n.arg(1)
2769  1
2770  >>> is_rational_value(n.arg(1))
2771  True
2772  >>> is_rational_value(Real('x'))
2773  False
2774  """
2775  return is_arith(a) and a.is_real() and _is_numeral(a.ctx, a.as_ast())
def is_rational_value(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2756

◆ is_re()

def z3py.is_re (   s)

Definition at line 11168 of file z3py.py.

11168 def is_re(s):
11169  return isinstance(s, ReRef)

Referenced by Concat(), Intersect(), and Union().

◆ is_real()

def z3py.is_real (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a real expression.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> is_real(x + 1)
>>> y = Real('y')
>>> is_real(y)
>>> is_real(y + 1)
>>> is_real(1)
>>> is_real(RealVal(1))

Definition at line 2705 of file z3py.py.

2705 def is_real(a):
2706  """Return `True` if `a` is a real expression.
2708  >>> x = Int('x')
2709  >>> is_real(x + 1)
2710  False
2711  >>> y = Real('y')
2712  >>> is_real(y)
2713  True
2714  >>> is_real(y + 1)
2715  True
2716  >>> is_real(1)
2717  False
2718  >>> is_real(RealVal(1))
2719  True
2720  """
2721  return is_arith(a) and a.is_real()

Referenced by fpRealToFP(), and fpToFP().

◆ is_select()

def z3py.is_select (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 array select application.

>>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> is_select(a)
>>> i = Int('i')
>>> is_select(a[i])

Definition at line 4886 of file z3py.py.

4886 def is_select(a):
4887  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 array select application.
4889  >>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
4890  >>> is_select(a)
4891  False
4892  >>> i = Int('i')
4893  >>> is_select(a[i])
4894  True
4895  """
4896  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_SELECT)
def is_select(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4886

◆ is_seq()

def z3py.is_seq (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 sequence expression.
>>> print (is_seq(Unit(IntVal(0))))
>>> print (is_seq(StringVal("abc")))

Definition at line 10894 of file z3py.py.

10894 def is_seq(a):
10895  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 sequence expression.
10896  >>> print (is_seq(Unit(IntVal(0))))
10897  True
10898  >>> print (is_seq(StringVal("abc")))
10899  True
10900  """
10901  return isinstance(a, SeqRef)

Referenced by CharIsDigit(), Concat(), and Extract().

◆ is_sort()

def z3py.is_sort (   s)
Return `True` if `s` is a Z3 sort.

>>> is_sort(IntSort())
>>> is_sort(Int('x'))
>>> is_expr(Int('x'))

Definition at line 647 of file z3py.py.

647 def is_sort(s):
648  """Return `True` if `s` is a Z3 sort.
650  >>> is_sort(IntSort())
651  True
652  >>> is_sort(Int('x'))
653  False
654  >>> is_expr(Int('x'))
655  True
656  """
657  return isinstance(s, SortRef)

Referenced by ArraySort(), CreateDatatypes(), FreshFunction(), Function(), IsSubset(), K(), PropagateFunction(), prove(), RecFunction(), and Var().

◆ is_store()

def z3py.is_store (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 array store application.

>>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> is_store(a)
>>> is_store(Store(a, 0, 1))

Definition at line 4899 of file z3py.py.

4899 def is_store(a):
4900  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 array store application.
4902  >>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
4903  >>> is_store(a)
4904  False
4905  >>> is_store(Store(a, 0, 1))
4906  True
4907  """
4908  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_STORE)
def is_store(a)
Definition: z3py.py:4899

◆ is_string()

def z3py.is_string (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 string expression.
>>> print (is_string(StringVal("ab")))

Definition at line 10904 of file z3py.py.

10904 def is_string(a):
10905  """Return `True` if `a` is a Z3 string expression.
10906  >>> print (is_string(StringVal("ab")))
10907  True
10908  """
10909  return isinstance(a, SeqRef) and a.is_string()
def is_string(a)
Definition: z3py.py:10904

◆ is_string_value()

def z3py.is_string_value (   a)
return 'True' if 'a' is a Z3 string constant expression.
>>> print (is_string_value(StringVal("a")))
>>> print (is_string_value(StringVal("a") + StringVal("b")))

Definition at line 10912 of file z3py.py.

10912 def is_string_value(a):
10913  """return 'True' if 'a' is a Z3 string constant expression.
10914  >>> print (is_string_value(StringVal("a")))
10915  True
10916  >>> print (is_string_value(StringVal("a") + StringVal("b")))
10917  False
10918  """
10919  return isinstance(a, SeqRef) and a.is_string_value()
def is_string_value(a)
Definition: z3py.py:10912

◆ is_sub()

def z3py.is_sub (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b - c.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> is_sub(x - y)
>>> is_sub(x + y)

Definition at line 2816 of file z3py.py.

2816 def is_sub(a):
2817  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form b - c.
2819  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
2820  >>> is_sub(x - y)
2821  True
2822  >>> is_sub(x + y)
2823  False
2824  """
2825  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_SUB)
def is_sub(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2816

◆ is_to_int()

def z3py.is_to_int (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form ToInt(b).

>>> x = Real('x')
>>> n = ToInt(x)
>>> n
>>> is_to_int(n)
>>> is_to_int(x)

Definition at line 2944 of file z3py.py.

2944 def is_to_int(a):
2945  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form ToInt(b).
2947  >>> x = Real('x')
2948  >>> n = ToInt(x)
2949  >>> n
2950  ToInt(x)
2951  >>> is_to_int(n)
2952  True
2953  >>> is_to_int(x)
2954  False
2955  """
2956  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_TO_INT)
def is_to_int(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2944

◆ is_to_real()

def z3py.is_to_real (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form ToReal(b).

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> n = ToReal(x)
>>> n
>>> is_to_real(n)
>>> is_to_real(x)

Definition at line 2929 of file z3py.py.

2929 def is_to_real(a):
2930  """Return `True` if `a` is an expression of the form ToReal(b).
2932  >>> x = Int('x')
2933  >>> n = ToReal(x)
2934  >>> n
2935  ToReal(x)
2936  >>> is_to_real(n)
2937  True
2938  >>> is_to_real(x)
2939  False
2940  """
2941  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_TO_REAL)
def is_to_real(a)
Definition: z3py.py:2929

◆ is_true()

def z3py.is_true (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is the Z3 true expression.

>>> p = Bool('p')
>>> is_true(p)
>>> is_true(simplify(p == p))
>>> x = Real('x')
>>> is_true(x == 0)
>>> # True is a Python Boolean expression
>>> is_true(True)

Definition at line 1589 of file z3py.py.

1589 def is_true(a):
1590  """Return `True` if `a` is the Z3 true expression.
1592  >>> p = Bool('p')
1593  >>> is_true(p)
1594  False
1595  >>> is_true(simplify(p == p))
1596  True
1597  >>> x = Real('x')
1598  >>> is_true(x == 0)
1599  False
1600  >>> # True is a Python Boolean expression
1601  >>> is_true(True)
1602  False
1603  """
1604  return is_app_of(a, Z3_OP_TRUE)
def is_true(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1589

Referenced by AstRef.__bool__().

◆ is_var()

def z3py.is_var (   a)
Return `True` if `a` is variable.

Z3 uses de-Bruijn indices for representing bound variables in

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> is_var(x)
>>> is_const(x)
>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> # Z3 replaces x with bound variables when ForAll is executed.
>>> q = ForAll(x, f(x) == x)
>>> b = q.body()
>>> b
f(Var(0)) == Var(0)
>>> b.arg(1)
>>> is_var(b.arg(1))

Definition at line 1310 of file z3py.py.

1310 def is_var(a):
1311  """Return `True` if `a` is variable.
1313  Z3 uses de-Bruijn indices for representing bound variables in
1314  quantifiers.
1316  >>> x = Int('x')
1317  >>> is_var(x)
1318  False
1319  >>> is_const(x)
1320  True
1321  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
1322  >>> # Z3 replaces x with bound variables when ForAll is executed.
1323  >>> q = ForAll(x, f(x) == x)
1324  >>> b = q.body()
1325  >>> b
1326  f(Var(0)) == Var(0)
1327  >>> b.arg(1)
1328  Var(0)
1329  >>> is_var(b.arg(1))
1330  True
1331  """
1332  return is_expr(a) and _ast_kind(a.ctx, a) == Z3_VAR_AST

Referenced by get_var_index().

◆ IsInt()

def z3py.IsInt (   a)
 Return the Z3 predicate IsInt(a).

>>> x = Real('x')
>>> IsInt(x + "1/2")
IsInt(x + 1/2)
>>> solve(IsInt(x + "1/2"), x > 0, x < 1)
[x = 1/2]
>>> solve(IsInt(x + "1/2"), x > 0, x < 1, x != "1/2")
no solution

Definition at line 3394 of file z3py.py.

3394 def IsInt(a):
3395  """ Return the Z3 predicate IsInt(a).
3397  >>> x = Real('x')
3398  >>> IsInt(x + "1/2")
3399  IsInt(x + 1/2)
3400  >>> solve(IsInt(x + "1/2"), x > 0, x < 1)
3401  [x = 1/2]
3402  >>> solve(IsInt(x + "1/2"), x > 0, x < 1, x != "1/2")
3403  no solution
3404  """
3405  if z3_debug():
3406  _z3_assert(a.is_real(), "Z3 real expression expected.")
3407  ctx = a.ctx
3408  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_is_int(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_is_int(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1)
Check if a real number is an integer.
def IsInt(a)
Definition: z3py.py:3394

◆ IsMember()

def z3py.IsMember (   e,
 Check if e is a member of set s
>>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> IsMember(1, a)

Definition at line 5009 of file z3py.py.

5009 def IsMember(e, s):
5010  """ Check if e is a member of set s
5011  >>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
5012  >>> IsMember(1, a)
5013  a[1]
5014  """
5015  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list([s, e])
5016  e = _py2expr(e, ctx)
5017  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_set_member(ctx.ref(), e.as_ast(), s.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_member(Z3_context c, Z3_ast elem, Z3_ast set)
Check for set membership.
def IsMember(e, s)
Definition: z3py.py:5009

◆ IsSubset()

def z3py.IsSubset (   a,
 Check if a is a subset of b
>>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> b = Const('b', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> IsSubset(a, b)
subset(a, b)

Definition at line 5020 of file z3py.py.

5020 def IsSubset(a, b):
5021  """ Check if a is a subset of b
5022  >>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
5023  >>> b = Const('b', SetSort(IntSort()))
5024  >>> IsSubset(a, b)
5025  subset(a, b)
5026  """
5027  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list([a, b])
5028  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_set_subset(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_subset(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg1, Z3_ast arg2)
Check for subsetness of sets.
def IsSubset(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:5020

◆ K()

def z3py.K (   dom,
Return a Z3 constant array expression.

>>> a = K(IntSort(), 10)
>>> a
K(Int, 10)
>>> a.sort()
Array(Int, Int)
>>> i = Int('i')
>>> a[i]
K(Int, 10)[i]
>>> simplify(a[i])

Definition at line 4846 of file z3py.py.

4846 def K(dom, v):
4847  """Return a Z3 constant array expression.
4849  >>> a = K(IntSort(), 10)
4850  >>> a
4851  K(Int, 10)
4852  >>> a.sort()
4853  Array(Int, Int)
4854  >>> i = Int('i')
4855  >>> a[i]
4856  K(Int, 10)[i]
4857  >>> simplify(a[i])
4858  10
4859  """
4860  if z3_debug():
4861  _z3_assert(is_sort(dom), "Z3 sort expected")
4862  ctx = dom.ctx
4863  if not is_expr(v):
4864  v = _py2expr(v, ctx)
4865  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_const_array(ctx.ref(), dom.ast, v.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_const_array(Z3_context c, Z3_sort domain, Z3_ast v)
Create the constant array.
def K(dom, v)
Definition: z3py.py:4846

Referenced by ModelRef.get_interp().

◆ Lambda()

def z3py.Lambda (   vs,
Create a Z3 lambda expression.

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> mem0 = Array('mem0', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> lo, hi, e, i = Ints('lo hi e i')
>>> mem1 = Lambda([i], If(And(lo <= i, i <= hi), e, mem0[i]))
>>> mem1
Lambda(i, If(And(lo <= i, i <= hi), e, mem0[i]))

Definition at line 2261 of file z3py.py.

2261 def Lambda(vs, body):
2262  """Create a Z3 lambda expression.
2264  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
2265  >>> mem0 = Array('mem0', IntSort(), IntSort())
2266  >>> lo, hi, e, i = Ints('lo hi e i')
2267  >>> mem1 = Lambda([i], If(And(lo <= i, i <= hi), e, mem0[i]))
2268  >>> mem1
2269  Lambda(i, If(And(lo <= i, i <= hi), e, mem0[i]))
2270  """
2271  ctx = body.ctx
2272  if is_app(vs):
2273  vs = [vs]
2274  num_vars = len(vs)
2275  _vs = (Ast * num_vars)()
2276  for i in range(num_vars):
2277  # TODO: Check if is constant
2278  _vs[i] = vs[i].as_ast()
2279  return QuantifierRef(Z3_mk_lambda_const(ctx.ref(), num_vars, _vs, body.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_lambda_const(Z3_context c, unsigned num_bound, Z3_app const bound[], Z3_ast body)
Create a lambda expression using a list of constants that form the set of bound variables.
def Lambda(vs, body)
Definition: z3py.py:2261

Referenced by Context.MkLambda().

◆ LastIndexOf()

def z3py.LastIndexOf (   s,
Retrieve the last index of substring within a string

Definition at line 11079 of file z3py.py.

11079 def LastIndexOf(s, substr):
11080  """Retrieve the last index of substring within a string"""
11081  ctx = None
11082  ctx = _get_ctx2(s, substr, ctx)
11083  s = _coerce_seq(s, ctx)
11084  substr = _coerce_seq(substr, ctx)
11085  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_seq_last_index(s.ctx_ref(), s.as_ast(), substr.as_ast()), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_last_index(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s, Z3_ast substr)
Return index of the last occurrence of substr in s. If s does not contain substr, then the value is -...
def LastIndexOf(s, substr)
Definition: z3py.py:11079

◆ Length()

def z3py.Length (   s)
Obtain the length of a sequence 's'
>>> l = Length(StringVal("abc"))
>>> simplify(l)

Definition at line 11088 of file z3py.py.

11088 def Length(s):
11089  """Obtain the length of a sequence 's'
11090  >>> l = Length(StringVal("abc"))
11091  >>> simplify(l)
11092  3
11093  """
11094  s = _coerce_seq(s)
11095  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_seq_length(s.ctx_ref(), s.as_ast()), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_length(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s)
Return the length of the sequence s.
def Length(s)
Definition: z3py.py:11088

Referenced by NativeContext.MkAdd(), NativeContext.MkAnd(), NativeContext.MkApp(), NativeContext.MkFreshFuncDecl(), NativeContext.MkFuncDecl(), NativeContext.MkMul(), NativeContext.MkOr(), NativeContext.MkSub(), and NativeContext.MkTupleSort().

◆ LinearOrder()

def z3py.LinearOrder (   a,

Definition at line 11310 of file z3py.py.

11310 def LinearOrder(a, index):
11311  return FuncDeclRef(Z3_mk_linear_order(a.ctx_ref(), a.ast, index), a.ctx)
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_linear_order(Z3_context c, Z3_sort a, unsigned id)
create a linear ordering relation over signature a. The relation is identified by the index id.
def LinearOrder(a, index)
Definition: z3py.py:11310

◆ Loop()

def z3py.Loop (   re,
  hi = 0 
Create the regular expression accepting between a lower and upper bound repetitions
>>> re = Loop(Re("a"), 1, 3)
>>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re)))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("aaaa", re)))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("", re)))

Definition at line 11268 of file z3py.py.

11268 def Loop(re, lo, hi=0):
11269  """Create the regular expression accepting between a lower and upper bound repetitions
11270  >>> re = Loop(Re("a"), 1, 3)
11271  >>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re)))
11272  True
11273  >>> print(simplify(InRe("aaaa", re)))
11274  False
11275  >>> print(simplify(InRe("", re)))
11276  False
11277  """
11278  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_loop(re.ctx_ref(), re.as_ast(), lo, hi), re.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_loop(Z3_context c, Z3_ast r, unsigned lo, unsigned hi)
Create a regular expression loop. The supplied regular expression r is repeated between lo and hi tim...
def Loop(re, lo, hi=0)
Definition: z3py.py:11268

◆ LShR()

def z3py.LShR (   a,
Create the Z3 expression logical right shift.

Use the operator >> for the arithmetical right shift.

>>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
>>> LShR(x, y)
LShR(x, y)
>>> (x >> y).sexpr()
'(bvashr x y)'
>>> LShR(x, y).sexpr()
'(bvlshr x y)'
>>> BitVecVal(4, 3)
>>> BitVecVal(4, 3).as_signed_long()
>>> simplify(BitVecVal(4, 3) >> 1).as_signed_long()
>>> simplify(BitVecVal(4, 3) >> 1)
>>> simplify(LShR(BitVecVal(4, 3), 1))
>>> simplify(BitVecVal(2, 3) >> 1)
>>> simplify(LShR(BitVecVal(2, 3), 1))

Definition at line 4299 of file z3py.py.

