Proofs for SMT

Dagstuhl, October 11 2022

Nikolaj Bjørner
Microsoft Research



  • Research areas around SMT proofs

  • SMT proofs in a nutshell

  • A brief summary of proof efforts for SMT

  • A sample of proof formats

  • Proofs for EUF

  • Proofs for Arithmetic

  • Other proofs

  • Standards?

  • Directions

Research Areas

  • Connecting SMT solvers to internal/external verifiers

  • Dealing with large surface areas of SMT theories

  • How detailed should proofs be?

  • Use proofs for profiling, learning, debugging

  • Proofs for simplification vs. search

SMT proofs in a nutshell

  • Pre-processing simplification

  • Proofs from CDCL(T) search

CDCL(T) proofs

Theory solver offers two main services

\[\begin{array}{llllll} {\sf T-Propagate} & \twodpstate{M}{F} & \Longrightarrow & \twodpstate{M\ell^{C\vee\ell}}{F} & \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \mbox{$\ell$ unassigned in $M$} \\ \mbox{$\ell$ or $\neg{\ell}$ occurs in $F$} \\ \mbox{$T \models C \vee \ell$}\\ \compl{C} \subseteq M \end{array} \right. \\[4em] {\sf T-Conflict} & \twodpstate{M}{F} & \Longrightarrow & \conflstate{M}{F}{C} & \compl{C} \subseteq M,\ T \models C. \end{array} \]

CDCL(T) proofs (II)

Both cases rely on establishing $T$-tautologies

\[ T \models C \]
  • $T$ tautologies are justified using theory specific rules

  • $T$ tautologies can be added to propositional RUP proofs as trusted assumptions

CDCL(T) proofs - justifying inferences

  • EUF - we show how to justify EUF tautologies found by congruence closure

  • Arithmetic - we illustrate extracting Farkas proofs

    • Many other inferences
  • Other theories - many rely on instantiating axioms.

    • Trusted base (verified using ITP) using many axioms vs. trusted base with powerful checkers.

Combining Theory Solvers

  • SMT solvers combine multiple $T$-solvers into a single solver.

  • Example: EUF + Arithmetic

  • For proof generation, we have a nested scenario:

    • use $T$-lemmas in CDCL solver
    • combine multiple $T$ lemmas into a $T$ lemma used by the SAT solver.

Using $T$-lemmas in CDCL

  • The CDCL solver by default logs $T$-clauses after false unit literals have been removed

  • Steps required to verify $T$-clause $\mathcal{C}$:

    • Map $\Justification$ to original $T$-clause $\mathcal{C}_0$.
    • Verify $\mathcal{C}_0$ is a $T$ tautology
    • Verify that $\mathcal{C}$ follows from $\mathcal{C}_0$ using RUP.

Combining $T$ lemmas (I)


T-solvers share and propagate equalities

Combining $T$ lemmas (II)

  • Each internal $T$-propagation is logged as a lemma.

  • Assumed and propagated equalities are not known by CDCL(T) solver.

  • Equality reasoning leaks to $T$-solvers

\[\begin{array}{cc} \AxiomC{$C[t,t]$} \UnaryInfC{$s \not\simeq t \lor C[t, s]$} \DisplayProof & \begin{array}{l} \mbox{$T$-axiom} \\ \mbox{$T$-lemma as generated by solver} \end{array} \end{array} \]
  • $\Rightarrow$ Checking $T$-lemmas requires equality reasoning.

A brief overview of some efforts


  • Aaron Stump [1, 19, 2531]

  • CVC [3, 15, 18, 23]

  • SMT4J [12]

  • SMTInterpol [16, 17]

  • VeriT [2, 9]

  • Z3 [21] Axiom Profiler [32]

  • Isabelle, Coq, L$\exists\forall$N [5, 7, 8, 11]

  • Format proposals [4, 6, 24]

  • SMT3 [10]

R - LFSC - Logical Framework with Side Conditions [25]

  • Variant of dependent type theory with built-ins for exceptions

    • Proof rules are described as dependent types
    • Proof terms are type checked
  • First described in 2002, then several 2008, 2013, ..

