Nikolaj Bjørner
Microsoft Research |
SAT | SAT + Theories | |
Theories | Theories + Theories | |
Programmability |
SAT: Search Techniques
Theories: Solving Constraints over a theory
Theories + Theories: Integration of Theories
SAT + Theories: Integration of Theory Solvers with Search
Programmability: Programming Z3
Current pre-release, July 3
A parallel cube & conquer mode
binding support
SAT solver with XOR, Cardinality and PB theories
SAT solver in-processing (ATE, ALA, ACCE, HBCA)
Model preservation across search resumption
SPACER/Horn engine by Arie Gurfinkel
New ILP engine by Lev Nachmanson
from z3 import *
Tie, Shirt = Bools('Tie Shirt')
s = Solver()
s.add(Or(Tie, Shirt),
Or(Not(Tie), Shirt),
Or(Not(Tie), Not(Shirt)))
Z = IntSort()
f = Function('f', Z, Z)
x, y, z = Ints('x y z')
A = Array('A',Z,Z)
fml = Implies(x + 2 == y, f(Store(A, x, 3)[y - 2]) == f(y - x + 1))
(set-logic QF_LIA)
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
(assert (> (+ (mod x 4) (* 3 (div y 2))) (- x y)))
Python version:
solve((x % 4) + 3 * (y / 2) > x - y)
It is also possible to extract an SMT-LIB2 representation of a solver state.
from z3 import *
x, y = Ints('x y')
s = Solver()
s.add((x % 4) + 3 * (y / 2) > x - y)
produces the output
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun x () Int)
(assert (> (+ (mod x 4) (* 3 (div y 2))) (- x y)))
x = Int('x')
y = Int('y')
n = x + y >= 3
print("num args: ", n.num_args())
print("children: ", n.children())
print("1st child:", n.arg(0))
print("2nd child:", n.arg(1))
print("operator: ", n.decl())
print("op name: ", n.decl().name())
('num args: ', 2)
('children: ', [x + y, 3])
('1st child:', x + y)
('2nd child:', 3)
('operator: ', >=)
('op name: ', '>=')
solve(y == x + 1, ForAll([y], Implies(y <= 0, x < y)))
m, m1 = Array('m', Z, Z), Array('m1', Z, Z)
def memset(lo,hi,y,m):
return Lambda([x], If(And(lo <= x, x <= hi), y, Select(m, x)))
solve([m1 == memset(1, 700, z, m), Select(m1, 6) != z])
Q = Array('Q', Z, B)
prove(Implies(ForAll(Q, Implies(Select(Q, x), Select(Q, y))), x == y))
Mainstream SMT solver architecture based on co-processor architecture to CDCL.
S = DeclareSort('S')
f = Function('f', S, S)
x = Const('x', S)
solve(f(f(x)) == x, f(f(f(x))) == x)
solve(f(f(x)) == x, f(f(f(x))) == x, f(x) != x)
x, y = Reals('x y')
solve([x >= 0, Or(x + y <= 2, x + 2*y >= 6),
Or(x + y >= 2, x + 2*y > 4)])
def is_power_of_two(x):
return And(x != 0, 0 == (x & (x - 1)))
x = BitVec('x', 4)
prove(is_power_of_two(x) == Or([x == 2**i for i in range(4)]))
The absolute value of a variable can be obtained using addition and xor with a sign bit.
v = BitVec('v',32)
mask = v >> 31
prove(If(v > 0, v, -v) == (v + mask) ^ mask)
Tree = Datatype('Tree')
Tree.declare('Node', ('left', Tree), ('data', Z), ('right', Tree))
Tree = Tree.create()
t = Const('t', Tree)
solve(t != Tree.Empty)
may produce the solution
[t = Node(Empty, 0, Empty)]
Similarly, one can prove that a tree cannot be a part of itself.
prove(t != Tree.Node(t, 0, t))
Floating points are bit-vectors with an interpretation specified by the IEEE floating point standard.