4299 def LShR(a, b):
4300  """Create the Z3 expression logical right shift.
4302  Use the operator >> for the arithmetical right shift.
4304  >>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
4305  >>> LShR(x, y)
4306  LShR(x, y)
4307  >>> (x >> y).sexpr()
4308  '(bvashr x y)'
4309  >>> LShR(x, y).sexpr()
4310  '(bvlshr x y)'
4311  >>> BitVecVal(4, 3)
4312  4
4313  >>> BitVecVal(4, 3).as_signed_long()
4314  -4
4315  >>> simplify(BitVecVal(4, 3) >> 1).as_signed_long()
4316  -2
4317  >>> simplify(BitVecVal(4, 3) >> 1)
4318  6
4319  >>> simplify(LShR(BitVecVal(4, 3), 1))
4320  2
4321  >>> simplify(BitVecVal(2, 3) >> 1)
4322  1
4323  >>> simplify(LShR(BitVecVal(2, 3), 1))
4324  1
4325  """
4326  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4327  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4328  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_bvlshr(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvlshr(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Logical shift right.
def LShR(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4299

◆ main_ctx()

def z3py.main_ctx ( )
Return a reference to the global Z3 context.

>>> x = Real('x')
>>> x.ctx == main_ctx()
>>> c = Context()
>>> c == main_ctx()
>>> x2 = Real('x', c)
>>> x2.ctx == c
>>> eq(x, x2)

Definition at line 239 of file z3py.py.

239 def main_ctx():
240  """Return a reference to the global Z3 context.
242  >>> x = Real('x')
243  >>> x.ctx == main_ctx()
244  True
245  >>> c = Context()
246  >>> c == main_ctx()
247  False
248  >>> x2 = Real('x', c)
249  >>> x2.ctx == c
250  True
251  >>> eq(x, x2)
252  False
253  """
254  global _main_ctx
255  if _main_ctx is None:
256  _main_ctx = Context()
257  return _main_ctx

Referenced by CharIsDigit(), help_simplify(), and simplify_param_descrs().

◆ Map()

def z3py.Map (   f,
Return a Z3 map array expression.

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> a1 = Array('a1', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> a2 = Array('a2', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> b  = Map(f, a1, a2)
>>> b
Map(f, a1, a2)
>>> prove(b[0] == f(a1[0], a2[0]))

Definition at line 4823 of file z3py.py.

4823 def Map(f, *args):
4824  """Return a Z3 map array expression.
4826  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
4827  >>> a1 = Array('a1', IntSort(), IntSort())
4828  >>> a2 = Array('a2', IntSort(), IntSort())
4829  >>> b = Map(f, a1, a2)
4830  >>> b
4831  Map(f, a1, a2)
4832  >>> prove(b[0] == f(a1[0], a2[0]))
4833  proved
4834  """
4835  args = _get_args(args)
4836  if z3_debug():
4837  _z3_assert(len(args) > 0, "At least one Z3 array expression expected")
4838  _z3_assert(is_func_decl(f), "First argument must be a Z3 function declaration")
4839  _z3_assert(all([is_array(a) for a in args]), "Z3 array expected expected")
4840  _z3_assert(len(args) == f.arity(), "Number of arguments mismatch")
4841  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(args)
4842  ctx = f.ctx
4843  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_map(ctx.ref(), f.ast, sz, _args), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_map(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl f, unsigned n, Z3_ast const *args)
Map f on the argument arrays.
def Map(f, *args)
Definition: z3py.py:4823

Referenced by Context.Context().

◆ mk_not()

def z3py.mk_not (   a)

Definition at line 1834 of file z3py.py.

1834 def mk_not(a):
1835  if is_not(a):
1836  return a.arg(0)
1837  else:
1838  return Not(a)
def mk_not(a)
Definition: z3py.py:1834

◆ Model()

def z3py.Model (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 6689 of file z3py.py.

6689 def Model(ctx=None):
6690  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
6691  return ModelRef(Z3_mk_model(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_model Z3_API Z3_mk_model(Z3_context c)
Create a fresh model object. It has reference count 0.
def Model(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:6689

Referenced by Goal.ConvertModel(), Goal.convertModel(), Optimize.getModel(), Solver.getModel(), and Optimize.set_on_model().

◆ MultiPattern()

def z3py.MultiPattern ( args)
Create a Z3 multi-pattern using the given expressions `*args`

>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> g = Function('g', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> q = ForAll(x, f(x) != g(x), patterns = [ MultiPattern(f(x), g(x)) ])
>>> q
ForAll(x, f(x) != g(x))
>>> q.num_patterns()
>>> is_pattern(q.pattern(0))
>>> q.pattern(0)
MultiPattern(f(Var(0)), g(Var(0)))

Definition at line 1951 of file z3py.py.

1951 def MultiPattern(*args):
1952  """Create a Z3 multi-pattern using the given expressions `*args`
1954  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
1955  >>> g = Function('g', IntSort(), IntSort())
1956  >>> x = Int('x')
1957  >>> q = ForAll(x, f(x) != g(x), patterns = [ MultiPattern(f(x), g(x)) ])
1958  >>> q
1959  ForAll(x, f(x) != g(x))
1960  >>> q.num_patterns()
1961  1
1962  >>> is_pattern(q.pattern(0))
1963  True
1964  >>> q.pattern(0)
1965  MultiPattern(f(Var(0)), g(Var(0)))
1966  """
1967  if z3_debug():
1968  _z3_assert(len(args) > 0, "At least one argument expected")
1969  _z3_assert(all([is_expr(a) for a in args]), "Z3 expressions expected")
1970  ctx = args[0].ctx
1971  args, sz = _to_ast_array(args)
1972  return PatternRef(Z3_mk_pattern(ctx.ref(), sz, args), ctx)
Z3_pattern Z3_API Z3_mk_pattern(Z3_context c, unsigned num_patterns, Z3_ast const terms[])
Create a pattern for quantifier instantiation.
def MultiPattern(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:1951

◆ Not()

def z3py.Not (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 not expression or probe.

>>> p = Bool('p')
>>> Not(Not(p))
>>> simplify(Not(Not(p)))

Definition at line 1815 of file z3py.py.

1815 def Not(a, ctx=None):
1816  """Create a Z3 not expression or probe.
1818  >>> p = Bool('p')
1819  >>> Not(Not(p))
1820  Not(Not(p))
1821  >>> simplify(Not(Not(p)))
1822  p
1823  """
1824  ctx = _get_ctx(_ctx_from_ast_arg_list([a], ctx))
1825  if is_probe(a):
1826  # Not is also used to build probes
1827  return Probe(Z3_probe_not(ctx.ref(), a.probe), ctx)
1828  else:
1829  s = BoolSort(ctx)
1830  a = s.cast(a)
1831  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_not(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_probe Z3_API Z3_probe_not(Z3_context x, Z3_probe p)
Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when p does not evaluate to true.
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_not(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a)
Create an AST node representing not(a).

Referenced by fpNEQ(), mk_not(), and prove().

◆ on_clause_eh()

def z3py.on_clause_eh (   ctx,

Definition at line 11350 of file z3py.py.

11350 def on_clause_eh(ctx, p, clause):
11351  onc = _my_hacky_class
11352  p = _to_expr_ref(to_Ast(p), onc.ctx)
11353  clause = AstVector(to_AstVectorObj(clause), onc.ctx)
11354  onc.on_clause(p, clause)
def on_clause_eh(ctx, p, clause)
Definition: z3py.py:11350
def to_AstVectorObj(ptr)
Definition: z3py.py:11339
def to_Ast(ptr)
Definition: z3py.py:11329

Referenced by on_clause.on_clause().

◆ open_log()

def z3py.open_log (   fname)
Log interaction to a file. This function must be invoked immediately after init(). 

Definition at line 114 of file z3py.py.

114 def open_log(fname):
115  """Log interaction to a file. This function must be invoked immediately after init(). """
116  Z3_open_log(fname)
bool Z3_API Z3_open_log(Z3_string filename)
Log interaction to a file.
def open_log(fname)
Definition: z3py.py:114

◆ Option()

def z3py.Option (   re)
Create the regular expression that optionally accepts the argument.
>>> re = Option(Re("a"))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("a", re)))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("", re)))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re)))

Definition at line 11237 of file z3py.py.

11237 def Option(re):
11238  """Create the regular expression that optionally accepts the argument.
11239  >>> re = Option(Re("a"))
11240  >>> print(simplify(InRe("a", re)))
11241  True
11242  >>> print(simplify(InRe("", re)))
11243  True
11244  >>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re)))
11245  False
11246  """
11247  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_option(re.ctx_ref(), re.as_ast()), re.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_option(Z3_context c, Z3_ast re)
Create the regular language [re].
def Option(re)
Definition: z3py.py:11237

◆ Or()

def z3py.Or ( args)
Create a Z3 or-expression or or-probe.

>>> p, q, r = Bools('p q r')
>>> Or(p, q, r)
Or(p, q, r)
>>> P = BoolVector('p', 5)
>>> Or(P)
Or(p__0, p__1, p__2, p__3, p__4)

Definition at line 1882 of file z3py.py.

1882 def Or(*args):
1883  """Create a Z3 or-expression or or-probe.
1885  >>> p, q, r = Bools('p q r')
1886  >>> Or(p, q, r)
1887  Or(p, q, r)
1888  >>> P = BoolVector('p', 5)
1889  >>> Or(P)
1890  Or(p__0, p__1, p__2, p__3, p__4)
1891  """
1892  last_arg = None
1893  if len(args) > 0:
1894  last_arg = args[len(args) - 1]
1895  if isinstance(last_arg, Context):
1896  ctx = args[len(args) - 1]
1897  args = args[:len(args) - 1]
1898  elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], AstVector):
1899  ctx = args[0].ctx
1900  args = [a for a in args[0]]
1901  else:
1902  ctx = None
1903  args = _get_args(args)
1904  ctx = _get_ctx(_ctx_from_ast_arg_list(args, ctx))
1905  if z3_debug():
1906  _z3_assert(ctx is not None, "At least one of the arguments must be a Z3 expression or probe")
1907  if _has_probe(args):
1908  return _probe_or(args, ctx)
1909  else:
1910  args = _coerce_expr_list(args, ctx)
1911  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(args)
1912  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_or(ctx.ref(), sz, _args), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_or(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[])
Create an AST node representing args[0] or ... or args[num_args-1].
def Or(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:1882

Referenced by ApplyResult.as_expr().

◆ OrElse()

def z3py.OrElse ( ts,
**  ks 
Return a tactic that applies the tactics in `*ts` until one of them succeeds (it doesn't fail).

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> t = OrElse(Tactic('split-clause'), Tactic('skip'))
>>> # Tactic split-clause fails if there is no clause in the given goal.
>>> t(x == 0)
[[x == 0]]
>>> t(Or(x == 0, x == 1))
[[x == 0], [x == 1]]

Definition at line 8330 of file z3py.py.

8330 def OrElse(*ts, **ks):
8331  """Return a tactic that applies the tactics in `*ts` until one of them succeeds (it doesn't fail).
8333  >>> x = Int('x')
8334  >>> t = OrElse(Tactic('split-clause'), Tactic('skip'))
8335  >>> # Tactic split-clause fails if there is no clause in the given goal.
8336  >>> t(x == 0)
8337  [[x == 0]]
8338  >>> t(Or(x == 0, x == 1))
8339  [[x == 0], [x == 1]]
8340  """
8341  if z3_debug():
8342  _z3_assert(len(ts) >= 2, "At least two arguments expected")
8343  ctx = ks.get("ctx", None)
8344  num = len(ts)
8345  r = ts[0]
8346  for i in range(num - 1):
8347  r = _or_else(r, ts[i + 1], ctx)
8348  return r
def OrElse(*ts, **ks)
Definition: z3py.py:8330

◆ ParAndThen()

def z3py.ParAndThen (   t1,
  ctx = None 
Alias for ParThen(t1, t2, ctx).

Definition at line 8386 of file z3py.py.

8386 def ParAndThen(t1, t2, ctx=None):
8387  """Alias for ParThen(t1, t2, ctx)."""
8388  return ParThen(t1, t2, ctx)
def ParThen(t1, t2, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8370
def ParAndThen(t1, t2, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8386

◆ ParOr()

def z3py.ParOr ( ts,
**  ks 
Return a tactic that applies the tactics in `*ts` in parallel until one of them succeeds (it doesn't fail).

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> t = ParOr(Tactic('simplify'), Tactic('fail'))
>>> t(x + 1 == 2)
[[x == 1]]

Definition at line 8351 of file z3py.py.

8351 def ParOr(*ts, **ks):
8352  """Return a tactic that applies the tactics in `*ts` in parallel until one of them succeeds (it doesn't fail).
8354  >>> x = Int('x')
8355  >>> t = ParOr(Tactic('simplify'), Tactic('fail'))
8356  >>> t(x + 1 == 2)
8357  [[x == 1]]
8358  """
8359  if z3_debug():
8360  _z3_assert(len(ts) >= 2, "At least two arguments expected")
8361  ctx = _get_ctx(ks.get("ctx", None))
8362  ts = [_to_tactic(t, ctx) for t in ts]
8363  sz = len(ts)
8364  _args = (TacticObj * sz)()
8365  for i in range(sz):
8366  _args[i] = ts[i].tactic
8367  return Tactic(Z3_tactic_par_or(ctx.ref(), sz, _args), ctx)
Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_par_or(Z3_context c, unsigned num, Z3_tactic const ts[])
Return a tactic that applies the given tactics in parallel.
def ParOr(*ts, **ks)
Definition: z3py.py:8351

◆ parse_smt2_file()

def z3py.parse_smt2_file (   f,
  sorts = {},
  decls = {},
  ctx = None 
Parse a file in SMT 2.0 format using the given sorts and decls.

This function is similar to parse_smt2_string().

Definition at line 9266 of file z3py.py.

9266 def parse_smt2_file(f, sorts={}, decls={}, ctx=None):
9267  """Parse a file in SMT 2.0 format using the given sorts and decls.
9269  This function is similar to parse_smt2_string().
9270  """
9271  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9272  ssz, snames, ssorts = _dict2sarray(sorts, ctx)
9273  dsz, dnames, ddecls = _dict2darray(decls, ctx)
9274  return AstVector(Z3_parse_smtlib2_file(ctx.ref(), f, ssz, snames, ssorts, dsz, dnames, ddecls), ctx)
Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_parse_smtlib2_file(Z3_context c, Z3_string file_name, unsigned num_sorts, Z3_symbol const sort_names[], Z3_sort const sorts[], unsigned num_decls, Z3_symbol const decl_names[], Z3_func_decl const decls[])
Similar to Z3_parse_smtlib2_string, but reads the benchmark from a file.
def parse_smt2_file(f, sorts={}, decls={}, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9266

◆ parse_smt2_string()

def z3py.parse_smt2_string (   s,
  sorts = {},
  decls = {},
  ctx = None 
Parse a string in SMT 2.0 format using the given sorts and decls.

The arguments sorts and decls are Python dictionaries used to initialize
the symbol table used for the SMT 2.0 parser.

>>> parse_smt2_string('(declare-const x Int) (assert (> x 0)) (assert (< x 10))')
[x > 0, x < 10]
>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> parse_smt2_string('(assert (> (+ foo (g bar)) 0))', decls={ 'foo' : x, 'bar' : y, 'g' : f})
[x + f(y) > 0]
>>> parse_smt2_string('(declare-const a U) (assert (> a 0))', sorts={ 'U' : IntSort() })
[a > 0]

Definition at line 9245 of file z3py.py.

9245 def parse_smt2_string(s, sorts={}, decls={}, ctx=None):
9246  """Parse a string in SMT 2.0 format using the given sorts and decls.
9248  The arguments sorts and decls are Python dictionaries used to initialize
9249  the symbol table used for the SMT 2.0 parser.
9251  >>> parse_smt2_string('(declare-const x Int) (assert (> x 0)) (assert (< x 10))')
9252  [x > 0, x < 10]
9253  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
9254  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
9255  >>> parse_smt2_string('(assert (> (+ foo (g bar)) 0))', decls={ 'foo' : x, 'bar' : y, 'g' : f})
9256  [x + f(y) > 0]
9257  >>> parse_smt2_string('(declare-const a U) (assert (> a 0))', sorts={ 'U' : IntSort() })
9258  [a > 0]
9259  """
9260  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9261  ssz, snames, ssorts = _dict2sarray(sorts, ctx)
9262  dsz, dnames, ddecls = _dict2darray(decls, ctx)
9263  return AstVector(Z3_parse_smtlib2_string(ctx.ref(), s, ssz, snames, ssorts, dsz, dnames, ddecls), ctx)
Z3_ast_vector Z3_API Z3_parse_smtlib2_string(Z3_context c, Z3_string str, unsigned num_sorts, Z3_symbol const sort_names[], Z3_sort const sorts[], unsigned num_decls, Z3_symbol const decl_names[], Z3_func_decl const decls[])
Parse the given string using the SMT-LIB2 parser.
def parse_smt2_string(s, sorts={}, decls={}, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9245

◆ ParThen()

def z3py.ParThen (   t1,
  ctx = None 
Return a tactic that applies t1 and then t2 to every subgoal produced by t1.
The subgoals are processed in parallel.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> t = ParThen(Tactic('split-clause'), Tactic('propagate-values'))
>>> t(And(Or(x == 1, x == 2), y == x + 1))
[[x == 1, y == 2], [x == 2, y == 3]]

Definition at line 8370 of file z3py.py.