  • Noteworthy:

    • Integration with RUP [22]
    • On-the-fly checking theory lemmas
    • Part of CVC (Fx7, SVC) certification tool chain(s)

R - VeriT [2, 9, 14]

  • Pre-processing

  • A general contextual rewrite functor

    • plug in transforms for let, var, bind, app
  • So far unexplored in this work:

    • Global rewrites
    • Fixed to post-order traversals

R - CVC [3, 4, 15, 18, 23, 27]

  • Wide set of theories

    • Supported include: EUF, Arithmetic, ADT, Arrays, Strings, others
    • Unsupported only: Floats, sets, sequences

  • Target a variety of backends

    • LFSC, L$\exists\forall$N, Coq, Isabelle
  • Pre-processing proofs

R - SMTInterpol [16]

  • Trusted base of proof rules, see SMT Workshop 2022 paper.

  • Proof rules for linear arithmetic, arrays, ADTs, EUF.

  • Proof rules formulated mild extension of SMT3

  • Self-contained checker

R - Z3 - existing [21]

  • Proof terms as expressions.
    • Checks proof terms when they are created internally.
  • Extract
    • Isabelle tactics [7]
    • HOL4 bit-vector proofs [8]
    • For Z3-interpolate [20]
    • Arithmetic proofs for SPACER

R - Z3 - existing - limitations

  • Many built-in proof term constructors. Does not parse back.
  • Not easy to maintain/extend when adding new pre-processing or inference rules
  • Built-in proof tooling limited to normalization for SPACER
  • Many bugs related to details
    • or is both a term builder and creates a clause. Sometimes a unit literal is an or.
    • Proofs are optional code paths and weave many places. Forget to weave and proofs go poof.
    • lack of lambda when proofs were first introduced leads to broken handling of nested quantifiers
    • SPACER includes band-aid for incomplete arithmetic proof terms

R - Z3 - RUP(T) for a new core

  • Preference towards coarse-grained inferences
  • Integrated self-checker
  • Wishfull plans:
    • trim(T)
    • integrate with profiling tools (AxiomProfiler based on proof logs)
    • bridges to external formats and checkers (L$\exists\forall$N?)

Proof Formats

F - veriT proof format [24]

(assume a0 (exists ((x A)) (f x)))
(anchor :step t1 :args (:= x vr))
(step t1.t1 (cl (= x vr)) :rule cong)
(step t1.t2 (cl (= (f x) (f vr))) :rule cong)
(step t1 (cl (= (exists ((x A)) (f x))
(exists ((vr A)) (f vr)))) :rule bind)
(step t2 (cl (not (= (exists ((vr A)) (f x)) 
             (exists ((vr A)) (f vr)))) (not (exists ((vr A)) (f x)))
(exists ((vr A)) (f vr))) :rule equiv_pos1)
(step t3 (cl (exists ((vr A)) (f vr))) :premises (a0 t1 t2) :rule resolution)
(define-fun X () A (choice ((vr A)) (f vr)))
(step t4 (cl (= (exists ((vr A)) (f vr)) (f X))) :rule sko_ex)
(step t5 (cl (not (= (exists ((vr A)) (f vr)) (f X))) 
             (not (exists ((vr A)) (f vr))) (f X)) :rule equiv_pos1)
(step t6 (cl (f X)) :premises (t3 t4 t5) :rule resolution)



F - SMTInterpol [16]


F - Z3 proof format [21]

(set-option :proof true)
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-const x Int)
(assert (or (= (f (f (f x))) x) (= (f (f x)) x)))
(assert (not (= (f (f (f (f (f (f x)))))) x)))

F - Z3 proof format (II)