from z3 import *
x = FP('x', FPSort(3, 4))
y = FP('y', FPSort(3, 4))
solve(10 * x == y, x != 0)
[y = -0.0, x = -0.0]
s, t, u = Strings('s t u')
prove(Implies(And(PrefixOf(s, t), SuffixOf(u, t),
Length(t) == Length(s) + Length(u)),
t == Concat(s, u)))
One can concatenate single elements to a sequence as units:
s, t = Consts('s t', SeqSort(IntSort()))
solve(Concat(s, Unit(IntVal(2))) == Concat(Unit(IntVal(1)), t))
prove(Concat(s, Unit(IntVal(2))) != Concat(Unit(IntVal(1)), s))
p, q, r = Bools('p q r')
s = Solver()
s.add(Implies(p, q))
Alternative to scopes, it is possible to check satisfiability under the assumption of a set of literals.
s.add(Implies(p, q))
p, q, r, v = Bools('p q r v')
s = Solver()
s.assert_and_track(q, p)
s.assert_and_track(r, v)
When s.check()
returns sat
Z3 can provide a model.
f = Function('f', Z, Z)
x, y = Ints('x y')
s.add(f(x) > y, f(f(y)) == y)
A possible model for s
[y = 0, x = 2, f = [0 -> 3, 3 -> 0, else -> 1]]
I would like to enumerate more than one model.
def block_model(s):
m = s.model()
s.add(Or([ f() != m[f] for f in m.decls() if f.arity() == 0]))
I am given a solver s
and set ps
of formulas.
that is satisfiable with s
def tt(s, f):
return is_true(s.model().eval(f))
def get_mss(s, ps):
if sat != s.check():
return []
mss = { q for q in ps if tt(s, q) }
return get_mss(s, mss, ps)
def get_mss(s, mss, ps):
ps = ps - mss
backbones = set([])
while len(ps) > 0:
p = ps.pop()
if sat == s.check(mss | backbones | { p }):
mss = mss | { p } | { q for q in ps if tt(s, q) }
ps = ps - mss
backbones = backbones | { Not(p) }
return mss
I am given a solver s
and set ps
of formulas.
Enumerate all unsatisfiable subsets of ps
Enumerate all maximal satisfiable subsets of ps
use a map
solver to enumerate substs of ps
neither contain a core
nore is contained is a satisfiable subset
Given a core
Given a satisfiable subset
that are not in subset
def ff(s, p):
return is_false(s.model().eval(p))
def marco(s, ps):
map = Solver()
while map.check() == sat:
seed = {p for p in ps if not ff(map, p)}
if s.check(seed) == sat:
mss = get_mss(s, seed, ps)
map.add(Or(ps - mss))
yield "MSS", mss
mus = s.unsat_core()
yield "MUS", mus
I am given solvers A
and B
is unsat
, B
share propositional atoms xs
Compute reverse interpolant I
Implies(B, I)
Implies(A, Not(I))
def mk_lit(m, x):
if is_true(m.eval(x)):
return x
return Not(x)
def pogo(A, B, xs):
while sat == A.check():
m = A.model()
L = [mk_lit(m, x) for x in xs]
if unsat == B.check(L):
notL = Not(And(B.unsat_core()))
yield notL
print("expecting unsat")
A = SolverFor("QF_FD")
B = SolverFor("QF_FD")
a1, a2, b1, b2, x1, x2 = Bools('a1 a2 b1 b2 x1 x2')
A.add(a1 == x1, a2 != a1, a2 != x2)
B.add(b1 == x1, b2 != b1, b2 == x2)
print(list(pogo(A, B, [x1, x2])))
[Not(And(Not(x2), Not(x1))), Not(And(x2, x1))]
from z3 import *
s = SolverFor("QF_FD")
Color, (red, green, blue) = EnumSort('Color', ['red','green','blue'])
clr = Const('clr', Color)
u, v = BitVecs('u v', 32)
s.add(u >= v,
If(v > u + 1, clr != red, clr != green),
clr == green,
AtLeast(u + v <= 3, v <= 20, u <= 10, 2))
is satisfiable, and a possible model is:
[v = 4, u = 2147483647, clr = green]
p, q, r, u = Bools('p q r u')
solve(AtMost(p, q, r, 1), u,
Implies(u, AtLeast(And(p, r), Or(p, q), r, 2)))
Literal selection: Which choice to make?
Phase selection: Which direction to make the choice?