8370 def ParThen(t1, t2, ctx=None):
8371  """Return a tactic that applies t1 and then t2 to every subgoal produced by t1.
8372  The subgoals are processed in parallel.
8374  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
8375  >>> t = ParThen(Tactic('split-clause'), Tactic('propagate-values'))
8376  >>> t(And(Or(x == 1, x == 2), y == x + 1))
8377  [[x == 1, y == 2], [x == 2, y == 3]]
8378  """
8379  t1 = _to_tactic(t1, ctx)
8380  t2 = _to_tactic(t2, ctx)
8381  if z3_debug():
8382  _z3_assert(t1.ctx == t2.ctx, "Context mismatch")
8383  return Tactic(Z3_tactic_par_and_then(t1.ctx.ref(), t1.tactic, t2.tactic), t1.ctx)
Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_par_and_then(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t1, Z3_tactic t2)
Return a tactic that applies t1 to a given goal and then t2 to every subgoal produced by t1....

Referenced by ParAndThen().

◆ PartialOrder()

def z3py.PartialOrder (   a,

Definition at line 11306 of file z3py.py.

11306 def PartialOrder(a, index):
11307  return FuncDeclRef(Z3_mk_partial_order(a.ctx_ref(), a.ast, index), a.ctx)
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_partial_order(Z3_context c, Z3_sort a, unsigned id)
create a partial ordering relation over signature a and index id.
def PartialOrder(a, index)
Definition: z3py.py:11306

◆ PbEq()

def z3py.PbEq (   args,
  ctx = None 
Create a Pseudo-Boolean inequality k constraint.

>>> a, b, c = Bools('a b c')
>>> f = PbEq(((a,1),(b,3),(c,2)), 3)

Definition at line 9022 of file z3py.py.

9022 def PbEq(args, k, ctx=None):
9023  """Create a Pseudo-Boolean inequality k constraint.
9025  >>> a, b, c = Bools('a b c')
9026  >>> f = PbEq(((a,1),(b,3),(c,2)), 3)
9027  """
9028  _z3_check_cint_overflow(k, "k")
9029  ctx, sz, _args, _coeffs, args = _pb_args_coeffs(args)
9030  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_pbeq(ctx.ref(), sz, _args, _coeffs, k), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_pbeq(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[], int const coeffs[], int k)
Pseudo-Boolean relations.
def PbEq(args, k, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9022

◆ PbGe()

def z3py.PbGe (   args,
Create a Pseudo-Boolean inequality k constraint.

>>> a, b, c = Bools('a b c')
>>> f = PbGe(((a,1),(b,3),(c,2)), 3)

Definition at line 9011 of file z3py.py.

9011 def PbGe(args, k):
9012  """Create a Pseudo-Boolean inequality k constraint.
9014  >>> a, b, c = Bools('a b c')
9015  >>> f = PbGe(((a,1),(b,3),(c,2)), 3)
9016  """
9017  _z3_check_cint_overflow(k, "k")
9018  ctx, sz, _args, _coeffs, args = _pb_args_coeffs(args)
9019  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_pbge(ctx.ref(), sz, _args, _coeffs, k), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_pbge(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[], int const coeffs[], int k)
Pseudo-Boolean relations.
def PbGe(args, k)
Definition: z3py.py:9011

◆ PbLe()

def z3py.PbLe (   args,
Create a Pseudo-Boolean inequality k constraint.

>>> a, b, c = Bools('a b c')
>>> f = PbLe(((a,1),(b,3),(c,2)), 3)

Definition at line 9000 of file z3py.py.

9000 def PbLe(args, k):
9001  """Create a Pseudo-Boolean inequality k constraint.
9003  >>> a, b, c = Bools('a b c')
9004  >>> f = PbLe(((a,1),(b,3),(c,2)), 3)
9005  """
9006  _z3_check_cint_overflow(k, "k")
9007  ctx, sz, _args, _coeffs, args = _pb_args_coeffs(args)
9008  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_pble(ctx.ref(), sz, _args, _coeffs, k), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_pble(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[], int const coeffs[], int k)
Pseudo-Boolean relations.
def PbLe(args, k)
Definition: z3py.py:9000

◆ PiecewiseLinearOrder()

def z3py.PiecewiseLinearOrder (   a,

Definition at line 11318 of file z3py.py.

11318 def PiecewiseLinearOrder(a, index):
11319  return FuncDeclRef(Z3_mk_piecewise_linear_order(a.ctx_ref(), a.ast, index), a.ctx)
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_piecewise_linear_order(Z3_context c, Z3_sort a, unsigned id)
create a piecewise linear ordering relation over signature a and index id.
def PiecewiseLinearOrder(a, index)
Definition: z3py.py:11318

◆ Plus()

def z3py.Plus (   re)
Create the regular expression accepting one or more repetitions of argument.
>>> re = Plus(Re("a"))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re)))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("ab", re)))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("", re)))

Definition at line 11224 of file z3py.py.

11224 def Plus(re):
11225  """Create the regular expression accepting one or more repetitions of argument.
11226  >>> re = Plus(Re("a"))
11227  >>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re)))
11228  True
11229  >>> print(simplify(InRe("ab", re)))
11230  False
11231  >>> print(simplify(InRe("", re)))
11232  False
11233  """
11234  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_plus(re.ctx_ref(), re.as_ast()), re.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_plus(Z3_context c, Z3_ast re)
Create the regular language re+.
def Plus(re)
Definition: z3py.py:11224

◆ PrefixOf()

def z3py.PrefixOf (   a,
Check if 'a' is a prefix of 'b'
>>> s1 = PrefixOf("ab", "abc")
>>> simplify(s1)
>>> s2 = PrefixOf("bc", "abc")
>>> simplify(s2)

Definition at line 10995 of file z3py.py.

10995 def PrefixOf(a, b):
10996  """Check if 'a' is a prefix of 'b'
10997  >>> s1 = PrefixOf("ab", "abc")
10998  >>> simplify(s1)
10999  True
11000  >>> s2 = PrefixOf("bc", "abc")
11001  >>> simplify(s2)
11002  False
11003  """
11004  ctx = _get_ctx2(a, b)
11005  a = _coerce_seq(a, ctx)
11006  b = _coerce_seq(b, ctx)
11007  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_seq_prefix(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_prefix(Z3_context c, Z3_ast prefix, Z3_ast s)
Check if prefix is a prefix of s.
def PrefixOf(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:10995

◆ probe_description()

def z3py.probe_description (   name,
  ctx = None 
Return a short description for the probe named `name`.

>>> d = probe_description('memory')

Definition at line 8666 of file z3py.py.

8666 def probe_description(name, ctx=None):
8667  """Return a short description for the probe named `name`.
8669  >>> d = probe_description('memory')
8670  """
8671  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
8672  return Z3_probe_get_descr(ctx.ref(), name)
Z3_string Z3_API Z3_probe_get_descr(Z3_context c, Z3_string name)
Return a string containing a description of the probe with the given name.

Referenced by describe_probes().

◆ probes()

def z3py.probes (   ctx = None)
Return a list of all available probes in Z3.

>>> l = probes()
>>> l.count('memory') == 1

Definition at line 8655 of file z3py.py.

8655 def probes(ctx=None):
8656  """Return a list of all available probes in Z3.
8658  >>> l = probes()
8659  >>> l.count('memory') == 1
8660  True
8661  """
8662  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
8663  return [Z3_get_probe_name(ctx.ref(), i) for i in range(Z3_get_num_probes(ctx.ref()))]
unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_num_probes(Z3_context c)
Return the number of builtin probes available in Z3.
Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_probe_name(Z3_context c, unsigned i)
Return the name of the i probe.

Referenced by describe_probes().

◆ Product()

def z3py.Product ( args)
Create the product of the Z3 expressions.

>>> a, b, c = Ints('a b c')
>>> Product(a, b, c)
>>> Product([a, b, c])
>>> A = IntVector('a', 5)
>>> Product(A)

Definition at line 8907 of file z3py.py.

8907 def Product(*args):
8908  """Create the product of the Z3 expressions.
8910  >>> a, b, c = Ints('a b c')
8911  >>> Product(a, b, c)
8912  a*b*c
8913  >>> Product([a, b, c])
8914  a*b*c
8915  >>> A = IntVector('a', 5)
8916  >>> Product(A)
8917  a__0*a__1*a__2*a__3*a__4
8918  """
8919  args = _get_args(args)
8920  if len(args) == 0:
8921  return 1
8922  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list(args)
8923  if ctx is None:
8924  return _reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, args, 1)
8925  args = _coerce_expr_list(args, ctx)
8926  if is_bv(args[0]):
8927  return _reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, args, 1)
8928  else:
8929  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(args)
8930  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_mul(ctx.ref(), sz, _args), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_mul(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[])
Create an AST node representing args[0] * ... * args[num_args-1].
def Product(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:8907

◆ PropagateFunction()

def z3py.PropagateFunction (   name,
Create a function that gets tracked by user propagator.
   Every term headed by this function symbol is tracked.
   If a term is fixed and the fixed callback is registered a
   callback is invoked that the term headed by this function is fixed.

Definition at line 11501 of file z3py.py.

11501 def PropagateFunction(name, *sig):
11502  """Create a function that gets tracked by user propagator.
11503  Every term headed by this function symbol is tracked.
11504  If a term is fixed and the fixed callback is registered a
11505  callback is invoked that the term headed by this function is fixed.
11506  """
11507  sig = _get_args(sig)
11508  if z3_debug():
11509  _z3_assert(len(sig) > 0, "At least two arguments expected")
11510  arity = len(sig) - 1
11511  rng = sig[arity]
11512  if z3_debug():
11513  _z3_assert(is_sort(rng), "Z3 sort expected")
11514  dom = (Sort * arity)()
11515  for i in range(arity):
11516  if z3_debug():
11517  _z3_assert(is_sort(sig[i]), "Z3 sort expected")
11518  dom[i] = sig[i].ast
11519  ctx = rng.ctx
11520  return FuncDeclRef(Z3_solver_propagate_declare(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), arity, dom, rng.ast), ctx)
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_solver_propagate_declare(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol name, unsigned n, Z3_sort *domain, Z3_sort range)
def PropagateFunction(name, *sig)
Definition: z3py.py:11501

◆ prove()

def z3py.prove (   claim,
  show = False,
**  keywords 
Try to prove the given claim.

This is a simple function for creating demonstrations.  It tries to prove
`claim` by showing the negation is unsatisfiable.

>>> p, q = Bools('p q')
>>> prove(Not(And(p, q)) == Or(Not(p), Not(q)))

Definition at line 9094 of file z3py.py.

9094 def prove(claim, show=False, **keywords):
9095  """Try to prove the given claim.
9097  This is a simple function for creating demonstrations. It tries to prove
9098  `claim` by showing the negation is unsatisfiable.
9100  >>> p, q = Bools('p q')
9101  >>> prove(Not(And(p, q)) == Or(Not(p), Not(q)))
9102  proved
9103  """
9104  if z3_debug():
9105  _z3_assert(is_bool(claim), "Z3 Boolean expression expected")
9106  s = Solver()
9107  s.set(**keywords)
9108  s.add(Not(claim))
9109  if show:
9110  print(s)
9111  r = s.check()
9112  if r == unsat:
9113  print("proved")
9114  elif r == unknown:
9115  print("failed to prove")
9116  print(s.model())
9117  else:
9118  print("counterexample")
9119  print(s.model())
def prove(claim, show=False, **keywords)
Definition: z3py.py:9094

◆ Q()

def z3py.Q (   a,
  ctx = None 
Return a Z3 rational a/b.

If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> Q(3,5)
>>> Q(3,5).sort()

Definition at line 3235 of file z3py.py.

3235 def Q(a, b, ctx=None):
3236  """Return a Z3 rational a/b.
3238  If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
3240  >>> Q(3,5)
3241  3/5
3242  >>> Q(3,5).sort()
3243  Real
3244  """
3245  return simplify(RatVal(a, b, ctx=ctx))
def simplify(a, *arguments, **keywords)
Definition: z3py.py:8771
def Q(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3235
def RatVal(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3219

◆ Range()

def z3py.Range (   lo,
  ctx = None 
Create the range regular expression over two sequences of length 1
>>> range = Range("a","z")
>>> print(simplify(InRe("b", range)))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("bb", range)))

Definition at line 11281 of file z3py.py.

11281 def Range(lo, hi, ctx=None):
11282  """Create the range regular expression over two sequences of length 1
11283  >>> range = Range("a","z")
11284  >>> print(simplify(InRe("b", range)))
11285  True
11286  >>> print(simplify(InRe("bb", range)))
11287  False
11288  """
11289  lo = _coerce_seq(lo, ctx)
11290  hi = _coerce_seq(hi, ctx)
11291  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_range(lo.ctx_ref(), lo.ast, hi.ast), lo.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_range(Z3_context c, Z3_ast lo, Z3_ast hi)
Create the range regular expression over two sequences of length 1.
def Range(lo, hi, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:11281

◆ RatVal()

def z3py.RatVal (   a,
  ctx = None 
Return a Z3 rational a/b.

If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> RatVal(3,5)
>>> RatVal(3,5).sort()

Definition at line 3219 of file z3py.py.

3219 def RatVal(a, b, ctx=None):
3220  """Return a Z3 rational a/b.
3222  If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
3224  >>> RatVal(3,5)
3225  3/5
3226  >>> RatVal(3,5).sort()
3227  Real
3228  """
3229  if z3_debug():
3230  _z3_assert(_is_int(a) or isinstance(a, str), "First argument cannot be converted into an integer")
3231  _z3_assert(_is_int(b) or isinstance(b, str), "Second argument cannot be converted into an integer")
3232  return simplify(RealVal(a, ctx) / RealVal(b, ctx))

Referenced by Q().

◆ Re()

def z3py.Re (   s,
  ctx = None 
The regular expression that accepts sequence 's'
>>> s1 = Re("ab")
>>> s2 = Re(StringVal("ab"))
>>> s3 = Re(Unit(BoolVal(True)))

Definition at line 11133 of file z3py.py.

11133 def Re(s, ctx=None):
11134  """The regular expression that accepts sequence 's'
11135  >>> s1 = Re("ab")
11136  >>> s2 = Re(StringVal("ab"))
11137  >>> s3 = Re(Unit(BoolVal(True)))
11138  """
11139  s = _coerce_seq(s, ctx)
11140  return ReRef(Z3_mk_seq_to_re(s.ctx_ref(), s.as_ast()), s.ctx)
11143 # Regular expressions
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_to_re(Z3_context c, Z3_ast seq)
Create a regular expression that accepts the sequence seq.
def Re(s, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:11133

◆ Real()

def z3py.Real (   name,
  ctx = None 
Return a real constant named `name`. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> x = Real('x')
>>> is_real(x)
>>> is_real(x + 1)

Definition at line 3301 of file z3py.py.

3301 def Real(name, ctx=None):
3302  """Return a real constant named `name`. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
3304  >>> x = Real('x')
3305  >>> is_real(x)
3306  True
3307  >>> is_real(x + 1)
3308  True
3309  """
3310  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3311  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_const(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), RealSort(ctx).ast), ctx)
def Real(name, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3301

Referenced by Reals(), and RealVector().

◆ Reals()

def z3py.Reals (   names,
  ctx = None 
Return a tuple of real constants.

>>> x, y, z = Reals('x y z')
>>> Sum(x, y, z)
x + y + z
>>> Sum(x, y, z).sort()

Definition at line 3314 of file z3py.py.

3314 def Reals(names, ctx=None):
3315  """Return a tuple of real constants.
3317  >>> x, y, z = Reals('x y z')
3318  >>> Sum(x, y, z)
3319  x + y + z
3320  >>> Sum(x, y, z).sort()
3321  Real
3322  """
3323  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3324  if isinstance(names, str):
3325  names = names.split(" ")
3326  return [Real(name, ctx) for name in names]
def Reals(names, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3314

◆ RealSort()

def z3py.RealSort (   ctx = None)
Return the real sort in the given context. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> RealSort()
>>> x = Const('x', RealSort())
>>> is_real(x)
>>> is_int(x)
>>> x.sort() == RealSort()

Definition at line 3155 of file z3py.py.