(let ((?x25 (f x)))
 (let ((?x26 (f ?x25)))
 (let ((?x27 (f ?x26)))
 (let ((?x32 (f ?x27)))
 (let ((?x33 (f ?x32)))
 (let ((?x34 (f ?x33)))
 (let (($x35 (= ?x34 x)))
 (let (($x29 (= ?x26 x)))
 (let (($x28 (= ?x27 x)))
 (let ((@x47 (hypothesis $x28)))
 (let ((@x53 (monotonicity (monotonicity (monotonicity @x47 (= ?x32 ?x25)) (= ?x33 ?x26)) (= ?x34 ?x27))))
 (let (($x36 (not $x35)))
 (let ((@x37 (asserted $x36)))
 (let ((@x57 (lemma (unit-resolution @x37 (trans* @x53 @x47 $x35) false) (not $x28))))
 (let (($x30 (or $x28 $x29)))
 (let ((@x39 (rewrite (= $x30 $x30))))
 (let ((@x58 (unit-resolution (mp (mp (mp (asserted $x30) @x39 $x30) @x39 $x30) @x39 $x30) @x57 $x29)))
 (let ((@x64 (trans* (monotonicity (monotonicity @x58 (= ?x27 ?x25)) (= ?x32 ?x26)) @x58 (= ?x32 x))))
 (let ((@x69 (trans* (monotonicity (monotonicity @x64 (= ?x33 ?x25)) (= ?x34 ?x26)) @x58 $x35)))
 (unit-resolution @x37 @x69 false))))))))))))))))))))))

F - new Z3 proof format

\[\begin{array}{ll} ( \mathbf{assume}\ \Literal^*) & \mbox{input assumption} \\[1.5em] ( \mathbf{infer}\ \Literal^*\ \Justification) & \mbox{inferred clause with optional justification} \\[1.5em] ( \mathbf{delete}\ \Literal^*) & \mbox{deleted clause} \end{array} \]
\[\begin{mdmathpre}%mdk \mdmathindent{2}\Justification &~::=~&~\mathbf{rup}~\mid (\mathbf{euf}~\Literal^*~\mathcal{CC}^*)~\mid (\mathbf{farkas}~(\mathcal{Z}~\times \Literal)^*)~|~\mathit{inst}~|\ldots\\ \mdmathindent{2}\mathcal{CC}~~~~~&~::=~&~(\mathbf{cc}~(=~(\mathid{f}~\mathid{ts})~(\mathid{f}~\mathid{ts}')))\\ \mdmathindent{2}\mathit{inst}~~~~&~::=~&~(\mathbf{inst}~\Literal^*\;(\mathbf{bind}~\mathid{t}_1~\ldots \mathid{t}_\mathid{n})) \end{mdmathpre}%mdk \]

F - new Z3 proof format (II)

Pretty printed from Python:

assume(Or(f(f(f(x))) == x, f(f(x)) == x))
assume(Not(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x))
infer(rup, Not(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x))
infer(euf(Not(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x),
          f(f(x)) == x,
          cc(f(x) == f(f(f(x)))),
          cc(f(f(f(f(x)))) == f(f(x))),
          cc(f(f(f(f(f(x))))) == f(x)),
          cc(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == f(f(f(f(x)))))),
      Or(Not(f(f(x)) == x), f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x))
infer(rup, Not(f(f(x)) == x))
infer(rup, f(f(f(x))) == x)
infer(euf(Not(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x),
          f(f(f(x))) == x,
          cc(f(x) == f(f(f(f(x))))),
          cc(f(f(f(f(f(x))))) == f(f(x))),
          cc(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == f(f(f(x))))),
      f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x)
infer(rup, False)

F - new Z3 proof format (III)


(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(define-const $24 Int (f x))
(define-const $25 Int (f $24))
(define-const $26 Int (f $25))
(define-const $27 Bool (= $26 x))
(define-const $28 Bool (= $25 x))
(assume $27 $28)
(define-const $30 Int (f $26))
(define-const $31 Int (f $30))
(define-const $32 Int (f $31))
(define-const $33 Bool (= $32 x))
(assume (not $33))
(declare-fun rup () Proof)
(infer (not $33) rup)
(declare-fun euf (Bool Bool Proof Proof Proof Proof) Proof)
(declare-fun cc (Bool) Proof)
(define-const $42 Bool (= $32 $30))
(define-const $43 Proof (cc $42))
(define-const $40 Bool (= $31 $24))
(define-const $41 Proof (cc $40))
(define-const $38 Bool (= $30 $25))
(define-const $39 Proof (cc $38))
(define-const $36 Bool (= $24 $26))
(define-const $37 Proof (cc $36))
(define-const $34 Bool (not $33))
(define-const $44 Proof (euf $34 $28 $37 $39 $41 $43))
(infer (not $28) $33 $44)
(infer (not $28) rup)
(infer $27 rup)
(declare-fun euf (Bool Bool Proof Proof Proof) Proof)
(define-const $49 Bool (= $32 $26))
(define-const $50 Proof (cc $49))
(define-const $47 Bool (= $31 $25))
(define-const $48 Proof (cc $47))
(define-const $45 Bool (= $24 $30))
(define-const $46 Proof (cc $45))
(define-const $51 Proof (euf $34 $27 $46 $48 $50))
(infer $33 $51)
(infer rup)