Cube and Conquer arguably a main development in scaling SAT.
What do SMT solvers do?
Fix subset of variables, such that reduced problem is easy (polynomial).
Lots in MIP community for branch and bound [1]
Most fractional branch on with current solution furthest away from integral
Progress towards optimal:
branch on variable with smallest current domain.
branch on variable with smallest ratio of constraint occurrences to domain size.
Not much I know of in SMT, mostly piggyback on VSIDS (+ new friends), Lookahead or “steal” from MIP.
Yices, MathSAT - model-based branching:
Candidate model
Strings [3] - Theory-aware branching.
s = SolverFor("QF_FD")
s.set("sat.restart.max", 100)
def cube_and_conquer(s):
for cube in s.cube():
if len(cube) == 0:
return unknown
if is_true(cube[0]):
return sat
is_sat = s.check(cube):
if is_sat == unknown:
s1 = s.translate(s.ctx)
is_sat = cube_and_conquer(s1)
if is_sat != unsat:
return is_sat
return unsat
Arithmetic is everywhere
Cyber-physical systems, DNNs, axiomatic economy.
(set-logic QF_IDL) ; optional in Z3
(declare-fun t11 () Int)
(declare-fun t12 () Int)
(declare-fun t21 () Int)
(declare-fun t22 () Int)
(declare-fun t31 () Int)
(declare-fun t32 () Int)
(assert (and (>= t11 0) (>= t12 (+ t11 2)) (<= (+ t12 1) 8)))
(assert (and (>= t21 0) (>= t22 (+ t21 3)) (<= (+ t22 1) 8)))
(assert (and (>= t31 0) (>= t32 (+ t31 2)) (<= (+ t32 3) 8)))
(assert (or (>= t11 (+ t21 3)) (>= t21 (+ t11 2))))
(assert (or (>= t11 (+ t31 2)) (>= t31 (+ t11 2))))
(assert (or (>= t21 (+ t31 2)) (>= t31 (+ t21 3))))
(assert (or (>= t12 (+ t22 1)) (>= t22 (+ t12 1))))
(assert (or (>= t12 (+ t32 3)) (>= t32 (+ t12 1))))
(assert (or (>= t22 (+ t32 3)) (>= t32 (+ t22 1))))
(get-model) ; display the model
Logic | Fragment | Solver | Example |
LRA | Linear Real Arithmetic | Dual Simplex | |
LIA | Linear Integer Arithmetic | CutSat | |
LIRA | Mixed Real/Integer | Cuts + Branch | |
IDL | Integer Difference Logic | Floyd-Warshall | |
RDL | Real Difference Logic | Bellman-Ford | |
UTVPI | Unit two-variable per inequality | ||
NRA | Polynomial Real Arithmetic | Model based CAD | |
Hilbert's 10th.
Cardinality and Pseudo-Boolean theories (2-3 other talks here)
Modular arithmetic (linear, LIAMC and non-linear with Groebner)
Bi-linear real arithmetic
Non-unit two-variable per inequality
At most one (unit) positive variable per inequality (Horn) .
What is the non-unit complexity?
max-atom: . In NP co-NP, local strategy/policy iteration [4, 10, 15, 20, 21]
Knapsack theories: all variables with positive coefficients,
except for one inequality where all variables have negative coefficients.
(set-logic QF_IDL) ; optional in Z3
(declare-fun t11 () Int)
(declare-fun t12 () Int)
(declare-fun t21 () Int)
(declare-fun t22 () Int)
(declare-fun t31 () Int)
(declare-fun t32 () Int)
(assert (and (>= t11 0) ...))
(assert (and (>= t21 0) ...))
(assert (and (>= t31 0) (>= t32 (+ t31 2)) (<= (+ t32 3) 8)))
(assert (or ... (>= t21 (+ t11 2))))
(assert (or (>= t21 (+ t31 2)) ...))
(get-model) ; display the model
Solve difference logic using graph Bellman-Ford network flow algorithm. Negative cycle unsat.
General form and
Only bounds (e.g., ) are asserted during search.
- are basic (dependent)
- are non-basic
- are basic (dependent)
- are non-basic
Initial values:
Bounds :
, make non-basic.