3155 def RealSort(ctx=None):
3156  """Return the real sort in the given context. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
3158  >>> RealSort()
3159  Real
3160  >>> x = Const('x', RealSort())
3161  >>> is_real(x)
3162  True
3163  >>> is_int(x)
3164  False
3165  >>> x.sort() == RealSort()
3166  True
3167  """
3168  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3169  return ArithSortRef(Z3_mk_real_sort(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_real_sort(Z3_context c)
Create the real type.

Referenced by FreshReal(), Context.getRealSort(), Context.mkRealSort(), Real(), RealVal(), and RealVar().

◆ RealVal()

def z3py.RealVal (   val,
  ctx = None 
Return a Z3 real value.

`val` may be a Python int, long, float or string representing a number in decimal or rational notation.
If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> RealVal(1)
>>> RealVal(1).sort()
>>> RealVal("3/5")
>>> RealVal("1.5")

Definition at line 3200 of file z3py.py.

3200 def RealVal(val, ctx=None):
3201  """Return a Z3 real value.
3203  `val` may be a Python int, long, float or string representing a number in decimal or rational notation.
3204  If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
3206  >>> RealVal(1)
3207  1
3208  >>> RealVal(1).sort()
3209  Real
3210  >>> RealVal("3/5")
3211  3/5
3212  >>> RealVal("1.5")
3213  3/2
3214  """
3215  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3216  return RatNumRef(Z3_mk_numeral(ctx.ref(), str(val), RealSort(ctx).ast), ctx)

Referenced by Cbrt(), deserialize(), AlgebraicNumRef.index(), RatVal(), and Sqrt().

◆ RealVar()

def z3py.RealVar (   idx,
  ctx = None 
Create a real free variable. Free variables are used to create quantified formulas.
They are also used to create polynomials.

>>> RealVar(0)

Definition at line 1485 of file z3py.py.

1485 def RealVar(idx, ctx=None):
1486  """
1487  Create a real free variable. Free variables are used to create quantified formulas.
1488  They are also used to create polynomials.
1490  >>> RealVar(0)
1491  Var(0)
1492  """
1493  return Var(idx, RealSort(ctx))
def Var(idx, s)
Definition: z3py.py:1470
def RealVar(idx, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1485

Referenced by RealVarVector().

◆ RealVarVector()

def z3py.RealVarVector (   n,
  ctx = None 
Create a list of Real free variables.
The variables have ids: 0, 1, ..., n-1

>>> x0, x1, x2, x3 = RealVarVector(4)
>>> x2

Definition at line 1496 of file z3py.py.

1496 def RealVarVector(n, ctx=None):
1497  """
1498  Create a list of Real free variables.
1499  The variables have ids: 0, 1, ..., n-1
1501  >>> x0, x1, x2, x3 = RealVarVector(4)
1502  >>> x2
1503  Var(2)
1504  """
1505  return [RealVar(i, ctx) for i in range(n)]
def RealVarVector(n, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1496

◆ RealVector()

def z3py.RealVector (   prefix,
  ctx = None 
Return a list of real constants of size `sz`.

>>> X = RealVector('x', 3)
>>> X
[x__0, x__1, x__2]
>>> Sum(X)
x__0 + x__1 + x__2
>>> Sum(X).sort()

Definition at line 3329 of file z3py.py.

3329 def RealVector(prefix, sz, ctx=None):
3330  """Return a list of real constants of size `sz`.
3332  >>> X = RealVector('x', 3)
3333  >>> X
3334  [x__0, x__1, x__2]
3335  >>> Sum(X)
3336  x__0 + x__1 + x__2
3337  >>> Sum(X).sort()
3338  Real
3339  """
3340  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3341  return [Real("%s__%s" % (prefix, i), ctx) for i in range(sz)]
def RealVector(prefix, sz, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3329

◆ RecAddDefinition()

def z3py.RecAddDefinition (   f,
Set the body of a recursive function.
   Recursive definitions can be simplified if they are applied to ground
>>> ctx = Context()
>>> fac = RecFunction('fac', IntSort(ctx), IntSort(ctx))
>>> n = Int('n', ctx)
>>> RecAddDefinition(fac, n, If(n == 0, 1, n*fac(n-1)))
>>> simplify(fac(5))
>>> s = Solver(ctx=ctx)
>>> s.add(fac(n) < 3)
>>> s.check()
>>> s.model().eval(fac(5))

Definition at line 927 of file z3py.py.

927 def RecAddDefinition(f, args, body):
928  """Set the body of a recursive function.
929  Recursive definitions can be simplified if they are applied to ground
930  arguments.
931  >>> ctx = Context()
932  >>> fac = RecFunction('fac', IntSort(ctx), IntSort(ctx))
933  >>> n = Int('n', ctx)
934  >>> RecAddDefinition(fac, n, If(n == 0, 1, n*fac(n-1)))
935  >>> simplify(fac(5))
936  120
937  >>> s = Solver(ctx=ctx)
938  >>> s.add(fac(n) < 3)
939  >>> s.check()
940  sat
941  >>> s.model().eval(fac(5))
942  120
943  """
944  if is_app(args):
945  args = [args]
946  ctx = body.ctx
947  args = _get_args(args)
948  n = len(args)
949  _args = (Ast * n)()
950  for i in range(n):
951  _args[i] = args[i].ast
952  Z3_add_rec_def(ctx.ref(), f.ast, n, _args, body.ast)
void Z3_API Z3_add_rec_def(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl f, unsigned n, Z3_ast args[], Z3_ast body)
Define the body of a recursive function.
def RecAddDefinition(f, args, body)
Definition: z3py.py:927

◆ RecFunction()

def z3py.RecFunction (   name,
Create a new Z3 recursive with the given sorts.

Definition at line 909 of file z3py.py.

909 def RecFunction(name, *sig):
910  """Create a new Z3 recursive with the given sorts."""
911  sig = _get_args(sig)
912  if z3_debug():
913  _z3_assert(len(sig) > 0, "At least two arguments expected")
914  arity = len(sig) - 1
915  rng = sig[arity]
916  if z3_debug():
917  _z3_assert(is_sort(rng), "Z3 sort expected")
918  dom = (Sort * arity)()
919  for i in range(arity):
920  if z3_debug():
921  _z3_assert(is_sort(sig[i]), "Z3 sort expected")
922  dom[i] = sig[i].ast
923  ctx = rng.ctx
924  return FuncDeclRef(Z3_mk_rec_func_decl(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), arity, dom, rng.ast), ctx)
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_rec_func_decl(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol s, unsigned domain_size, Z3_sort const domain[], Z3_sort range)
Declare a recursive function.
def RecFunction(name, *sig)
Definition: z3py.py:909

◆ Repeat()

def z3py.Repeat (   t,
  max = 4294967295,
  ctx = None 
Return a tactic that keeps applying `t` until the goal is not modified anymore
or the maximum number of iterations `max` is reached.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> c = And(Or(x == 0, x == 1), Or(y == 0, y == 1), x > y)
>>> t = Repeat(OrElse(Tactic('split-clause'), Tactic('skip')))
>>> r = t(c)
>>> for subgoal in r: print(subgoal)
[x == 0, y == 0, x > y]
[x == 0, y == 1, x > y]
[x == 1, y == 0, x > y]
[x == 1, y == 1, x > y]
>>> t = Then(t, Tactic('propagate-values'))
>>> t(c)
[[x == 1, y == 0]]

Definition at line 8419 of file z3py.py.

8419 def Repeat(t, max=4294967295, ctx=None):
8420  """Return a tactic that keeps applying `t` until the goal is not modified anymore
8421  or the maximum number of iterations `max` is reached.
8423  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
8424  >>> c = And(Or(x == 0, x == 1), Or(y == 0, y == 1), x > y)
8425  >>> t = Repeat(OrElse(Tactic('split-clause'), Tactic('skip')))
8426  >>> r = t(c)
8427  >>> for subgoal in r: print(subgoal)
8428  [x == 0, y == 0, x > y]
8429  [x == 0, y == 1, x > y]
8430  [x == 1, y == 0, x > y]
8431  [x == 1, y == 1, x > y]
8432  >>> t = Then(t, Tactic('propagate-values'))
8433  >>> t(c)
8434  [[x == 1, y == 0]]
8435  """
8436  t = _to_tactic(t, ctx)
8437  return Tactic(Z3_tactic_repeat(t.ctx.ref(), t.tactic, max), t.ctx)
Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_repeat(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t, unsigned max)
Return a tactic that keeps applying t until the goal is not modified anymore or the maximum number of...
def Repeat(t, max=4294967295, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8419

◆ RepeatBitVec()

def z3py.RepeatBitVec (   n,
Return an expression representing `n` copies of `a`.

>>> x = BitVec('x', 8)
>>> n = RepeatBitVec(4, x)
>>> n
RepeatBitVec(4, x)
>>> n.size()
>>> v0 = BitVecVal(10, 4)
>>> print("%.x" % v0.as_long())
>>> v = simplify(RepeatBitVec(4, v0))
>>> v.size()
>>> print("%.x" % v.as_long())

Definition at line 4421 of file z3py.py.

4421 def RepeatBitVec(n, a):
4422  """Return an expression representing `n` copies of `a`.
4424  >>> x = BitVec('x', 8)
4425  >>> n = RepeatBitVec(4, x)
4426  >>> n
4427  RepeatBitVec(4, x)
4428  >>> n.size()
4429  32
4430  >>> v0 = BitVecVal(10, 4)
4431  >>> print("%.x" % v0.as_long())
4432  a
4433  >>> v = simplify(RepeatBitVec(4, v0))
4434  >>> v.size()
4435  16
4436  >>> print("%.x" % v.as_long())
4437  aaaa
4438  """
4439  if z3_debug():
4440  _z3_assert(_is_int(n), "First argument must be an integer")
4441  _z3_assert(is_bv(a), "Second argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
4442  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_repeat(a.ctx_ref(), n, a.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_repeat(Z3_context c, unsigned i, Z3_ast t1)
Repeat the given bit-vector up length i.
def RepeatBitVec(n, a)
Definition: z3py.py:4421

◆ Replace()

def z3py.Replace (   s,
Replace the first occurrence of 'src' by 'dst' in 's'
>>> r = Replace("aaa", "a", "b")
>>> simplify(r)

Definition at line 11044 of file z3py.py.

11044 def Replace(s, src, dst):
11045  """Replace the first occurrence of 'src' by 'dst' in 's'
11046  >>> r = Replace("aaa", "a", "b")
11047  >>> simplify(r)
11048  "baa"
11049  """
11050  ctx = _get_ctx2(dst, s)
11051  if ctx is None and is_expr(src):
11052  ctx = src.ctx
11053  src = _coerce_seq(src, ctx)
11054  dst = _coerce_seq(dst, ctx)
11055  s = _coerce_seq(s, ctx)
11056  return SeqRef(Z3_mk_seq_replace(src.ctx_ref(), s.as_ast(), src.as_ast(), dst.as_ast()), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_replace(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s, Z3_ast src, Z3_ast dst)
Replace the first occurrence of src with dst in s.
def Replace(s, src, dst)
Definition: z3py.py:11044

◆ reset_params()

def z3py.reset_params ( )
Reset all global (or module) parameters.

Definition at line 295 of file z3py.py.

295 def reset_params():
296  """Reset all global (or module) parameters.
297  """
void Z3_API Z3_global_param_reset_all(void)
Restore the value of all global (and module) parameters. This command will not affect already created...
def reset_params()
Definition: z3py.py:295

◆ ReSort()

def z3py.ReSort (   s)

Definition at line 11152 of file z3py.py.

11152 def ReSort(s):
11153  if is_ast(s):
11154  return ReSortRef(Z3_mk_re_sort(s.ctx.ref(), s.ast), s.ctx)
11155  if s is None or isinstance(s, Context):
11156  ctx = _get_ctx(s)
11157  return ReSortRef(Z3_mk_re_sort(ctx.ref(), Z3_mk_string_sort(ctx.ref())), s.ctx)
11158  raise Z3Exception("Regular expression sort constructor expects either a string or a context or no argument")
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_re_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort seq)
Create a regular expression sort out of a sequence sort.
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_string_sort(Z3_context c)
Create a sort for unicode strings.
def ReSort(s)
Definition: z3py.py:11152

Referenced by Context.MkReSort().

◆ RNA()

def z3py.RNA (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9681 of file z3py.py.

9681 def RNA(ctx=None):
9682  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9683  return FPRMRef(Z3_mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_away(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_away(Z3_context c)
Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the NearestTiesToAway rounding mode.

Referenced by get_default_rounding_mode().

◆ RNE()

def z3py.RNE (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9671 of file z3py.py.

9671 def RNE(ctx=None):
9672  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9673  return FPRMRef(Z3_mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_even(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_even(Z3_context c)
Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the NearestTiesToEven rounding mode.

Referenced by get_default_rounding_mode().

◆ RotateLeft()

def z3py.RotateLeft (   a,
Return an expression representing `a` rotated to the left `b` times.

>>> a, b = BitVecs('a b', 16)
>>> RotateLeft(a, b)
RotateLeft(a, b)
>>> simplify(RotateLeft(a, 0))
>>> simplify(RotateLeft(a, 16))

Definition at line 4331 of file z3py.py.

4331 def RotateLeft(a, b):
4332  """Return an expression representing `a` rotated to the left `b` times.
4334  >>> a, b = BitVecs('a b', 16)
4335  >>> RotateLeft(a, b)
4336  RotateLeft(a, b)
4337  >>> simplify(RotateLeft(a, 0))
4338  a
4339  >>> simplify(RotateLeft(a, 16))
4340  a
4341  """
4342  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4343  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4344  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_ext_rotate_left(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_ext_rotate_left(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Rotate bits of t1 to the left t2 times.
def RotateLeft(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4331

◆ RotateRight()

def z3py.RotateRight (   a,
Return an expression representing `a` rotated to the right `b` times.

>>> a, b = BitVecs('a b', 16)
>>> RotateRight(a, b)
RotateRight(a, b)
>>> simplify(RotateRight(a, 0))
>>> simplify(RotateRight(a, 16))

Definition at line 4347 of file z3py.py.

4347 def RotateRight(a, b):
4348  """Return an expression representing `a` rotated to the right `b` times.
4350  >>> a, b = BitVecs('a b', 16)
4351  >>> RotateRight(a, b)
4352  RotateRight(a, b)
4353  >>> simplify(RotateRight(a, 0))
4354  a
4355  >>> simplify(RotateRight(a, 16))
4356  a
4357  """
4358  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4359  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4360  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_ext_rotate_right(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_ext_rotate_right(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Rotate bits of t1 to the right t2 times.
def RotateRight(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4347

◆ RoundNearestTiesToAway()

def z3py.RoundNearestTiesToAway (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9676 of file z3py.py.

9676 def RoundNearestTiesToAway(ctx=None):
9677  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9678  return FPRMRef(Z3_mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_away(ctx.ref()), ctx)
def RoundNearestTiesToAway(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9676

◆ RoundNearestTiesToEven()

def z3py.RoundNearestTiesToEven (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9666 of file z3py.py.

9666 def RoundNearestTiesToEven(ctx=None):
9667  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9668  return FPRMRef(Z3_mk_fpa_round_nearest_ties_to_even(ctx.ref()), ctx)
def RoundNearestTiesToEven(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9666

◆ RoundTowardNegative()

def z3py.RoundTowardNegative (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9696 of file z3py.py.

9696 def RoundTowardNegative(ctx=None):
9697  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9698  return FPRMRef(Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_negative(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_negative(Z3_context c)
Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardNegative rounding mode.
def RoundTowardNegative(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9696

◆ RoundTowardPositive()

def z3py.RoundTowardPositive (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9686 of file z3py.py.

9686 def RoundTowardPositive(ctx=None):
9687  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9688  return FPRMRef(Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_positive(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_positive(Z3_context c)
Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardPositive rounding mode.
def RoundTowardPositive(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9686

◆ RoundTowardZero()

def z3py.RoundTowardZero (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9706 of file z3py.py.

9706 def RoundTowardZero(ctx=None):
9707  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9708  return FPRMRef(Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_zero(ctx.ref()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_zero(Z3_context c)
Create a numeral of RoundingMode sort which represents the TowardZero rounding mode.
def RoundTowardZero(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9706

◆ RTN()

def z3py.RTN (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9701 of file z3py.py.

9701 def RTN(ctx=None):
9702  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9703  return FPRMRef(Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_negative(ctx.ref()), ctx)

Referenced by get_default_rounding_mode().

◆ RTP()

def z3py.RTP (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9691 of file z3py.py.

9691 def RTP(ctx=None):
9692  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9693  return FPRMRef(Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_positive(ctx.ref()), ctx)

Referenced by get_default_rounding_mode().

◆ RTZ()

def z3py.RTZ (   ctx = None)

Definition at line 9711 of file z3py.py.

9711 def RTZ(ctx=None):
9712  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
9713  return FPRMRef(Z3_mk_fpa_round_toward_zero(ctx.ref()), ctx)

Referenced by get_default_rounding_mode().

◆ Select()

def z3py.Select (   a,
Return a Z3 select array expression.