The empty theory of first-order logic.

\[\begin{array}{ccc} \AxiomC{\mbox{}} \RightLabel{refl} \UnaryInfC{$s \simeq s$} \DisplayProof & \ \ & \AxiomC{$s \simeq t$} \AxiomC{$t \simeq u$} \RightLabel{trans} \BinaryInfC{$s \simeq u$} \DisplayProof \\[2em] \AxiomC{$t \simeq s$} \RightLabel{symm} \UnaryInfC{$s \simeq t$} \DisplayProof & & \AxiomC{$s_1 \simeq ts'_1, \ldots, ts_k \simeq ts'_k$} \RightLabel{cong} \UnaryInfC{$f(ts) \simeq f(ts')$} \DisplayProof \end{array} \]

EUF - Decision Procedure


EUF - Data-structures

  • E-Node:
    \[\begin{mdmathpre}%mdk \mdmathindent{2}\mathid{n}~:~&~\langle &~\mathid{f}:~&~\mathid{Func}~~&~\mbox{function symbol}\\ \mdmathindent{6}&~~~~~~&~\mathid{ts}:~&~\mathid{N}^*~&~\mbox{arguments}\\ \mdmathindent{6}&~~~~~~&~\mathid{find}:~&~\mathid{N}~~&~\mbox{link to representative}\\ \mdmathindent{6}&~~~~~~&~\mathid{P}:~~~~&~\mathid{N}^*~~~&~\mbox{list of parents}~~~~~~~~~~~~\\ \mdmathindent{6}&~~~~~~&~\mathid{cg}:~~~&~\mathid{N}~~~~&~\mbox{congruence representative}\\ \mdmathindent{6}&~~~~~~&~\mathid{j}:~~~~&~\mathid{null}~|~\mathid{Just}~\times \mathid{N}~&~\mbox{pointer to justification and node}\\ \mdmathindent{6}&~\rangle \end{mdmathpre}%mdk \]
  • Union-find: $find(n)$ - set $n \leftarrow n.\find$ until $n = n.\find$.
  • etable: $(n.f, find(n.ts)) \mapsto cg$

EUF - algorithm merge

merge($n_1, n_2$)

Roots:        n1 := find(n1), r2 := find(n2)
              assume (r1 != r2)
Erase:        for each p in r1.P such that == p:
                 erase from table        
Update root:  r1.find := r2
Justify:      ....
Insert:       for each p in r1.P:
        = insert p in etable
                 if == p:
                   append p to r2.P
                   add ( == p) to "to_merge" 

EUF - algorithm - unmerge

unmerge($r_1, r_2$):

Erase:        for each p in r2.P added from r1.P:
                 erase p from table 
Unjustify:    ....
Revert root:  r1.find := r1
Insert:       for each p in r1.P:
                 insert p if n was cc root before merge

condition for being cc root before merge: == p or !congruent(p,

congruent(p,q) := roots of p.ts = roots of q.ts

EUF - justifications (I)

A justification is a reason for merging two nodes. There are two possible reasons for merging nodes:

  1. A literal $\ell: s \simeq t$ is asserted. The justification is the literal $\ell$.
  2. Nodes are merged due to congruence closure.
\[\begin{mdmathpre}%mdk \mdmathindent{3}\mathid{Justification}~::=~\ell:~\mathid{s}~\simeq \mathid{t}~|~\mathid{cc}:~\mathid{f}(\mathid{ts})~\simeq \mathid{f}(\mathid{ts}') \end{mdmathpre}%mdk \]

NB: $cc: f(ts) \simeq f(ts')$ is justified recursively by justifying $ts \simeq ts'$.