- are basic (dependent)
- are non-basic
Proposition: If has a solution over the reals, then
has an integer solution obtained by rounding.
Example: Given
Solve instead
Real solution . Then is an integer solution.
Observation: One can often avoid strengthening inequalities.
bounds on variables .
differences between variables need not be strengthened to .
octagon inequalities can be strengthened to , or solutions can be patched.
unit horn inequalities
Constraints: .
Assume is square and a tight non-integral solution .
Find Hermite , unimodular , s.t. .
Then is not integral either.
Branch on some non-integral : .
ReLu [22]:
SHERLOCK [13]: Help Gurobi (MIP) solver using local search.
Lipschitz bounded functions [24]:
An opportunity to revisit SMT and global optimization?
Goal is to find minimal such that:
Policy Initially replaces by (arbitrary choice).
Solve the resulting unit-Horn system with solution .
Evaluate each subterm wrt. to check if it preserves .
Repeat For each , if ,
but , then update .
In practice, we need a combination of theories.
A theory is a set (potentially infinite) of first-order sentences.
Main questions: Is the union of two theories consistent? Given a solvers for and , how can we build a solver for ?
Is there an effective over shared signature, that when embeddable into implies is consistent?
Foundations | Efficiency using rewriting | ||
1979 | Nelson & Oppen - Framework | 1984 | Shostak Theory |
1996 | Tinelli et al: N.O Fix | 1996 | Cyrluk et al: Shostak fix 1 |
2000 | Barrett et al: N.O + Rewriting | 1998 | B: Shostak + Constraints |
2002 | Zarba & Manna: “Nice” theories | 2001 | Rues & Shankar: Shostak fix 2 |
2004 | Ghilardi: N.O. as Amalgamation | 2004 | Ranise et al: N.O. + Superposition |
GRASP, Chaff: efficient backjumping | |||
2006 | Bruttomesso et al: Delayed Theory Combination | ||
2007 | de Moura & B: Model-based Theory Combination | ||
2013 | Jovanovich: overlapping, polite, shiny theories | ||
Two theories are disjoint if they do not share function/constant and predicate symbols. is the only exception.
The theories of arithmetic and arrays are disjoint.
Arithmetic symbols: .
Array symbols:
A theory is stably infinite if every satisfiable QFF is satisfiable in an infinite model.
EUF and arithmetic are stably infinite.
Bit-vectors are not
The union of two consistent, disjoint, stably infinite theories is consistent.
Ingredient: establish homomorphism from theory to , such that consistency of is reduced to consistency of .
Local Theory Extensions, Bridge Functions, Surjective Homomorphisms
[25], [14], [28], [27], [7], [2]
Let and be consistent, stably infinite theories over disjoint (countable) signatures. Assume satisfiability of conjunction of literals can be decided in and time respectively. Then
The combined theory is consistent and stably infinite.
Satisfiability of quantifier free conjunction of literals can be decided in .
If and are convex, then so is and satisfiability in is in .
A theory is convex iff:
Every convex theory with non trivial models is stably infinite.
Horn equational theories are convex.
Integer arithmetic is not convex.
Real non-linear arithmetic
EUF is convex
IDL is non-convex
is NP-complete
Theory Combination in Z3:
Core Theories = Arithmetic + EUF + SAT
Bit-vectors, Finite domains = SAT
Other theories reduced to Core Theories
Filtering rules on when shared variables matter.
are shared, but
occurs only in
occurs only in
We don't care if or .
Propagate all implied equalities.
Deterministic Nelson-Oppen.
Complete only for convex theories.
It may be expensive for some theories.
Delayed Theory Combination.
Deterministic Nelson-Oppen.
Create set of interface equalities between shared variables.
Use SAT solver to guess the partition.
Disadvantage: the number of additional equalities is quadratic in the number of shared variables.
Common to these methods is that they are pessimistic about which equalities are propagated.
Model-based Theory Combination:
Optimistic approach.
Use a candidate model for one of the theories and propagate all equalities implied by the candidate model hedging that other theories will agree.
If not, use backtracking on choices to fix the model.
It is cheaper to enumerate equalities that are implied in a particular model than of all models.