>>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> i = Int('i')
>>> Select(a, i)
>>> eq(Select(a, i), a[i])

Definition at line 4807 of file z3py.py.

4807 def Select(a, *args):
4808  """Return a Z3 select array expression.
4810  >>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
4811  >>> i = Int('i')
4812  >>> Select(a, i)
4813  a[i]
4814  >>> eq(Select(a, i), a[i])
4815  True
4816  """
4817  args = _get_args(args)
4818  if z3_debug():
4819  _z3_assert(is_array_sort(a), "First argument must be a Z3 array expression")
4820  return a[args]
def Select(a, *args)
Definition: z3py.py:4807

◆ SeqSort()

def z3py.SeqSort (   s)
Create a sequence sort over elements provided in the argument
>>> s = SeqSort(IntSort())
>>> s == Unit(IntVal(1)).sort()

Definition at line 10765 of file z3py.py.

10765 def SeqSort(s):
10766  """Create a sequence sort over elements provided in the argument
10767  >>> s = SeqSort(IntSort())
10768  >>> s == Unit(IntVal(1)).sort()
10769  True
10770  """
10771  return SeqSortRef(Z3_mk_seq_sort(s.ctx_ref(), s.ast), s.ctx)
Z3_sort Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_sort(Z3_context c, Z3_sort s)
Create a sequence sort out of the sort for the elements.
def SeqSort(s)
Definition: z3py.py:10765

Referenced by Context.MkSeqSort().

◆ set_default_fp_sort()

def z3py.set_default_fp_sort (   ebits,
  ctx = None 

Definition at line 9327 of file z3py.py.

9327 def set_default_fp_sort(ebits, sbits, ctx=None):
9328  global _dflt_fpsort_ebits
9329  global _dflt_fpsort_sbits
9330  _dflt_fpsort_ebits = ebits
9331  _dflt_fpsort_sbits = sbits
def set_default_fp_sort(ebits, sbits, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9327

◆ set_default_rounding_mode()

def z3py.set_default_rounding_mode (   rm,
  ctx = None 

Definition at line 9314 of file z3py.py.

9314 def set_default_rounding_mode(rm, ctx=None):
9315  global _dflt_rounding_mode
9316  if is_fprm_value(rm):
9317  _dflt_rounding_mode = rm.decl().kind()
9318  else:
9319  _z3_assert(_dflt_rounding_mode in _ROUNDING_MODES, "illegal rounding mode")
9320  _dflt_rounding_mode = rm
def set_default_rounding_mode(rm, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:9314

◆ set_option()

def z3py.set_option ( args,
**  kws 
Alias for 'set_param' for backward compatibility.

Definition at line 301 of file z3py.py.

301 def set_option(*args, **kws):
302  """Alias for 'set_param' for backward compatibility.
303  """
304  return set_param(*args, **kws)
def set_option(*args, **kws)
Definition: z3py.py:301
def set_param(*args, **kws)
Definition: z3py.py:271

◆ set_param()

def z3py.set_param ( args,
**  kws 
Set Z3 global (or module) parameters.

>>> set_param(precision=10)

Definition at line 271 of file z3py.py.

271 def set_param(*args, **kws):
272  """Set Z3 global (or module) parameters.
274  >>> set_param(precision=10)
275  """
276  if z3_debug():
277  _z3_assert(len(args) % 2 == 0, "Argument list must have an even number of elements.")
278  new_kws = {}
279  for k in kws:
280  v = kws[k]
281  if not set_pp_option(k, v):
282  new_kws[k] = v
283  for key in new_kws:
284  value = new_kws[key]
285  Z3_global_param_set(str(key).upper(), _to_param_value(value))
286  prev = None
287  for a in args:
288  if prev is None:
289  prev = a
290  else:
291  Z3_global_param_set(str(prev), _to_param_value(a))
292  prev = None
void Z3_API Z3_global_param_set(Z3_string param_id, Z3_string param_value)
Set a global (or module) parameter. This setting is shared by all Z3 contexts.

Referenced by set_option().

◆ SetAdd()

def z3py.SetAdd (   s,
 Add element e to set s
>>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> SetAdd(a, 1)
Store(a, 1, True)

Definition at line 4966 of file z3py.py.

4966 def SetAdd(s, e):
4967  """ Add element e to set s
4968  >>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
4969  >>> SetAdd(a, 1)
4970  Store(a, 1, True)
4971  """
4972  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list([s, e])
4973  e = _py2expr(e, ctx)
4974  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_set_add(ctx.ref(), s.as_ast(), e.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_add(Z3_context c, Z3_ast set, Z3_ast elem)
Add an element to a set.
def SetAdd(s, e)
Definition: z3py.py:4966

◆ SetComplement()

def z3py.SetComplement (   s)
 The complement of set s
>>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> SetComplement(a)

Definition at line 4988 of file z3py.py.

4988 def SetComplement(s):
4989  """ The complement of set s
4990  >>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
4991  >>> SetComplement(a)
4992  complement(a)
4993  """
4994  ctx = s.ctx
4995  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_set_complement(ctx.ref(), s.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_complement(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg)
Take the complement of a set.
def SetComplement(s)
Definition: z3py.py:4988

◆ SetDel()

def z3py.SetDel (   s,
 Remove element e to set s
>>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> SetDel(a, 1)
Store(a, 1, False)

Definition at line 4977 of file z3py.py.

4977 def SetDel(s, e):
4978  """ Remove element e to set s
4979  >>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
4980  >>> SetDel(a, 1)
4981  Store(a, 1, False)
4982  """
4983  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list([s, e])
4984  e = _py2expr(e, ctx)
4985  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_set_del(ctx.ref(), s.as_ast(), e.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_del(Z3_context c, Z3_ast set, Z3_ast elem)
Remove an element to a set.
def SetDel(s, e)
Definition: z3py.py:4977

◆ SetDifference()

def z3py.SetDifference (   a,
 The set difference of a and b
>>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> b = Const('b', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> SetDifference(a, b)
setminus(a, b)

Definition at line 4998 of file z3py.py.

4998 def SetDifference(a, b):
4999  """ The set difference of a and b
5000  >>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
5001  >>> b = Const('b', SetSort(IntSort()))
5002  >>> SetDifference(a, b)
5003  setminus(a, b)
5004  """
5005  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list([a, b])
5006  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_set_difference(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_difference(Z3_context c, Z3_ast arg1, Z3_ast arg2)
Take the set difference between two sets.
def SetDifference(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4998

◆ SetHasSize()

def z3py.SetHasSize (   a,

Definition at line 4880 of file z3py.py.

4880 def SetHasSize(a, k):
4881  ctx = a.ctx
4882  k = _py2expr(k, ctx)
4883  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_mk_set_has_size(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast(), k.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_has_size(Z3_context c, Z3_ast set, Z3_ast k)
Create predicate that holds if Boolean array set has k elements set to true.
def SetHasSize(a, k)
Definition: z3py.py:4880

◆ SetIntersect()

def z3py.SetIntersect ( args)
 Take the union of sets
>>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> b = Const('b', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> SetIntersect(a, b)
intersection(a, b)

Definition at line 4953 of file z3py.py.

4953 def SetIntersect(*args):
4954  """ Take the union of sets
4955  >>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
4956  >>> b = Const('b', SetSort(IntSort()))
4957  >>> SetIntersect(a, b)
4958  intersection(a, b)
4959  """
4960  args = _get_args(args)
4961  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list(args)
4962  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(args)
4963  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_set_intersect(ctx.ref(), sz, _args), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_intersect(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[])
Take the intersection of a list of sets.
def SetIntersect(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:4953

◆ SetSort()

def z3py.SetSort (   s)


 Create a set sort over element sort s

Definition at line 4917 of file z3py.py.

4917 def SetSort(s):
4918  """ Create a set sort over element sort s"""
4919  return ArraySort(s, BoolSort())
def SetSort(s)
Definition: z3py.py:4917

Referenced by Context.MkSetSort().

◆ SetUnion()

def z3py.SetUnion ( args)
 Take the union of sets
>>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> b = Const('b', SetSort(IntSort()))
>>> SetUnion(a, b)
union(a, b)

Definition at line 4940 of file z3py.py.

4940 def SetUnion(*args):
4941  """ Take the union of sets
4942  >>> a = Const('a', SetSort(IntSort()))
4943  >>> b = Const('b', SetSort(IntSort()))
4944  >>> SetUnion(a, b)
4945  union(a, b)
4946  """
4947  args = _get_args(args)
4948  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list(args)
4949  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(args)
4950  return ArrayRef(Z3_mk_set_union(ctx.ref(), sz, _args), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_set_union(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[])
Take the union of a list of sets.
def SetUnion(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:4940

◆ SignExt()

def z3py.SignExt (   n,
Return a bit-vector expression with `n` extra sign-bits.

>>> x = BitVec('x', 16)
>>> n = SignExt(8, x)
>>> n.size()
>>> n
SignExt(8, x)
>>> n.sort()
>>> v0 = BitVecVal(2, 2)
>>> v0
>>> v0.size()
>>> v  = simplify(SignExt(6, v0))
>>> v
>>> v.size()
>>> print("%.x" % v.as_long())

Definition at line 4363 of file z3py.py.

4363 def SignExt(n, a):
4364  """Return a bit-vector expression with `n` extra sign-bits.
4366  >>> x = BitVec('x', 16)
4367  >>> n = SignExt(8, x)
4368  >>> n.size()
4369  24
4370  >>> n
4371  SignExt(8, x)
4372  >>> n.sort()
4373  BitVec(24)
4374  >>> v0 = BitVecVal(2, 2)
4375  >>> v0
4376  2
4377  >>> v0.size()
4378  2
4379  >>> v = simplify(SignExt(6, v0))
4380  >>> v
4381  254
4382  >>> v.size()
4383  8
4384  >>> print("%.x" % v.as_long())
4385  fe
4386  """
4387  if z3_debug():
4388  _z3_assert(_is_int(n), "First argument must be an integer")
4389  _z3_assert(is_bv(a), "Second argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
4390  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_sign_ext(a.ctx_ref(), n, a.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_sign_ext(Z3_context c, unsigned i, Z3_ast t1)
Sign-extend of the given bit-vector to the (signed) equivalent bit-vector of size m+i,...
def SignExt(n, a)
Definition: z3py.py:4363

◆ SimpleSolver()

def z3py.SimpleSolver (   ctx = None,
  logFile = None 
Return a simple general purpose solver with limited amount of preprocessing.

>>> s = SimpleSolver()
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> s.add(x > 0)
>>> s.check()

Definition at line 7419 of file z3py.py.

7419 def SimpleSolver(ctx=None, logFile=None):
7420  """Return a simple general purpose solver with limited amount of preprocessing.
7422  >>> s = SimpleSolver()
7423  >>> x = Int('x')
7424  >>> s.add(x > 0)
7425  >>> s.check()
7426  sat
7427  """
7428  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
7429  return Solver(Z3_mk_simple_solver(ctx.ref()), ctx, logFile)
Z3_solver Z3_API Z3_mk_simple_solver(Z3_context c)
Create a new incremental solver.
def SimpleSolver(ctx=None, logFile=None)
Definition: z3py.py:7419

◆ simplify()

def z3py.simplify (   a,
**  keywords 


Simplify the expression `a` using the given options.

This function has many options. Use `help_simplify` to obtain the complete list.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> y = Int('y')
>>> simplify(x + 1 + y + x + 1)
2 + 2*x + y
>>> simplify((x + 1)*(y + 1), som=True)
1 + x + y + x*y
>>> simplify(Distinct(x, y, 1), blast_distinct=True)
And(Not(x == y), Not(x == 1), Not(y == 1))
>>> simplify(And(x == 0, y == 1), elim_and=True)
Not(Or(Not(x == 0), Not(y == 1)))

Definition at line 8771 of file z3py.py.

8771 def simplify(a, *arguments, **keywords):
8772  """Simplify the expression `a` using the given options.
8774  This function has many options. Use `help_simplify` to obtain the complete list.
8776  >>> x = Int('x')
8777  >>> y = Int('y')
8778  >>> simplify(x + 1 + y + x + 1)
8779  2 + 2*x + y
8780  >>> simplify((x + 1)*(y + 1), som=True)
8781  1 + x + y + x*y
8782  >>> simplify(Distinct(x, y, 1), blast_distinct=True)
8783  And(Not(x == y), Not(x == 1), Not(y == 1))
8784  >>> simplify(And(x == 0, y == 1), elim_and=True)
8785  Not(Or(Not(x == 0), Not(y == 1)))
8786  """
8787  if z3_debug():
8788  _z3_assert(is_expr(a), "Z3 expression expected")
8789  if len(arguments) > 0 or len(keywords) > 0:
8790  p = args2params(arguments, keywords, a.ctx)
8791  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_simplify_ex(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), p.params), a.ctx)
8792  else:
8793  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_simplify(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_simplify(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a)
Interface to simplifier.
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_simplify_ex(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_params p)
Interface to simplifier.

Referenced by Q(), RatVal(), and Expr< R extends Sort >.simplify().

◆ simplify_param_descrs()

def z3py.simplify_param_descrs ( )
Return the set of parameter descriptions for Z3 `simplify` procedure.

Definition at line 8801 of file z3py.py.

8801 def simplify_param_descrs():
8802  """Return the set of parameter descriptions for Z3 `simplify` procedure."""
8803  return ParamDescrsRef(Z3_simplify_get_param_descrs(main_ctx().ref()), main_ctx())
Z3_param_descrs Z3_API Z3_simplify_get_param_descrs(Z3_context c)
Return the parameter description set for the simplify procedure.
def simplify_param_descrs()
Definition: z3py.py:8801

◆ solve()

def z3py.solve ( args,
**  keywords 
Solve the constraints `*args`.

This is a simple function for creating demonstrations. It creates a solver,
configure it using the options in `keywords`, adds the constraints
in `args`, and invokes check.

>>> a = Int('a')
>>> solve(a > 0, a < 2)
[a = 1]

Definition at line 9033 of file z3py.py.

9033 def solve(*args, **keywords):
9034  """Solve the constraints `*args`.
9036  This is a simple function for creating demonstrations. It creates a solver,
9037  configure it using the options in `keywords`, adds the constraints
9038  in `args`, and invokes check.
9040  >>> a = Int('a')
9041  >>> solve(a > 0, a < 2)
9042  [a = 1]
9043  """
9044  show = keywords.pop("show", False)
9045  s = Solver()
9046  s.set(**keywords)
9047  s.add(*args)
9048  if show:
9049  print(s)
9050  r = s.check()
9051  if r == unsat:
9052  print("no solution")
9053  elif r == unknown:
9054  print("failed to solve")
9055  try:
9056  print(s.model())
9057  except Z3Exception:
9058  return
9059  else:
9060  print(s.model())
def solve(*args, **keywords)
Definition: z3py.py:9033

◆ solve_using()

def z3py.solve_using (   s,
**  keywords 
Solve the constraints `*args` using solver `s`.

This is a simple function for creating demonstrations. It is similar to `solve`,
but it uses the given solver `s`.
It configures solver `s` using the options in `keywords`, adds the constraints
in `args`, and invokes check.

Definition at line 9063 of file z3py.py.

9063 def solve_using(s, *args, **keywords):
9064  """Solve the constraints `*args` using solver `s`.
9066  This is a simple function for creating demonstrations. It is similar to `solve`,
9067  but it uses the given solver `s`.
9068  It configures solver `s` using the options in `keywords`, adds the constraints
9069  in `args`, and invokes check.
9070  """
9071  show = keywords.pop("show", False)
9072  if z3_debug():
9073  _z3_assert(isinstance(s, Solver), "Solver object expected")
9074  s.set(**keywords)
9075  s.add(*args)
9076  if show:
9077  print("Problem:")
9078  print(s)
9079  r = s.check()
9080  if r == unsat:
9081  print("no solution")
9082  elif r == unknown:
9083  print("failed to solve")
9084  try:
9085  print(s.model())
9086  except Z3Exception:
9087  return
9088  else:
9089  if show:
9090  print("Solution:")
9091  print(s.model())
def solve_using(s, *args, **keywords)
Definition: z3py.py:9063

◆ SolverFor()

def z3py.SolverFor (   logic,
  ctx = None,
  logFile = None 
Create a solver customized for the given logic.

The parameter `logic` is a string. It should be contains
the name of a SMT-LIB logic.
See http://www.smtlib.org/ for the name of all available logics.

>>> s = SolverFor("QF_LIA")
>>> x = Int('x')
>>> s.add(x > 0)
>>> s.add(x < 2)
>>> s.check()
>>> s.model()
[x = 1]

Definition at line 7398 of file z3py.py.