EUF - justifications (II)

Invariant: Every non-root node points to a linked list of justifications leading to the root

NB The linked list does not follow direction of union-find.

\[\begin{mdmathpre}%mdk \mdmathindent{4}\mathid{r}_1~\leftarrow \mathid{find}(\mathid{n}_1)\\ \mdmathindent{4}\mathid{r}_2~\leftarrow \mathid{find}(\mathid{n}_2)\\ \mdmathindent{4}\mathid{r}_1.\find \leftarrow \mathid{r}_2\\ \mdmathindent{4}\mathid{old}~\mathid{justification}:~\mathid{n}_1~\stackrel{\mathid{j}_1}{\rightarrow}~\mathid{n}^1_1~\stackrel{\mathid{j}_2}{\rightarrow}~\mathid{n}^2_1~\cdots \stackrel{\mathid{j}_\mathid{m}}{\rightarrow}~\mathid{r}_1\\ \mdmathindent{4}\mathid{new}~\mathid{justification}:~\mathid{n}_1~\stackrel{\mathid{j}_1}{\leftarrow}~\mathid{n}^1_1~\stackrel{\mathid{j}_2}{\leftarrow}~\mathid{n}^2_1~\cdots \stackrel{\mathid{j}_\mathid{m}}{\leftarrow}~\mathid{r}_1\\ \mdmathindent{4}\mathid{add}~\mathid{justification}:~\mathid{n}_1~\stackrel{\mathid{j}}{\rightarrow}~\mathid{n}_2 \end{mdmathpre}%mdk \]

EUF - justifications (III)


EUF - justifications are not unique

  • Missed justifications:

    • If $\find(n_1) = \find(n_2)$ then merge is a no-op.
  • egg [13] keeps track of potential extra paths to find short proofs.

  • for SMT: data-structure overhead vs. amortized effect of backtracking?

EUF - from justifications to proofs

  • Suppose $\find(s) = \find(t)$ follows from
    • merge($s_1, t_1$), merge($s_2, t_2$),$\ldots$, merge($s_k, t_k$).
    • Proof of $s \simeq t$:
\[\begin{array}{ll} \proof(s \simeq t) & = \begin{array}{c} \AxiomC{$\proof(s \stackrel{j}{\rightarrow} \cdots a)$} \AxiomC{$\proof(t \stackrel{j'}{\rightarrow} \cdots a)$} \RightLabel{symm} \UnaryInfC{$a \simeq t$} \RightLabel{trans} \BinaryInfC{$s \simeq t$} \DisplayProof\\[2em] \mbox{$a$ is a least common $\rightarrow$ ancestor of $s, t$} \end{array} \end{array} \]

EUF - from justifications to proofs (II)

\[\begin{array}{ll} \proof(s \stackrel{j}{\rightarrow} t \stackrel{j'}{\rightarrow} \cdots u) & = \begin{array}{c} \AxiomC{$\proof(j, s \simeq t)$} \AxiomC{$\proof(t \stackrel{j'}{\rightarrow} \cdots u)$} \RightLabel{trans} \BinaryInfC{$s \simeq u$} \DisplayProof \end{array} \\[1.5em] \proof(s) & = \begin{array}{c} \AxiomC{\mbox{}} \RightLabel{refl} \UnaryInfC{$s \simeq s$} \DisplayProof \end{array} \\[1.5em] \proof(\ell : s \simeq t, s \simeq t) & = \ell \\[1.5em] \proof(\ell : t \simeq s, s \simeq t) & = \begin{array}{c} \AxiomC{$\ell$} \RightLabel{symm} \UnaryInfC{$s \simeq t$} \DisplayProof \end{array} \\[1.5em] \proof(cc: f(ts) \simeq f(ts'), f..) & = \begin{array}{c} \AxiomC{$\proof(ts_1 \simeq ts'_1), \ldots, \proof(ts_k \simeq ts'_k)$} \RightLabel{cong} \UnaryInfC{$f(ts) \simeq f(ts')$} \DisplayProof \end{array} \end{array} \]

EUF - coarse- or fine-grained proofs

  • Fine-grained proofs - pro/cons:

    • Proof checker is simple. Just needs to check proof rules.
    • Requires building proof terms.
    • $\proof$ produces proofs of size $O(n^2)$. Can be tuned to $O(n)$.
  • A coarse-grained proof object (N. Shankar chat @ FLoC):

    • Just list set of input literals $\ell$ and congruences $cc$ used.
    • Sort $cc$ starting from leaves in $\pi$ (z3 sorts on a global timestamp).
    • Proof checker: union-find + processing $cc$ into union-find.

