module Z3List:sig
Functions to manipulate List expressions
val mk_sort : context -> Symbol.symbol -> Sort.sort -> Sort.sort
Create a new list sort.
val mk_list_s : context -> string -> Sort.sort -> Sort.sort
Create a new list sort.
val get_nil_decl : Sort.sort -> FuncDecl.func_decl
The declaration of the nil function of this list sort.
val get_is_nil_decl : Sort.sort -> FuncDecl.func_decl
The declaration of the isNil function of this list sort.
val get_cons_decl : Sort.sort -> FuncDecl.func_decl
The declaration of the cons function of this list sort.
val get_is_cons_decl : Sort.sort -> FuncDecl.func_decl
The declaration of the isCons function of this list sort.
val get_head_decl : Sort.sort -> FuncDecl.func_decl
The declaration of the head function of this list sort.
val get_tail_decl : Sort.sort -> FuncDecl.func_decl
The declaration of the tail function of this list sort.
val nil : Sort.sort -> Expr.expr
The empty list.