7398 def SolverFor(logic, ctx=None, logFile=None):
7399  """Create a solver customized for the given logic.
7401  The parameter `logic` is a string. It should be contains
7402  the name of a SMT-LIB logic.
7403  See http://www.smtlib.org/ for the name of all available logics.
7405  >>> s = SolverFor("QF_LIA")
7406  >>> x = Int('x')
7407  >>> s.add(x > 0)
7408  >>> s.add(x < 2)
7409  >>> s.check()
7410  sat
7411  >>> s.model()
7412  [x = 1]
7413  """
7414  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
7415  logic = to_symbol(logic)
7416  return Solver(Z3_mk_solver_for_logic(ctx.ref(), logic), ctx, logFile)
Z3_solver Z3_API Z3_mk_solver_for_logic(Z3_context c, Z3_symbol logic)
Create a new solver customized for the given logic. It behaves like Z3_mk_solver if the logic is unkn...
def SolverFor(logic, ctx=None, logFile=None)
Definition: z3py.py:7398

◆ Sqrt()

def z3py.Sqrt (   a,
  ctx = None 
 Return a Z3 expression which represents the square root of a.

>>> x = Real('x')
>>> Sqrt(x)

Definition at line 3411 of file z3py.py.

3411 def Sqrt(a, ctx=None):
3412  """ Return a Z3 expression which represents the square root of a.
3414  >>> x = Real('x')
3415  >>> Sqrt(x)
3416  x**(1/2)
3417  """
3418  if not is_expr(a):
3419  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
3420  a = RealVal(a, ctx)
3421  return a ** "1/2"
def Sqrt(a, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:3411

◆ SRem()

def z3py.SRem (   a,
Create the Z3 expression signed remainder.

Use the operator % for signed modulus, and URem() for unsigned remainder.

>>> x = BitVec('x', 32)
>>> y = BitVec('y', 32)
>>> SRem(x, y)
SRem(x, y)
>>> SRem(x, y).sort()
>>> (x % y).sexpr()
'(bvsmod x y)'
>>> SRem(x, y).sexpr()
'(bvsrem x y)'

Definition at line 4278 of file z3py.py.

4278 def SRem(a, b):
4279  """Create the Z3 expression signed remainder.
4281  Use the operator % for signed modulus, and URem() for unsigned remainder.
4283  >>> x = BitVec('x', 32)
4284  >>> y = BitVec('y', 32)
4285  >>> SRem(x, y)
4286  SRem(x, y)
4287  >>> SRem(x, y).sort()
4288  BitVec(32)
4289  >>> (x % y).sexpr()
4290  '(bvsmod x y)'
4291  >>> SRem(x, y).sexpr()
4292  '(bvsrem x y)'
4293  """
4294  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4295  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4296  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_bvsrem(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvsrem(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Two's complement signed remainder (sign follows dividend).
def SRem(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4278

◆ Star()

def z3py.Star (   re)
Create the regular expression accepting zero or more repetitions of argument.
>>> re = Star(Re("a"))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re)))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("ab", re)))
>>> print(simplify(InRe("", re)))

Definition at line 11255 of file z3py.py.

11255 def Star(re):
11256  """Create the regular expression accepting zero or more repetitions of argument.
11257  >>> re = Star(Re("a"))
11258  >>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re)))
11259  True
11260  >>> print(simplify(InRe("ab", re)))
11261  False
11262  >>> print(simplify(InRe("", re)))
11263  True
11264  """
11265  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_star(re.ctx_ref(), re.as_ast()), re.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_star(Z3_context c, Z3_ast re)
Create the regular language re*.
def Star(re)
Definition: z3py.py:11255

◆ Store()

def z3py.Store (   a,
Return a Z3 store array expression.

>>> a    = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> i, v = Ints('i v')
>>> s    = Store(a, i, v)
>>> s.sort()
Array(Int, Int)
>>> prove(s[i] == v)
>>> j    = Int('j')
>>> prove(Implies(i != j, s[j] == a[j]))

Definition at line 4790 of file z3py.py.

4790 def Store(a, *args):
4791  """Return a Z3 store array expression.
4793  >>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
4794  >>> i, v = Ints('i v')
4795  >>> s = Store(a, i, v)
4796  >>> s.sort()
4797  Array(Int, Int)
4798  >>> prove(s[i] == v)
4799  proved
4800  >>> j = Int('j')
4801  >>> prove(Implies(i != j, s[j] == a[j]))
4802  proved
4803  """
4804  return Update(a, args)
def Update(a, *args)
Definition: z3py.py:4747
def Store(a, *args)
Definition: z3py.py:4790

Referenced by ModelRef.get_interp().

◆ StrFromCode()

def z3py.StrFromCode (   c)
Convert code to a string

Definition at line 11127 of file z3py.py.

11127 def StrFromCode(c):
11128  """Convert code to a string"""
11129  if not is_expr(c):
11130  c = _py2expr(c)
11131  return SeqRef(Z3_mk_string_from_code(c.ctx_ref(), c.as_ast()), c.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_string_from_code(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a)
Code to string conversion.
def StrFromCode(c)
Definition: z3py.py:11127

◆ String()

def z3py.String (   name,
  ctx = None 
Return a string constant named `name`. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.

>>> x = String('x')

Definition at line 10928 of file z3py.py.

10928 def String(name, ctx=None):
10929  """Return a string constant named `name`. If `ctx=None`, then the global context is used.
10931  >>> x = String('x')
10932  """
10933  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10934  return SeqRef(Z3_mk_const(ctx.ref(), to_symbol(name, ctx), StringSort(ctx).ast), ctx)
def StringSort(ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10746
def String(name, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10928

Referenced by Context.Context(), Statistics.getEntries(), Statistics.getKeys(), Context.getProbeNames(), Context.getTacticNames(), Context.mkString(), Strings(), and FuncInterp< R extends Sort >.toString().

◆ Strings()

def z3py.Strings (   names,
  ctx = None 
Return a tuple of String constants. 

Definition at line 10937 of file z3py.py.

10937 def Strings(names, ctx=None):
10938  """Return a tuple of String constants. """
10939  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10940  if isinstance(names, str):
10941  names = names.split(" ")
10942  return [String(name, ctx) for name in names]
def Strings(names, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:10937

◆ StringSort()

def z3py.StringSort (   ctx = None)
Create a string sort
>>> s = StringSort()
>>> print(s)

Definition at line 10746 of file z3py.py.

10746 def StringSort(ctx=None):
10747  """Create a string sort
10748  >>> s = StringSort()
10749  >>> print(s)
10750  String
10751  """
10752  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10753  return SeqSortRef(Z3_mk_string_sort(ctx.ref()), ctx)

Referenced by String().

◆ StringVal()

def z3py.StringVal (   s,
  ctx = None 
create a string expression

Definition at line 10921 of file z3py.py.

10921 def StringVal(s, ctx=None):
10922  """create a string expression"""
10923  s = "".join(str(ch) if 32 <= ord(ch) and ord(ch) < 127 else "\\u{%x}" % (ord(ch)) for ch in s)
10924  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
10925  return SeqRef(Z3_mk_string(ctx.ref(), s), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_string(Z3_context c, Z3_string s)
Create a string constant out of the string that is passed in The string may contain escape encoding f...

Referenced by CharIsDigit(), deserialize(), Extract(), and AlgebraicNumRef.index().

◆ StrToCode()

def z3py.StrToCode (   s)
Convert a unit length string to integer code

Definition at line 11121 of file z3py.py.

11121 def StrToCode(s):
11122  """Convert a unit length string to integer code"""
11123  if not is_expr(s):
11124  s = _py2expr(s)
11125  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_string_to_code(s.ctx_ref(), s.as_ast()), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_string_to_code(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a)
String to code conversion.
def StrToCode(s)
Definition: z3py.py:11121

◆ StrToInt()

def z3py.StrToInt (   s)
Convert string expression to integer
>>> a = StrToInt("1")
>>> simplify(1 == a)
>>> b = StrToInt("2")
>>> simplify(1 == b)
>>> c = StrToInt(IntToStr(2))
>>> simplify(1 == c)

Definition at line 11098 of file z3py.py.

11098 def StrToInt(s):
11099  """Convert string expression to integer
11100  >>> a = StrToInt("1")
11101  >>> simplify(1 == a)
11102  True
11103  >>> b = StrToInt("2")
11104  >>> simplify(1 == b)
11105  False
11106  >>> c = StrToInt(IntToStr(2))
11107  >>> simplify(1 == c)
11108  False
11109  """
11110  s = _coerce_seq(s)
11111  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_str_to_int(s.ctx_ref(), s.as_ast()), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_str_to_int(Z3_context c, Z3_ast s)
Convert string to integer.
def StrToInt(s)
Definition: z3py.py:11098

◆ SubSeq()

def z3py.SubSeq (   s,
Extract substring or subsequence starting at offset

Definition at line 10950 of file z3py.py.

10950 def SubSeq(s, offset, length):
10951  """Extract substring or subsequence starting at offset"""
10952  return Extract(s, offset, length)
def SubSeq(s, offset, length)
Definition: z3py.py:10950

◆ substitute()

def z3py.substitute (   t,
Apply substitution m on t, m is a list of pairs of the form (from, to).
Every occurrence in t of from is replaced with to.

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> y = Int('y')
>>> substitute(x + 1, (x, y + 1))
y + 1 + 1
>>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> substitute(f(x) + f(y), (f(x), IntVal(1)), (f(y), IntVal(1)))
1 + 1

Definition at line 8806 of file z3py.py.

8806 def substitute(t, *m):
8807  """Apply substitution m on t, m is a list of pairs of the form (from, to).
8808  Every occurrence in t of from is replaced with to.
8810  >>> x = Int('x')
8811  >>> y = Int('y')
8812  >>> substitute(x + 1, (x, y + 1))
8813  y + 1 + 1
8814  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort())
8815  >>> substitute(f(x) + f(y), (f(x), IntVal(1)), (f(y), IntVal(1)))
8816  1 + 1
8817  """
8818  if isinstance(m, tuple):
8819  m1 = _get_args(m)
8820  if isinstance(m1, list) and all(isinstance(p, tuple) for p in m1):
8821  m = m1
8822  if z3_debug():
8823  _z3_assert(is_expr(t), "Z3 expression expected")
8824  _z3_assert(
8825  all([isinstance(p, tuple) and is_expr(p[0]) and is_expr(p[1]) for p in m]),
8826  "Z3 invalid substitution, expression pairs expected.")
8827  _z3_assert(
8828  all([p[0].sort().eq(p[1].sort()) for p in m]),
8829  'Z3 invalid substitution, mismatching "from" and "to" sorts.')
8830  num = len(m)
8831  _from = (Ast * num)()
8832  _to = (Ast * num)()
8833  for i in range(num):
8834  _from[i] = m[i][0].as_ast()
8835  _to[i] = m[i][1].as_ast()
8836  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_substitute(t.ctx.ref(), t.as_ast(), num, _from, _to), t.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_substitute(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned num_exprs, Z3_ast const from[], Z3_ast const to[])
Substitute every occurrence of from[i] in a with to[i], for i smaller than num_exprs....
def substitute(t, *m)
Definition: z3py.py:8806

Referenced by Expr< R extends Sort >.substitute().

◆ substitute_funs()

def z3py.substitute_funs (   t,
Apply substitution m on t, m is a list of pairs of a function and expression (from, to)
Every occurrence in to of the function from is replaced with the expression to.
The expression to can have free variables, that refer to the arguments of from.
For examples, see 

Definition at line 8859 of file z3py.py.

8859 def substitute_funs(t, *m):
8860  """Apply substitution m on t, m is a list of pairs of a function and expression (from, to)
8861  Every occurrence in to of the function from is replaced with the expression to.
8862  The expression to can have free variables, that refer to the arguments of from.
8863  For examples, see
8864  """
8865  if isinstance(m, tuple):
8866  m1 = _get_args(m)
8867  if isinstance(m1, list) and all(isinstance(p, tuple) for p in m1):
8868  m = m1
8869  if z3_debug():
8870  _z3_assert(is_expr(t), "Z3 expression expected")
8871  _z3_assert(all([isinstance(p, tuple) and is_func_decl(p[0]) and is_expr(p[1]) for p in m]), "Z3 invalid substitution, funcion pairs expected.")
8872  num = len(m)
8873  _from = (FuncDecl * num)()
8874  _to = (Ast * num)()
8875  for i in range(num):
8876  _from[i] = m[i][0].as_func_decl()
8877  _to[i] = m[i][1].as_ast()
8878  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_substitute_funs(t.ctx.ref(), t.as_ast(), num, _from, _to), t.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_substitute_funs(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned num_funs, Z3_func_decl const from[], Z3_ast const to[])
Substitute funcions in from with new expressions in to.
def substitute_funs(t, *m)
Definition: z3py.py:8859

◆ substitute_vars()

def z3py.substitute_vars (   t,
Substitute the free variables in t with the expression in m.

>>> v0 = Var(0, IntSort())
>>> v1 = Var(1, IntSort())
>>> x  = Int('x')
>>> f  = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> # replace v0 with x+1 and v1 with x
>>> substitute_vars(f(v0, v1), x + 1, x)
f(x + 1, x)

Definition at line 8839 of file z3py.py.

8839 def substitute_vars(t, *m):
8840  """Substitute the free variables in t with the expression in m.
8842  >>> v0 = Var(0, IntSort())
8843  >>> v1 = Var(1, IntSort())
8844  >>> x = Int('x')
8845  >>> f = Function('f', IntSort(), IntSort(), IntSort())
8846  >>> # replace v0 with x+1 and v1 with x
8847  >>> substitute_vars(f(v0, v1), x + 1, x)
8848  f(x + 1, x)
8849  """
8850  if z3_debug():
8851  _z3_assert(is_expr(t), "Z3 expression expected")
8852  _z3_assert(all([is_expr(n) for n in m]), "Z3 invalid substitution, list of expressions expected.")
8853  num = len(m)
8854  _to = (Ast * num)()
8855  for i in range(num):
8856  _to[i] = m[i].as_ast()
8857  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_substitute_vars(t.ctx.ref(), t.as_ast(), num, _to), t.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_substitute_vars(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned num_exprs, Z3_ast const to[])
Substitute the variables in a with the expressions in to. For every i smaller than num_exprs,...
def substitute_vars(t, *m)
Definition: z3py.py:8839

◆ SubString()

def z3py.SubString (   s,
Extract substring or subsequence starting at offset

Definition at line 10945 of file z3py.py.

10945 def SubString(s, offset, length):
10946  """Extract substring or subsequence starting at offset"""
10947  return Extract(s, offset, length)
def SubString(s, offset, length)
Definition: z3py.py:10945

◆ SuffixOf()

def z3py.SuffixOf (   a,
Check if 'a' is a suffix of 'b'
>>> s1 = SuffixOf("ab", "abc")
>>> simplify(s1)
>>> s2 = SuffixOf("bc", "abc")
>>> simplify(s2)

Definition at line 11010 of file z3py.py.

11010 def SuffixOf(a, b):
11011  """Check if 'a' is a suffix of 'b'
11012  >>> s1 = SuffixOf("ab", "abc")
11013  >>> simplify(s1)
11014  False
11015  >>> s2 = SuffixOf("bc", "abc")
11016  >>> simplify(s2)
11017  True
11018  """
11019  ctx = _get_ctx2(a, b)
11020  a = _coerce_seq(a, ctx)
11021  b = _coerce_seq(b, ctx)
11022  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_seq_suffix(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_suffix(Z3_context c, Z3_ast suffix, Z3_ast s)
Check if suffix is a suffix of s.
def SuffixOf(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:11010

◆ Sum()

def z3py.Sum ( args)
Create the sum of the Z3 expressions.

>>> a, b, c = Ints('a b c')
>>> Sum(a, b, c)
a + b + c
>>> Sum([a, b, c])
a + b + c
>>> A = IntVector('a', 5)
>>> Sum(A)
a__0 + a__1 + a__2 + a__3 + a__4

Definition at line 8881 of file z3py.py.

8881 def Sum(*args):
8882  """Create the sum of the Z3 expressions.
8884  >>> a, b, c = Ints('a b c')
8885  >>> Sum(a, b, c)
8886  a + b + c
8887  >>> Sum([a, b, c])
8888  a + b + c
8889  >>> A = IntVector('a', 5)
8890  >>> Sum(A)
8891  a__0 + a__1 + a__2 + a__3 + a__4
8892  """
8893  args = _get_args(args)
8894  if len(args) == 0:
8895  return 0
8896  ctx = _ctx_from_ast_arg_list(args)
8897  if ctx is None:
8898  return _reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, args, 0)
8899  args = _coerce_expr_list(args, ctx)
8900  if is_bv(args[0]):
8901  return _reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, args, 0)
8902  else:
8903  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(args)
8904  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_add(ctx.ref(), sz, _args), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_add(Z3_context c, unsigned num_args, Z3_ast const args[])
Create an AST node representing args[0] + ... + args[num_args-1].
def Sum(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:8881

◆ tactic_description()

def z3py.tactic_description (   name,
  ctx = None 
Return a short description for the tactic named `name`.

>>> d = tactic_description('simplify')

Definition at line 8460 of file z3py.py.

8460 def tactic_description(name, ctx=None):
8461  """Return a short description for the tactic named `name`.
8463  >>> d = tactic_description('simplify')
8464  """
8465  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
8466  return Z3_tactic_get_descr(ctx.ref(), name)
Z3_string Z3_API Z3_tactic_get_descr(Z3_context c, Z3_string name)
Return a string containing a description of the tactic with the given name.

