(declare-fun subtype (TT) Bool)
;; subtype is reflexive
(assert (forall ((x T)) (subtype x x)))
;; subtype is antisymmetric
(assert (forall ((x T) (y T)) (=> (and (subtype x y) (subtype y x)) (= x y))))
;; subtype is transitive; ...;; subtype has the tree-property
(assert (forall ((x T) (y T) (z T))
(=> (and (subtype x z) (subtype y z)) (or (subtype x y) (subtype y x)))))
;; we have an additional axiom: every type is a subtype of obj-type
(declare-const obj-type T) ....
(assert (forall ((x T)) (subtype x obj-type)))
(assert (subtype int-type real-type))
(assert (subtype real-type complex-type))
(assert (not (subtype string-type real-type)))
EPR Example - online
EPR decidability
, the are free constants
where ranges over all bindings of to .
Check ground SAT
Ground SAT implies finite model of size at most .
EPR using MBQI
, the are free constants
Models for bind variables to free constants
The number of possible such models is bounded by .
Synthesize generalized instantiation sets using grammar rules.
Applies to winder range of formulas than the syntactic array property fragment.
list property fragment by McPeak and Necula
several locally finite theories - Stokkermans et. al.
Essentially Uninterpreted Example
(set-option:smt.mbqi true)
;; f an g are "streams"
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-fun g (Int) Int)
;; the segment [a, n + a] of stream f is equal to the segment [0, n] of stream g.
(declare-const n Int)
(declare-const a Int)
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (=> (and (<= 0 x) (<= x n))
(= (f (+ x a)) (g x)))))
;; adding some constraints to a
(assert (> a 10))
(assert (>= (f a) 2))
(assert (<= (g 3) (- 10)))
fixes value of , but can change again it at round ,
can guess values of of to satisfy .
Some player loses at round .
Create succinct no-good to strengthen resp. .
Backjump to round (or below).
Main ingredients: Projection and Strategies
Projections are added to learn from mistakes.
Player avoids repeating same losing moves.
Strategies prune moves from opponent.
Prevent opponent player from moves.
Finding small good no-goods
Player has lost at round
Player found a model at round , .
induces an evaluation on a subset of literals in , such that
is an unsatisfiable core for .
Model Based Projection
Find a , such that .
should be weak, so is a strong blocker.
should be cheap to find and avoid space overhead.
Then can block .
Idea: Use to find a sufficient .
def level(j,a):return max level of bound variable in atom a of parity j
QSAT Algorithm
def strategy(M,j):returndef tailv(j):return
j =1M= null
whileTrue:if strategy(M, j) is unsat:if j == 1:returnFis unsat
if j == 2:returnFis sat
C=Core(, strategy(M, j))
J=Mbp(tailv(j), C)
j = index of max variable inJ of same parity as j
=JM= null
else:M= current model
j = j + 1
Projection and Strategies
Projections learn from mistakes, avoids similar mistakes in future rounds.
Strategies prune moves from opponent.
Model-based projection - Example
Want to compute small .
Model-based Projection for LRA
Eliminate from conjunction of literals :
Trick: Use to turn into .
Model-based Projection for LRA - resolution
Can now assume occurs only as upper or lower bounds:
Model-based Projection on formulas
def sign(M,a):ifM(a) return a elsereturn a
Model-based Projection for LIA
For LIA, cannot just assume equalities are of the form or .
Generally, has a coefficient, that we cannot remove.
Example: .
What could go wrong if we just reduce to ?
Suppose , . So .
Cross-multiplying gives , which is feasible, but is infeasible.
Model-based Projection for LIA - integer resolution
Claim: (Roughly) The same projection operator can be used in both cases if occurs in all literals and the operator is stable under changes to the value of .
Finding strategies
Other main ingredient of QSAT is option for players to narrow options of opponents by revealing a strategy
at round :
value of is already fixed,
fixes value of ,
can make a function of .
Developing practical strategies is work in progress
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