EUF - Example

(set-option :sat.euf true)
(set-option :sat.smt.proof eufproof.smt2)
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-const x Int)
(assert (or (= (f (f (f x))) x) (= (f (f x)) x)))
(assert (not (= (f (f (f (f (f (f x)))))) x)))

EUF - Example (II)

assume(Or(f(f(f(x))) == x, f(f(x)) == x))
assume(Not(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x))
infer(rup, Not(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x))
infer(euf(Not(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x),
          f(f(x)) == x,
          cc(f(x) == f(f(f(x)))),
          cc(f(f(f(f(x)))) == f(f(x))),
          cc(f(f(f(f(f(x))))) == f(x)),
          cc(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == f(f(f(f(x)))))),
      Or(Not(f(f(x)) == x), f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x))
infer(rup, Not(f(f(x)) == x))
infer(rup, f(f(f(x))) == x)
infer(euf(Not(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x),
          f(f(f(x))) == x,
          cc(f(x) == f(f(f(f(x))))),
          cc(f(f(f(f(f(x))))) == f(f(x))),
          cc(f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == f(f(f(x))))),
      f(f(f(f(f(f(x)))))) == x)
infer(rup, False)

A - Arithmetic

A - Farkas and Dual Simplex

SMT solving based on Dual Simplex maintain a tableau of the form:

\[\begin{array}{ll} x_i = \sum_{x_j \in \nonbasicvars} a_{ij} x_j & x_i \in \basicvars \\ l_j \leq x_j \leq u_j & x_j \in \nonbasicvars \cup \basicvars \\ val : x_j \mapsto {\mathcal R} & \forall x_j \in \nonbasicvars \\ nval : x_i \mapsto \sum_{x_j \in \nonbasicvars} a_{ij} val(x_j) & \forall x_i \in \basicvars \end{array} \]

where $\basicvars$ are basic and $\nonbasicvars$ are non-basic variables.

A - Compiling into tableau

  x, y = Reals('x y')
  solve([x >= 0, Or(x + y <= 2, x + 2*y >= 6), 
                 Or(x + y >= 2, x + 2*y > 4)])

Introduce slacks to define terms

\[\begin{mdmathpre}%mdk \mdmathindent{2}\mathid{s}_1~=~\mathid{x}~+~\mathid{y},~\mathid{s}_2~=~\mathid{x}~+~2\mathid{y},~\mathid{s}_1,~\mathid{s}_2~\in \basicvars,~\mathid{x},~\mathid{y}~\in \nonbasicvars \end{mdmathpre}%mdk \]

Formula using slacks:

\[\begin{mdmathpre}%mdk \mdmathindent{2}\mathid{x}~\geq 0,~(\mathid{s}_1~\leq 2~\vee \mathid{s}_2~\geq 6),~(\mathid{s}_1~\geq 2~\vee \mathid{s}_2~>~4) \end{mdmathpre}%mdk \]

Only bounds (e.g., $s_1 \leq 2$) are asserted during search.

A - Infeasible Tableau

A tableau is infeasible if there is a row $x_i = \sum_{x_j \in \nonbasicvars} a_{ij} x_j$ such that

\[\begin{array}{lll} & a_{ij} < 0 \implies val(x_j) = l_j, & \forall x_j \\ & a_{ij} > 0 \implies val(x_j) = u_j, & \forall x_j \\ & nval(x_i) < l_i % \\ %or \\ % & a_{ij} > 0 \implies val(x_j) = l_j, & \forall x_j \\ % & a_{ij} < 0 \implies val(x_j) = u_j, & \forall x_j \\ % & nval(x_i) > u_i \end{array} \]

(We omit the symmetric case for upper bounds, $nval(x_i) > u_i$)

The explanation for infeasibility are the literals $l_j \leq x_j$ or $x_j \leq u_j$, respectively $l_i \leq x_i$ or $x_i \leq u_i$.

Slack variables are unfolded into their definitions.