Referenced by describe_tactics().

◆ tactics()

def z3py.tactics (   ctx = None)
Return a list of all available tactics in Z3.

>>> l = tactics()
>>> l.count('simplify') == 1

Definition at line 8449 of file z3py.py.

8449 def tactics(ctx=None):
8450  """Return a list of all available tactics in Z3.
8452  >>> l = tactics()
8453  >>> l.count('simplify') == 1
8454  True
8455  """
8456  ctx = _get_ctx(ctx)
8457  return [Z3_get_tactic_name(ctx.ref(), i) for i in range(Z3_get_num_tactics(ctx.ref()))]
unsigned Z3_API Z3_get_num_tactics(Z3_context c)
Return the number of builtin tactics available in Z3.
Z3_string Z3_API Z3_get_tactic_name(Z3_context c, unsigned i)
Return the name of the idx tactic.

Referenced by describe_tactics().

◆ Then()

def z3py.Then ( ts,
**  ks 
Return a tactic that applies the tactics in `*ts` in sequence. Shorthand for AndThen(*ts, **ks).

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> t = Then(Tactic('simplify'), Tactic('solve-eqs'))
>>> t(And(x == 0, y > x + 1))
[[Not(y <= 1)]]
>>> t(And(x == 0, y > x + 1)).as_expr()
Not(y <= 1)

Definition at line 8317 of file z3py.py.

8317 def Then(*ts, **ks):
8318  """Return a tactic that applies the tactics in `*ts` in sequence. Shorthand for AndThen(*ts, **ks).
8320  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
8321  >>> t = Then(Tactic('simplify'), Tactic('solve-eqs'))
8322  >>> t(And(x == 0, y > x + 1))
8323  [[Not(y <= 1)]]
8324  >>> t(And(x == 0, y > x + 1)).as_expr()
8325  Not(y <= 1)
8326  """
8327  return AndThen(*ts, **ks)
def Then(*ts, **ks)
Definition: z3py.py:8317

◆ to_Ast()

def z3py.to_Ast (   ptr)

Definition at line 11329 of file z3py.py.

11329 def to_Ast(ptr,):
11330  ast = Ast(ptr)
11331  super(ctypes.c_void_p, ast).__init__(ptr)
11332  return ast

Referenced by on_clause_eh(), user_prop_created(), user_prop_decide(), user_prop_diseq(), user_prop_eq(), and user_prop_fixed().

◆ to_AstVectorObj()

def z3py.to_AstVectorObj (   ptr)

Definition at line 11339 of file z3py.py.

11339 def to_AstVectorObj(ptr,):
11340  v = AstVectorObj(ptr)
11341  super(ctypes.c_void_p, v).__init__(ptr)
11342  return v
11344 # NB. my-hacky-class only works for a single instance of OnClause
11345 # it should be replaced with a proper correlation between OnClause
11346 # and object references that can be passed over the FFI.
11347 # for UserPropagator we use a global dictionary, which isn't great code.

Referenced by on_clause_eh().

◆ to_ContextObj()

def z3py.to_ContextObj (   ptr)

Definition at line 11334 of file z3py.py.

11334 def to_ContextObj(ptr,):
11335  ctx = ContextObj(ptr)
11336  super(ctypes.c_void_p, ctx).__init__(ptr)
11337  return ctx
def to_ContextObj(ptr)
Definition: z3py.py:11334

Referenced by user_prop_fresh().

◆ to_symbol()

def z3py.to_symbol (   s,
  ctx = None 
Convert an integer or string into a Z3 symbol.

Definition at line 124 of file z3py.py.

124 def to_symbol(s, ctx=None):
125  """Convert an integer or string into a Z3 symbol."""
126  if _is_int(s):
127  return Z3_mk_int_symbol(_get_ctx(ctx).ref(), s)
128  else:
129  return Z3_mk_string_symbol(_get_ctx(ctx).ref(), s)
Z3_symbol Z3_API Z3_mk_string_symbol(Z3_context c, Z3_string s)
Create a Z3 symbol using a C string.
Z3_symbol Z3_API Z3_mk_int_symbol(Z3_context c, int i)
Create a Z3 symbol using an integer.

Referenced by Fixedpoint.add_rule(), Optimize.add_soft(), Array(), BitVec(), Bool(), Const(), CreateDatatypes(), DatatypeSort(), DeclareSort(), EnumSort(), FiniteDomainSort(), FP(), Function(), ParamDescrsRef.get_documentation(), ParamDescrsRef.get_kind(), Int(), is_quantifier(), PropagateFunction(), prove(), Real(), RecFunction(), ParamsRef.set(), Fixedpoint.set_predicate_representation(), SolverFor(), String(), and Fixedpoint.update_rule().

◆ ToInt()

def z3py.ToInt (   a)
 Return the Z3 expression ToInt(a).

>>> x = Real('x')
>>> x.sort()
>>> n = ToInt(x)
>>> n
>>> n.sort()

Definition at line 3376 of file z3py.py.

3376 def ToInt(a):
3377  """ Return the Z3 expression ToInt(a).
3379  >>> x = Real('x')
3380  >>> x.sort()
3381  Real
3382  >>> n = ToInt(x)
3383  >>> n
3384  ToInt(x)
3385  >>> n.sort()
3386  Int
3387  """
3388  if z3_debug():
3389  _z3_assert(a.is_real(), "Z3 real expression expected.")
3390  ctx = a.ctx
3391  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_real2int(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_real2int(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1)
Coerce a real to an integer.
def ToInt(a)
Definition: z3py.py:3376

◆ ToReal()

def z3py.ToReal (   a)
 Return the Z3 expression ToReal(a).

>>> x = Int('x')
>>> x.sort()
>>> n = ToReal(x)
>>> n
>>> n.sort()

Definition at line 3358 of file z3py.py.

3358 def ToReal(a):
3359  """ Return the Z3 expression ToReal(a).
3361  >>> x = Int('x')
3362  >>> x.sort()
3363  Int
3364  >>> n = ToReal(x)
3365  >>> n
3366  ToReal(x)
3367  >>> n.sort()
3368  Real
3369  """
3370  if z3_debug():
3371  _z3_assert(a.is_int(), "Z3 integer expression expected.")
3372  ctx = a.ctx
3373  return ArithRef(Z3_mk_int2real(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_int2real(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1)
Coerce an integer to a real.
def ToReal(a)
Definition: z3py.py:3358

◆ TransitiveClosure()

def z3py.TransitiveClosure (   f)
Given a binary relation R, such that the two arguments have the same sort
create the transitive closure relation R+.
The transitive closure R+ is a new relation.

Definition at line 11322 of file z3py.py.

11322 def TransitiveClosure(f):
11323  """Given a binary relation R, such that the two arguments have the same sort
11324  create the transitive closure relation R+.
11325  The transitive closure R+ is a new relation.
11326  """
11327  return FuncDeclRef(Z3_mk_transitive_closure(f.ctx_ref(), f.ast), f.ctx)
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_transitive_closure(Z3_context c, Z3_func_decl f)
create transitive closure of binary relation.
def TransitiveClosure(f)
Definition: z3py.py:11322

◆ TreeOrder()

def z3py.TreeOrder (   a,

Definition at line 11314 of file z3py.py.

11314 def TreeOrder(a, index):
11315  return FuncDeclRef(Z3_mk_tree_order(a.ctx_ref(), a.ast, index), a.ctx)
Z3_func_decl Z3_API Z3_mk_tree_order(Z3_context c, Z3_sort a, unsigned id)
create a tree ordering relation over signature a identified using index id.
def TreeOrder(a, index)
Definition: z3py.py:11314

◆ TryFor()

def z3py.TryFor (   t,
  ctx = None 
Return a tactic that applies `t` to a given goal for `ms` milliseconds.

If `t` does not terminate in `ms` milliseconds, then it fails.

Definition at line 8440 of file z3py.py.

8440 def TryFor(t, ms, ctx=None):
8441  """Return a tactic that applies `t` to a given goal for `ms` milliseconds.
8443  If `t` does not terminate in `ms` milliseconds, then it fails.
8444  """
8445  t = _to_tactic(t, ctx)
8446  return Tactic(Z3_tactic_try_for(t.ctx.ref(), t.tactic, ms), t.ctx)
Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_try_for(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t, unsigned ms)
Return a tactic that applies t to a given goal for ms milliseconds. If t does not terminate in ms mil...
def TryFor(t, ms, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8440

◆ TupleSort()

def z3py.TupleSort (   name,
  ctx = None 
Create a named tuple sort base on a set of underlying sorts
    >>> pair, mk_pair, (first, second) = TupleSort("pair", [IntSort(), StringSort()])

Definition at line 5363 of file z3py.py.

5363 def TupleSort(name, sorts, ctx=None):
5364  """Create a named tuple sort base on a set of underlying sorts
5365  Example:
5366  >>> pair, mk_pair, (first, second) = TupleSort("pair", [IntSort(), StringSort()])
5367  """
5368  tuple = Datatype(name, ctx)
5369  projects = [("project%d" % i, sorts[i]) for i in range(len(sorts))]
5370  tuple.declare(name, *projects)
5371  tuple = tuple.create()
5372  return tuple, tuple.constructor(0), [tuple.accessor(0, i) for i in range(len(sorts))]
def TupleSort(name, sorts, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:5363

Referenced by Context.MkTupleSort(), and Context.mkTupleSort().

◆ UDiv()

def z3py.UDiv (   a,
Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) division `self / other`.

Use the operator / for signed division.

>>> x = BitVec('x', 32)
>>> y = BitVec('y', 32)
>>> UDiv(x, y)
UDiv(x, y)
>>> UDiv(x, y).sort()
>>> (x / y).sexpr()
'(bvsdiv x y)'
>>> UDiv(x, y).sexpr()
'(bvudiv x y)'

Definition at line 4236 of file z3py.py.

4236 def UDiv(a, b):
4237  """Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) division `self / other`.
4239  Use the operator / for signed division.
4241  >>> x = BitVec('x', 32)
4242  >>> y = BitVec('y', 32)
4243  >>> UDiv(x, y)
4244  UDiv(x, y)
4245  >>> UDiv(x, y).sort()
4246  BitVec(32)
4247  >>> (x / y).sexpr()
4248  '(bvsdiv x y)'
4249  >>> UDiv(x, y).sexpr()
4250  '(bvudiv x y)'
4251  """
4252  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4253  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4254  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_bvudiv(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvudiv(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Unsigned division.
def UDiv(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4236

◆ UGE()

def z3py.UGE (   a,
Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) `other >= self`.

Use the operator >= for signed greater than or equal to.

>>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
>>> UGE(x, y)
UGE(x, y)
>>> (x >= y).sexpr()
'(bvsge x y)'
>>> UGE(x, y).sexpr()
'(bvuge x y)'

Definition at line 4200 of file z3py.py.

4200 def UGE(a, b):
4201  """Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) `other >= self`.
4203  Use the operator >= for signed greater than or equal to.
4205  >>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
4206  >>> UGE(x, y)
4207  UGE(x, y)
4208  >>> (x >= y).sexpr()
4209  '(bvsge x y)'
4210  >>> UGE(x, y).sexpr()
4211  '(bvuge x y)'
4212  """
4213  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4214  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4215  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvuge(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvuge(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Unsigned greater than or equal to.
def UGE(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4200

◆ UGT()

def z3py.UGT (   a,
Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) `other > self`.

Use the operator > for signed greater than.

>>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
>>> UGT(x, y)
UGT(x, y)
>>> (x > y).sexpr()
'(bvsgt x y)'
>>> UGT(x, y).sexpr()
'(bvugt x y)'

Definition at line 4218 of file z3py.py.

4218 def UGT(a, b):
4219  """Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) `other > self`.
4221  Use the operator > for signed greater than.
4223  >>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
4224  >>> UGT(x, y)
4225  UGT(x, y)
4226  >>> (x > y).sexpr()
4227  '(bvsgt x y)'
4228  >>> UGT(x, y).sexpr()
4229  '(bvugt x y)'
4230  """
4231  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4232  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4233  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvugt(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvugt(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Unsigned greater than.
def UGT(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4218

◆ ULE()

def z3py.ULE (   a,
Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) `other <= self`.

Use the operator <= for signed less than or equal to.

>>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
>>> ULE(x, y)
ULE(x, y)
>>> (x <= y).sexpr()
'(bvsle x y)'
>>> ULE(x, y).sexpr()
'(bvule x y)'

Definition at line 4164 of file z3py.py.

4164 def ULE(a, b):
4165  """Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) `other <= self`.
4167  Use the operator <= for signed less than or equal to.
4169  >>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
4170  >>> ULE(x, y)
4171  ULE(x, y)
4172  >>> (x <= y).sexpr()
4173  '(bvsle x y)'
4174  >>> ULE(x, y).sexpr()
4175  '(bvule x y)'
4176  """
4177  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4178  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4179  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvule(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvule(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Unsigned less than or equal to.
def ULE(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4164

◆ ULT()

def z3py.ULT (   a,
Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) `other < self`.

Use the operator < for signed less than.

>>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
>>> ULT(x, y)
ULT(x, y)
>>> (x < y).sexpr()
'(bvslt x y)'
>>> ULT(x, y).sexpr()
'(bvult x y)'

Definition at line 4182 of file z3py.py.

4182 def ULT(a, b):
4183  """Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) `other < self`.
4185  Use the operator < for signed less than.
4187  >>> x, y = BitVecs('x y', 32)
4188  >>> ULT(x, y)
4189  ULT(x, y)
4190  >>> (x < y).sexpr()
4191  '(bvslt x y)'
4192  >>> ULT(x, y).sexpr()
4193  '(bvult x y)'
4194  """
4195  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4196  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4197  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_bvult(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvult(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Unsigned less than.
def ULT(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4182

◆ Union()

def z3py.Union ( args)
Create union of regular expressions.
>>> re = Union(Re("a"), Re("b"), Re("c"))
>>> print (simplify(InRe("d", re)))

Definition at line 11186 of file z3py.py.

11186 def Union(*args):
11187  """Create union of regular expressions.
11188  >>> re = Union(Re("a"), Re("b"), Re("c"))
11189  >>> print (simplify(InRe("d", re)))
11190  False
11191  """
11192  args = _get_args(args)
11193  sz = len(args)
11194  if z3_debug():
11195  _z3_assert(sz > 0, "At least one argument expected.")
11196  _z3_assert(all([is_re(a) for a in args]), "All arguments must be regular expressions.")
11197  if sz == 1:
11198  return args[0]
11199  ctx = args[0].ctx
11200  v = (Ast * sz)()
11201  for i in range(sz):
11202  v[i] = args[i].as_ast()
11203  return ReRef(Z3_mk_re_union(ctx.ref(), sz, v), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_re_union(Z3_context c, unsigned n, Z3_ast const args[])
Create the union of the regular languages.
def Union(*args)
Definition: z3py.py:11186

Referenced by ReRef.__add__().

◆ Unit()

def z3py.Unit (   a)
Create a singleton sequence

Definition at line 10990 of file z3py.py.

10990 def Unit(a):
10991  """Create a singleton sequence"""
10992  return SeqRef(Z3_mk_seq_unit(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_seq_unit(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a)
Create a unit sequence of a.
def Unit(a)
Definition: z3py.py:10990

◆ Update()

def z3py.Update (   a,
Return a Z3 store array expression.

>>> a    = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
>>> i, v = Ints('i v')
>>> s    = Update(a, i, v)
>>> s.sort()
Array(Int, Int)
>>> prove(s[i] == v)
>>> j    = Int('j')
>>> prove(Implies(i != j, s[j] == a[j]))

Definition at line 4747 of file z3py.py.

4747 def Update(a, *args):
4748  """Return a Z3 store array expression.
4750  >>> a = Array('a', IntSort(), IntSort())
4751  >>> i, v = Ints('i v')
4752  >>> s = Update(a, i, v)
4753  >>> s.sort()
4754  Array(Int, Int)
4755  >>> prove(s[i] == v)
4756  proved
4757  >>> j = Int('j')
4758  >>> prove(Implies(i != j, s[j] == a[j]))
4759  proved
4760  """
4761  if z3_debug():
4762  _z3_assert(is_array_sort(a), "First argument must be a Z3 array expression")
4763  args = _get_args(args)
4764  ctx = a.ctx
4765  if len(args) <= 1:
4766  raise Z3Exception("array update requires index and value arguments")
4767  if len(args) == 2:
4768  i = args[0]
4769  v = args[1]
4770  i = a.sort().domain().cast(i)
4771  v = a.sort().range().cast(v)
4772  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_mk_store(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast(), i.as_ast(), v.as_ast()), ctx)
4773  v = a.sort().range().cast(args[-1])
4774  idxs = [a.sort().domain_n(i).cast(args[i]) for i in range(len(args)-1)]
4775  _args, sz = _to_ast_array(idxs)
4776  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_mk_store_n(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast(), sz, _args, v.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_store(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, Z3_ast i, Z3_ast v)
Array update.
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_store_n(Z3_context c, Z3_ast a, unsigned n, Z3_ast const *idxs, Z3_ast v)
n-ary Array update.

