module Arithmetic:sig
Functions to manipulate arithmetic expressions
module Integer:sig
Integer Arithmetic
module Real:sig
Real Arithmetic
val is_int : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is of integer sort.
val is_arithmetic_numeral : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is an arithmetic numeral.
val is_le : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is a less-than-or-equal
val is_ge : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is a greater-than-or-equal
val is_lt : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is a less-than
val is_gt : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is a greater-than
val is_add : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is addition (binary)
val is_sub : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is subtraction (binary)
val is_uminus : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is a unary minus
val is_mul : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is multiplication (binary)
val is_div : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is division (binary)
val is_idiv : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is integer division (binary)
val is_remainder : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is remainder (binary)
val is_modulus : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is modulus (binary)
val is_int2real : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is a coercion of integer to real (unary)
val is_real2int : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is a coercion of real to integer (unary)
val is_real_is_int : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is a check that tests whether a real is integral (unary)
val is_real : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is of sort real.
val is_int_numeral : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is an integer numeral.
val is_rat_numeral : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is a real numeral.
val is_algebraic_number : Expr.expr -> bool
Indicates whether the term is an algebraic number
val mk_add : context -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr
Create an expression representing t[0] + t[1] + ...
val mk_mul : context -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr
Create an expression representing t[0] * t[1] * ...
val mk_sub : context -> Expr.expr list -> Expr.expr
Create an expression representing t[0] - t[1] - ...
val mk_unary_minus : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
Create an expression representing -t
val mk_div : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
Create an expression representing t1 / t2
val mk_power : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
Create an expression representing t1 ^ t2
val mk_lt : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
Create an expression representing t1 < t2
val mk_le : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
Create an expression representing t1 <= t2
val mk_gt : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
Create an expression representing t1 > t2
val mk_ge : context -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr -> Expr.expr
Create an expression representing t1 >= t2