The justification are the coefficients $a_{ij}$

A - Inferences

  • Dual simplex infeasibility

  • Bounds propagation

  • Equality propagation

  • Properties of div, mod, rem, to_int

  • Cuts

  • GCD tests

  • Non-linear arithmetic

    • NLSat
    • Incremental Linearization
    • Gröbner basis computation
    • Interval reasoning

A - Towards Generic Inferences

   (farkas c1 (<=? g1 g1') c2 (<=? g2 g2') ... cn (<=? gn gn'))
   (bound c1 (<=? g1 g1') c2 (<=? g2 g2') ... cn (<=? gn gn') (not (<= e1 e2)))
   (implied-eq c0 c1 (<=? g1 g1') c2 (<=? g2 g2') ... cn (<=? gn gn') (not (= e1 e2)))

where <=? is <=, <, > >=, =, and their negations; and $c_i$ are integer constants.

  • All inferences
    • Apply Gauss-Jordan elimination to equalities
    • Substitute result into remaining inequalities

A - Towards Generic Inferences - bounds

   (bound c1 (<=? g1 g1') (<=? g2 g2') ... (<=? gn gn') (not (<= e1 e2)))
  • Apply Cut to the first $n$ bounds.
  • Remaining inequalities are $ax \leq b$ and $\neg(a'x \leq b')$
  • Check $\exists k \geq 0. kax = a'x \land kb \leq b'$.

A - Towards Generic Inferences - implied equalities

   (implied-eq c0 c1 (<=? g1 g1') c2 (<=? g2 g2') ... cn (<=? gn gn') (not (= e1 e2)))


  • Linear combination of first c0 inequalities implies one side of equality.
  • Linear combination of remaining inequalities implies the other side.

Quantifiers and other theories

T - Skolem functions

Use Skolem functions, not fresh constants [18], when instantiating existentials

    (=> (forall ((x I)) (= (A i) (B i))) (= A B))

is instantiated as

   A = B or select(A, diff(A,B)) != select(B, diff(A, B))

Use Skolem functions to replace extended operators

(assert (contains a b))

Is rewritten into

(assert (= a (str.++ (contains.left a b) b (contains.right a b))))

T - Hilbert Choice

   (choose ((x T)) (p x))

Used in proof generating systems (veriT, SMTInterpol).

T - Quantifiers

  • Mainstream SMT solvers are (still) Instantiation Based


  • SMTLIB Google Group (Hoenicke, Reynolds, others active)

  • Some diversity in formats generated by provers and not clear the format from provers should/can be aligned.

S - Farkas with SMTInterpol


S - Farkas with Z3

   (farkas c1 (<=? g1 g1') c2 (<=? g2 g2') ... cn (<=? gn gn'))

where <=? is <=, <, > >=, =, and their negations; and $c_i$ are integer constants.

Define normalization function:

   ci * (>= gi gi')       ->  -ci * (<= gi gi')
   ci * (< gi gi')        ->   ci * (<= (+ 1 gi) gi')        if gi is Int
   ci * (> gi gi')        ->  -ci * (< gi gi')
   ci * (not (<= gi gi')) ->  -ci * (< gi gi')
   ci * (<= gi gi')       ->  -ci * (<= gi' gi)              if ci < 0

Let $I$ be indices of inequalities, $E$ equalities, $s := \sum_{i \in I} c_i(g_i - g_i')$ and reduce $s$ using the equalities $E$. Then $s$ is non-negative if $I$ contains a strict inequality, or negative if it only contains weak inequalities.

S - some impressions

  • Tradeoff between generic rules and simpler rules.

    • Shifts work between proof logger and proof checker
  • Unclear if added complexity of checking generic rules provides return on investment.

  • A proof checker could map to nucleus of SMTInterpol format before validating premises.

    • Each normalization step maps to a justification

Several Directions

  • Model transformers, dual to proofs

    • undo effect of model transformers for incrementality
  • Pre and in-processing proofs

    • proofs for global inferences
  • Sustainable proofs

    • proof/life balance

Several Directions (II)

  • Beyond the power of regular resolution

    • for EUF
    • for EPR
  • Proofs for

    • word-level bit-vectors
    • CP domains within CDCL(T) solvers
    • PB/Cardinality proofs for CDCL(T)
      • Specifically extract PB justification as coarse/fine-grained proofs


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