Referenced by Store().

◆ URem()

def z3py.URem (   a,
Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) remainder `self % other`.

Use the operator % for signed modulus, and SRem() for signed remainder.

>>> x = BitVec('x', 32)
>>> y = BitVec('y', 32)
>>> URem(x, y)
URem(x, y)
>>> URem(x, y).sort()
>>> (x % y).sexpr()
'(bvsmod x y)'
>>> URem(x, y).sexpr()
'(bvurem x y)'

Definition at line 4257 of file z3py.py.

4257 def URem(a, b):
4258  """Create the Z3 expression (unsigned) remainder `self % other`.
4260  Use the operator % for signed modulus, and SRem() for signed remainder.
4262  >>> x = BitVec('x', 32)
4263  >>> y = BitVec('y', 32)
4264  >>> URem(x, y)
4265  URem(x, y)
4266  >>> URem(x, y).sort()
4267  BitVec(32)
4268  >>> (x % y).sexpr()
4269  '(bvsmod x y)'
4270  >>> URem(x, y).sexpr()
4271  '(bvurem x y)'
4272  """
4273  _check_bv_args(a, b)
4274  a, b = _coerce_exprs(a, b)
4275  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_bvurem(a.ctx_ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bvurem(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Unsigned remainder.
def URem(a, b)
Definition: z3py.py:4257

◆ user_prop_created()

def z3py.user_prop_created (   ctx,

Definition at line 11448 of file z3py.py.

11448 def user_prop_created(ctx, cb, id):
11449  prop = _prop_closures.get(ctx)
11450  prop.cb = cb
11451  id = _to_expr_ref(to_Ast(id), prop.ctx())
11452  prop.created(id)
11453  prop.cb = None
def user_prop_created(ctx, cb, id)
Definition: z3py.py:11448

◆ user_prop_decide()

def z3py.user_prop_decide (   ctx,

Definition at line 11479 of file z3py.py.

11479 def user_prop_decide(ctx, cb, t_ref, idx_ref, phase_ref):
11480  prop = _prop_closures.get(ctx)
11481  prop.cb = cb
11482  t = _to_expr_ref(to_Ast(t_ref), prop.ctx())
11483  t, idx, phase = prop.decide(t, idx, phase)
11484  t_ref = t
11485  idx_ref = idx
11486  phase_ref = phase
11487  prop.cb = None
def user_prop_decide(ctx, cb, t_ref, idx_ref, phase_ref)
Definition: z3py.py:11479

◆ user_prop_diseq()

def z3py.user_prop_diseq (   ctx,

Definition at line 11469 of file z3py.py.

11469 def user_prop_diseq(ctx, cb, x, y):
11470  prop = _prop_closures.get(ctx)
11471  prop.cb = cb
11472  x = _to_expr_ref(to_Ast(x), prop.ctx())
11473  y = _to_expr_ref(to_Ast(y), prop.ctx())
11474  prop.diseq(x, y)
11475  prop.cb = None
11477 # TODO The decision callback is not fully implemented.
11478 # It needs to handle the ast*, unsigned* idx, and Z3_lbool*
def user_prop_diseq(ctx, cb, x, y)
Definition: z3py.py:11469

◆ user_prop_eq()

def z3py.user_prop_eq (   ctx,

Definition at line 11461 of file z3py.py.

11461 def user_prop_eq(ctx, cb, x, y):
11462  prop = _prop_closures.get(ctx)
11463  prop.cb = cb
11464  x = _to_expr_ref(to_Ast(x), prop.ctx())
11465  y = _to_expr_ref(to_Ast(y), prop.ctx())
11466  prop.eq(x, y)
11467  prop.cb = None
def user_prop_eq(ctx, cb, x, y)
Definition: z3py.py:11461

◆ user_prop_final()

def z3py.user_prop_final (   ctx,

Definition at line 11455 of file z3py.py.

11455 def user_prop_final(ctx, cb):
11456  prop = _prop_closures.get(ctx)
11457  prop.cb = cb
11458  prop.final()
11459  prop.cb = None
def user_prop_final(ctx, cb)
Definition: z3py.py:11455

◆ user_prop_fixed()

def z3py.user_prop_fixed (   ctx,

Definition at line 11440 of file z3py.py.

11440 def user_prop_fixed(ctx, cb, id, value):
11441  prop = _prop_closures.get(ctx)
11442  prop.cb = cb
11443  id = _to_expr_ref(to_Ast(id), prop.ctx())
11444  value = _to_expr_ref(to_Ast(value), prop.ctx())
11445  prop.fixed(id, value)
11446  prop.cb = None
def user_prop_fixed(ctx, cb, id, value)
Definition: z3py.py:11440

◆ user_prop_fresh()

def z3py.user_prop_fresh (   ctx,

Definition at line 11426 of file z3py.py.

11426 def user_prop_fresh(ctx, _new_ctx):
11427  _prop_closures.set_threaded()
11428  prop = _prop_closures.get(ctx)
11429  nctx = Context()
11430  Z3_del_context(nctx.ctx)
11431  new_ctx = to_ContextObj(_new_ctx)
11432  nctx.ctx = new_ctx
11433  nctx.eh = Z3_set_error_handler(new_ctx, z3_error_handler)
11434  nctx.owner = False
11435  new_prop = prop.fresh(nctx)
11436  _prop_closures.set(new_prop.id, new_prop)
11437  return new_prop.id
void Z3_API Z3_del_context(Z3_context c)
Delete the given logical context.
void Z3_API Z3_set_error_handler(Z3_context c, Z3_error_handler h)
Register a Z3 error handler.
def user_prop_fresh(ctx, _new_ctx)
Definition: z3py.py:11426

◆ user_prop_pop()

def z3py.user_prop_pop (   ctx,

Definition at line 11420 of file z3py.py.

11420 def user_prop_pop(ctx, cb, num_scopes):
11421  prop = _prop_closures.get(ctx)
11422  prop.cb = cb
11423  prop.pop(num_scopes)
def user_prop_pop(ctx, cb, num_scopes)
Definition: z3py.py:11420

◆ user_prop_push()

def z3py.user_prop_push (   ctx,

Definition at line 11414 of file z3py.py.

11414 def user_prop_push(ctx, cb):
11415  prop = _prop_closures.get(ctx)
11416  prop.cb = cb
11417  prop.push()
def user_prop_push(ctx, cb)
Definition: z3py.py:11414

◆ Var()

def z3py.Var (   idx,
Create a Z3 free variable. Free variables are used to create quantified formulas.
A free variable with index n is bound when it occurs within the scope of n+1 quantified

>>> Var(0, IntSort())
>>> eq(Var(0, IntSort()), Var(0, BoolSort()))

Definition at line 1470 of file z3py.py.

1470 def Var(idx, s):
1471  """Create a Z3 free variable. Free variables are used to create quantified formulas.
1472  A free variable with index n is bound when it occurs within the scope of n+1 quantified
1473  declarations.
1475  >>> Var(0, IntSort())
1476  Var(0)
1477  >>> eq(Var(0, IntSort()), Var(0, BoolSort()))
1478  False
1479  """
1480  if z3_debug():
1481  _z3_assert(is_sort(s), "Z3 sort expected")
1482  return _to_expr_ref(Z3_mk_bound(s.ctx_ref(), idx, s.ast), s.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_bound(Z3_context c, unsigned index, Z3_sort ty)
Create a variable.

Referenced by RealVar().

◆ When()

def z3py.When (   p,
  ctx = None 
Return a tactic that applies tactic `t` only if probe `p` evaluates to true.
Otherwise, it returns the input goal unmodified.

>>> t = When(Probe('size') > 2, Tactic('simplify'))
>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> g = Goal()
>>> g.add(x > 0)
>>> g.add(y > 0)
>>> t(g)
[[x > 0, y > 0]]
>>> g.add(x == y + 1)
>>> t(g)
[[Not(x <= 0), Not(y <= 0), x == 1 + y]]

Definition at line 8734 of file z3py.py.

8734 def When(p, t, ctx=None):
8735  """Return a tactic that applies tactic `t` only if probe `p` evaluates to true.
8736  Otherwise, it returns the input goal unmodified.
8738  >>> t = When(Probe('size') > 2, Tactic('simplify'))
8739  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
8740  >>> g = Goal()
8741  >>> g.add(x > 0)
8742  >>> g.add(y > 0)
8743  >>> t(g)
8744  [[x > 0, y > 0]]
8745  >>> g.add(x == y + 1)
8746  >>> t(g)
8747  [[Not(x <= 0), Not(y <= 0), x == 1 + y]]
8748  """
8749  p = _to_probe(p, ctx)
8750  t = _to_tactic(t, ctx)
8751  return Tactic(Z3_tactic_when(t.ctx.ref(), p.probe, t.tactic), t.ctx)
Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_when(Z3_context c, Z3_probe p, Z3_tactic t)
Return a tactic that applies t to a given goal is the probe p evaluates to true. If p evaluates to fa...
def When(p, t, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:8734

◆ With()

def z3py.With (   t,
**  keys 
Return a tactic that applies tactic `t` using the given configuration options.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> t = With(Tactic('simplify'), som=True)
>>> t((x + 1)*(y + 2) == 0)
[[2*x + y + x*y == -2]]

Definition at line 8391 of file z3py.py.

8391 def With(t, *args, **keys):
8392  """Return a tactic that applies tactic `t` using the given configuration options.
8394  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
8395  >>> t = With(Tactic('simplify'), som=True)
8396  >>> t((x + 1)*(y + 2) == 0)
8397  [[2*x + y + x*y == -2]]
8398  """
8399  ctx = keys.pop("ctx", None)
8400  t = _to_tactic(t, ctx)
8401  p = args2params(args, keys, t.ctx)
8402  return Tactic(Z3_tactic_using_params(t.ctx.ref(), t.tactic, p.params), t.ctx)
Z3_tactic Z3_API Z3_tactic_using_params(Z3_context c, Z3_tactic t, Z3_params p)
Return a tactic that applies t using the given set of parameters.
def With(t, *args, **keys)
Definition: z3py.py:8391

◆ WithParams()

def z3py.WithParams (   t,
Return a tactic that applies tactic `t` using the given configuration options.

>>> x, y = Ints('x y')
>>> p = ParamsRef()
>>> p.set("som", True)
>>> t = WithParams(Tactic('simplify'), p)
>>> t((x + 1)*(y + 2) == 0)
[[2*x + y + x*y == -2]]

Definition at line 8405 of file z3py.py.

8405 def WithParams(t, p):
8406  """Return a tactic that applies tactic `t` using the given configuration options.
8408  >>> x, y = Ints('x y')
8409  >>> p = ParamsRef()
8410  >>> p.set("som", True)
8411  >>> t = WithParams(Tactic('simplify'), p)
8412  >>> t((x + 1)*(y + 2) == 0)
8413  [[2*x + y + x*y == -2]]
8414  """
8415  t = _to_tactic(t, None)
8416  return Tactic(Z3_tactic_using_params(t.ctx.ref(), t.tactic, p.params), t.ctx)
def WithParams(t, p)
Definition: z3py.py:8405

◆ Xor()

def z3py.Xor (   a,
  ctx = None 
Create a Z3 Xor expression.

>>> p, q = Bools('p q')
>>> Xor(p, q)
Xor(p, q)
>>> simplify(Xor(p, q))
Not(p == q)

Definition at line 1799 of file z3py.py.

1799 def Xor(a, b, ctx=None):
1800  """Create a Z3 Xor expression.
1802  >>> p, q = Bools('p q')
1803  >>> Xor(p, q)
1804  Xor(p, q)
1805  >>> simplify(Xor(p, q))
1806  Not(p == q)
1807  """
1808  ctx = _get_ctx(_ctx_from_ast_arg_list([a, b], ctx))
1809  s = BoolSort(ctx)
1810  a = s.cast(a)
1811  b = s.cast(b)
1812  return BoolRef(Z3_mk_xor(ctx.ref(), a.as_ast(), b.as_ast()), ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_xor(Z3_context c, Z3_ast t1, Z3_ast t2)
Create an AST node representing t1 xor t2.
def Xor(a, b, ctx=None)
Definition: z3py.py:1799

◆ z3_debug()

def z3py.z3_debug ( )

Definition at line 62 of file z3py.py.

62 def z3_debug():
63  global Z3_DEBUG
64  return Z3_DEBUG

Referenced by FuncDeclRef.__call__(), Probe.__call__(), QuantifierRef.__getitem__(), ModelRef.__getitem__(), Context.__init__(), Goal.__init__(), ArithRef.__mod__(), ArithRef.__rmod__(), DatatypeSortRef.accessor(), And(), AndThen(), Tactic.apply(), ExprRef.arg(), args2params(), ArraySort(), IntNumRef.as_long(), AtLeast(), AtMost(), BV2Int(), BVRedAnd(), BVRedOr(), BVSNegNoOverflow(), SortRef.cast(), BoolSortRef.cast(), ArithSortRef.cast(), BitVecSortRef.cast(), FPSortRef.cast(), Concat(), Const(), DatatypeSortRef.constructor(), Goal.convert_model(), CreateDatatypes(), ExprRef.decl(), Datatype.declare(), Datatype.declare_core(), Default(), describe_probes(), deserialize(), Distinct(), FuncDeclRef.domain(), EnumSort(), eq(), AstRef.eq(), Ext(), Extract(), FiniteDomainVal(), fpIsPositive(), fpNeg(), FPSort(), fpToFPUnsigned(), fpToIEEEBV(), fpToReal(), fpToSBV(), fpToUBV(), FreshFunction(), Function(), get_as_array_func(), ModelRef.get_interp(), get_map_func(), ModelRef.get_universe(), get_var_index(), If(), AlgebraicNumRef.index(), Intersect(), is_quantifier(), is_sort(), IsInt(), K(), Map(), MultiPattern(), QuantifierRef.no_pattern(), ExprRef.num_args(), Or(), OrElse(), Tactic.param_descrs(), ParOr(), ParThen(), QuantifierRef.pattern(), PropagateFunction(), prove(), RatVal(), RealSort(), RecFunction(), DatatypeSortRef.recognizer(), RepeatBitVec(), Select(), ParamsRef.set(), set_param(), SignExt(), simplify(), solve_using(), substitute(), substitute_funs(), substitute_vars(), ToInt(), ToReal(), AstRef.translate(), Goal.translate(), ModelRef.translate(), Solver.translate(), Union(), Update(), Var(), QuantifierRef.var_name(), QuantifierRef.var_sort(), and ZeroExt().

◆ z3_error_handler()

def z3py.z3_error_handler (   c,

Definition at line 174 of file z3py.py.

174 def z3_error_handler(c, e):
175  # Do nothing error handler, just avoid exit(0)
176  # The wrappers in z3core.py will raise a Z3Exception if an error is detected
177  return
def z3_error_handler(c, e)
Definition: z3py.py:174

◆ ZeroExt()

def z3py.ZeroExt (   n,
Return a bit-vector expression with `n` extra zero-bits.

>>> x = BitVec('x', 16)
>>> n = ZeroExt(8, x)
>>> n.size()
>>> n
ZeroExt(8, x)
>>> n.sort()
>>> v0 = BitVecVal(2, 2)
>>> v0
>>> v0.size()
>>> v  = simplify(ZeroExt(6, v0))
>>> v
>>> v.size()

Definition at line 4393 of file z3py.py.

4393 def ZeroExt(n, a):
4394  """Return a bit-vector expression with `n` extra zero-bits.
4396  >>> x = BitVec('x', 16)
4397  >>> n = ZeroExt(8, x)
4398  >>> n.size()
4399  24
4400  >>> n
4401  ZeroExt(8, x)
4402  >>> n.sort()
4403  BitVec(24)
4404  >>> v0 = BitVecVal(2, 2)
4405  >>> v0
4406  2
4407  >>> v0.size()
4408  2
4409  >>> v = simplify(ZeroExt(6, v0))
4410  >>> v
4411  2
4412  >>> v.size()
4413  8
4414  """
4415  if z3_debug():
4416  _z3_assert(_is_int(n), "First argument must be an integer")
4417  _z3_assert(is_bv(a), "Second argument must be a Z3 bit-vector expression")
4418  return BitVecRef(Z3_mk_zero_ext(a.ctx_ref(), n, a.as_ast()), a.ctx)
Z3_ast Z3_API Z3_mk_zero_ext(Z3_context c, unsigned i, Z3_ast t1)
Extend the given bit-vector with zeros to the (unsigned) equivalent bit-vector of size m+i,...
def ZeroExt(n, a)
Definition: z3py.py:4393

Variable Documentation

◆ sat

Definition at line 6892 of file z3py.py.

◆ unknown

Definition at line 6894 of file z3py.py.

◆ unsat

Definition at line 6893 of file z3py.py.


Z3_DEBUG = __debug__

Definition at line 59 of file z3py.py.